97 research outputs found

    Preliminary Characterization of a Functional Jam from Red Chicory By-Product

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    Background: The by-products of red chicory leaves are a valuable source of bioactive compounds that can be exploited in the development of functional foods. Objective: This work aimed to combine healthy properties of red chicory by-products with other ingredients in the formulation of a functional jam, which is easy and safe to swallow, especially for people suffering from dysphagia. Methods: The physicochemical parameters, as well as the total polyphenols content (TPC), was assessed in the obtained product. Results: The TPC (549.44 mg GAE/100 g) was higher than the values reported in other jams, and it remained stable along with the colour during six weeks of storage. Within the carbohydrates, 0.4% of the prebiotic fibre inulin has been detected, suggestingthat this jam formulation is a promising delivery system of phenols and fibre. From the sensorial point of view, the functional jam obtained an overall good acceptability judgment.The bitterness of the red chicory is persistent, which helps people with dysphagia swallow more easily. Conclusion: The functional jam, based on chicory by-products, could be a good source of bioactive compounds, which are helpful even in the disabled subjects’ diet

    Predicted Shelf-Life, Thermodynamic Study and Antioxidant Capacity of Breadsticks Fortified with Grape Pomace Powders

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    Grape pomace (GP), is the main winemaking by-product and could represent a valuable functional food ingredient being a source of bioactive compounds, like polyphenols. Polyphenols prevent many non-communicable diseases and could contrast the oxidation reaction in foods. However, the high content in polyunsaturated fatty acid, the described pro-oxidant potential action of some polyphenols and the complex interactions with other components of matrices during food processing must be considered. Indeed, all these factors could promote oxidative reactions and require focused and specific assay. The aims of this study were to evaluate the effects of GP powder (GPP) addition (at 0%, 5% and 10% concentrations) in breadsticks formulations both on the antioxidant activity at room temperature during storage and on the shelf-life by the OXITEST predictive approach. GPP fortification increased the total polyphenols content and the antioxidant activities of breadsticks. FRAP reduced during the first two days of storage at room temperature, TPC increased during the 75 days, while ABTS showed a slight progressive decrease. However, GP negatively influenced OXITEST estimated shelf-life of breadsticks, incrementing the oxidation rate. In conclusion, even if GP fortification of breadsticks could improve the nutritional value of the products, the increased commercial perishability represents a drawback that must be considered

    Durum Wheat Fresh Pasta Fortification with Trub, a Beer Industry By-Product

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    Trub is a brewing by-product rich in proteins and fibers. We used trub, after a debittering step, at 5, 10, and 15 g/100 g (PT5, PT10, and PT15, respectively) to fortify durum wheat fresh pasta. Technological and physical-chemical properties, in vitro digestibility, and sensorial characteristics of fortified pasta were determined. The technological aspects of the products were peculiar, suggesting the existence of complex interactions between the gluten network and starch with debittered trub powder. The fortified pasta samples showed a lower glucose release than the control at the end of in vitro starch hydrolysis. Furthermore, in vitro protein digestion rose only in PT15. PT5 and PT10 samples overcame the sensory acceptability threshold of 5, while PT15 showed the lowest acceptability. Debittered trub represents a suitable ingredient in fortified fresh pasta formulation with an up to 10% substitution level without compromising the quality and sensory characteristics of the final product

    Effect of Moringa oleifera L. Leaf Powder Addition on the Phenolic Bioaccessibility and on In Vitro Starch Digestibility of Durum Wheat Fresh Pasta

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    Fresh pasta was formulated by replacing wheat semolina with 0, 5, 10, and 15 g/100 g (w/w) of Moringa oleifera L. leaf powder (MOLP). The samples (i.e., M0, M5, M10, and M15 as a function of the substitution level) were cooked by boiling. The changes in the phenolic bioaccessibility and the in vitro starch digestibility were considered. On the cooked-to-optimum samples, by means of ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography-quadrupole time-of-flight (UHPLC-QTOF) mass spectrometry, 152 polyphenols were putatively annotated with the greatest content recorded for M15 pasta, being 2.19 mg/g dry matter (p < 0.05). Multivariate statistics showed that stigmastanol ferulate (VIP score = 1.22) followed by isomeric forms of kaempferol (VIP scores = 1.19) and other phenolic acids (i.e., schottenol/sitosterol ferulate and 24-methylcholestanol ferulate) were the most affected compounds through the in vitro static digestion process. The inclusion of different levels of MOLP in the recipe increased the slowly digestible starch fractions and decreased the rapidly digestible starch fractions and the starch hydrolysis index of the cooked-to-optimum samples. The present results showed that MOLP could be considered a promising ingredient in fresh pasta formulation

    Breadstick fortification with red grape pomace: effect on nutritional, technological and sensory properties

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    BACKGROUND: Grape pomace (GP), a wine-making by-product rich in dietary fiber (DF) and total phenolic compounds (TPC), is a potential functional ingredient in the fortification of baked goods. RESULTS: In the present study, fortified breadsticks samples were obtained by replacing wheat flour with 0, 5 and 10 g 100 g−1 of powdered GP (GPP). The GPP inclusion affected the rheological properties of the doughs by increasing the water absorption and tenacity (P) at the same time as reducing the extensibility (L), with a significant increase in the P/L value and a decrease in the swelling index (G) value and deformation energy (W). Textural characteristics of breadsticks were influenced by the GPP addition, showing a reduction in hardness and fracturability as the amount of GPP increased in the recipe. The GPP fortified breadsticks exhibited decreased pH, volume and specific volume values compared to the control. The TPC and the antioxidant capacity increased in GPP fortified breadsticks, whereas the increased amount of DF allowed the products to benefit from the claim ‘high fiber content’ at the highest level of GPP inclusion. The sensory evaluation revealed that GPP addition increased wine odor, acidity, bitterness, astringency and hardness, and decreased the regularity of alveolation and friability. Finally, the GPP fortified products achieved good sensorial acceptability. CONCLUSION: GPP improved the nutritional values of fortified breadsticks and changed the rheology of dough and breadsticks' technological properties without affecting sensory acceptability

    Effect of Moringa oleifera L. Leaf Powder Addition on the Phenolic Bioaccessibility and on In Vitro Starch Digestibility of Durum Wheat Fresh Pasta

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    Fresh pasta was formulated by replacing wheat semolina with 0, 5, 10, and 15 g/100 g (w/w) of Moringa oleifera L. leaf powder (MOLP). The samples (i.e., M0, M5, M10, and M15 as a function of the substitution level) were cooked by boiling. The changes in the phenolic bioaccessibility and the in vitro starch digestibility were considered. On the cooked-to-optimum samples, by means of ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography-quadrupole time-of-flight (UHPLC-QTOF) mass spectrometry, 152 polyphenols were putatively annotated with the greatest content recorded for M15 pasta, being 2.19 mg/g dry matter (p < 0.05). Multivariate statistics showed that stigmastanol ferulate (VIP score = 1.22) followed by isomeric forms of kaempferol (VIP scores = 1.19) and other phenolic acids (i.e., schottenol/sitosterol ferulate and 24-methylcholestanol ferulate) were the most affected compounds through the in vitro static digestion process. The inclusion of different levels of MOLP in the recipe increased the slowly digestible starch fractions and decreased the rapidly digestible starch fractions and the starch hydrolysis index of the cooked-to-optimum samples. The present results showed that MOLP could be considered a promising ingredient in fresh pasta formulation

    Wheat Bread Fortification by Grape Pomace Powder: Nutritional, Technological, Antioxidant, and Sensory Properties.

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    Grape pomace powder (GPP), a by-product from the winemaking process, was used to substitute flour for wheat bread fortification within 0, 5, and 10 g/100 g. Rheological properties of control and fortified doughs, along with physicochemical and nutritional characteristics, antioxidant activity, and the sensory analysis of the obtained bread were considered. The GPP addition influenced the doughs' rheological properties by generating more tenacious and less extensible products. Concerning bread, pH values and volume of fortified products decreased as the GPP inclusion level increased in the recipe. Total phenolic compounds and the antioxidant capacity of bread samples, evaluated by FRAP (ferric reducing ability of plasma) and ABTS (2,2'-azino-bis (3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid)) assays, increased with GPP addition. Moreover, the GPP inclusion level raised the total dietary fiber content of bread. Regarding sensory evaluation, GPP fortification had a major impact on the acidity, the global flavor, the astringency, and the wine smell of bread samples without affecting the overall bread acceptability. The current results suggest that GPP could be an attractive ingredient used to obtain fortified bread, as it is a source of fiber and polyphenols with potentially positive effects on human health

    Impact of Grape Pomace Powder on the Phenolic Bioaccessibility and on In Vitro Starch Digestibility of Wheat Based Bread

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    Breads were prepared by substituting common wheat flour with 0 (GP0), 5 (GP5) and 10 (GP10) g/100 g (w/w) of grape pomace powder (GPP) and were analyzed for the phenolic profile bioaccessibility as well as the in vitro starch digestion during simulated digestion. The free and bound phenolic composition of native GPP and resulting breads were profiled using ultrahigh- performance chromatography-quadrupole-time-of-flight (UHPLC-QTOF). The raw GPP was characterized by 190 polyphenols with the anthocyanins representing the most abundant class, accounting for 11.60 mg/g of cyanidin equivalents. Regarding the fortified bread, the greatest (p < 0.05) content in phenolic compounds was recorded for the GP10 sample (considering both bound and free fractions) being 127.76 mg/100 g dry matter (DM), followed by the GP5 (106.96 mg/100 g DM), and GP0 (63.76 mg/100 g DM). The use of GPP determined an increase of anthocyanins (considered the markers of the GPP inclusion), recording 20.98 mg/100 g DM in GP5 and 35.82 mg/100 g DM in GP10. The bioaccessibility of anthocyanins increased in both GP5 and GP10 breads when moving from the gastric to the small intestine in vitro digestion phase with an average value of 24%. Both the starch hydrolysis and the predicted glycemic index decreased with the progressive inclusion of GPP in bread. Present findings showed that GPP in bread could promote an antioxidant environment in the digestive tract and influence the in vitro starch digestion

    New Features in EXPO2007, a Program for Crystal Structure Resolution from Powder Data

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    New approaches have been introduced in the EXPO2007 program aiming at making easier and straightforward the ab initio crystal structure solution from powder diffraction data. Improvements in space group determination, powder pattern decomposition, least squares Fourier recycling, interpretation of the electron density map have been developed. To manage organic crystal structures a new strategy in direct-space, combining Direct Methods and Simulated Annealing approaches, has been implemented

    Tunable FDM 3D printing of flexible poly(butylene adipate terephthalate)-based biocomposite filaments

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    Poly(butylene adipate-co-terephthalate), PBAT, is a synthetic and 100% biodegradable polymer based on fossil resources, with high elongation at break and high flexibility. These properties are comparable to lowdensity polyethylene, making PBAT a very promising biodegradable material that could replace it in some industrial applications. However, its lower mechanical properties have limited its application range. The reinforcement of PBAT with rigid filler, such as zein-TiO2 (ZTC) complex microparticles, has the purpose to expand its application fields, from the food and agricultural packaging to healthcare sector. The 3D printability of bio-based composites was demonstrated by realizing complex structures with a commercial FDM printer
