645 research outputs found

    Moyens d' apprendre à compter sûrement et avec facilité, nouvelle édition, 1854

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    Esta cópia digital encontra-se disponível no link: http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k5828975s.texteImag

    Informe y proyecto de decreto sobre la organización general de la instrucción pública. Edición, introducción y notas de Olegario Negrín Fajardo. Traducción de Brigitte Leguen. Madrid, Centro de Estudios Ramón Areces, 1990.

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    A pesar de las recientes celebraciones, aún estamos muy lejos de conocer con la profundidad requerida la entidad de la obra realizada por la Revolución Francesa en diversos ámbitos. Por lo que se refiere a la pedagogía, se ha hablado mucho de los informes educativos y de la preocupación pedagógica revolucionaria, pero casi siempre se trabaja con fuentes de segunda mano o, en el mejor de los casos, con ediciones en lenguas extranjeras, por no existir versiones actualizadas en castellano. Sería deseable que se pudiera conocer y manejar en nuestra lengua el conjunto de los informes pedagógicos que se elaboraron durante todo el período revolucionario, como única manera de poder valorar en su globalidad la obra pedagógica de la Revolución Francesa. Por las razones expuestas, la versión del Informe de Condorcet aparece en un momento oportuno como colofón a los actos conmemorativos de la Revolución Francesa. El Informe sobre la organización general de la instrucción pública, elaborado por una comisión presidida por el marqués de Condorcet y presentada a la Asamblea Nacional de la Revolución francesa el 20 y 21 de abril de 1792, puede ser considerado como una de las bases normativas fundamentales de los sistemas educativos contemporáneos, que ha venido inspirando hasta nuestros días la política y la legislación internacional

    Essai sur l'application de l'analyse à la probabilité des décisions, rendues à la pluralité des voix / |c par M. le Marquis de Condorcet...

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    En cabecera del texto, grab. que representa diferentes instrumentos científicosPasta[ ]1, a-z4, aa4, A-Z4, Aa-Pp

    Social Choice Scoring Functions

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    O znaczeniu słowa „rewolucyjny”

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    Tłumaczenie tekstu: Przekład został oparty na: J.A.N. de Condorcet, Sur le sens du mot „révolutionaire”, w: Oeuvres de Condorcet, t. 12, Paryż 1847, s. 615–624 (źródło: gallica.com)

    How common standards can diminish collective intelligence: a computational study

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    Making good decisions depends on having accurate information – quickly, and in a form in which it can be readily communicated and acted upon. Two features of medical practice can help: deliberation in groups and the use of scores and grades in evaluation. We study the contributions of these features using a multi-agent computer simulation of groups of physicians. One might expect individual differences in members’ grading standards to reduce the capacity of the group to discover the facts on which well-informed decisions depend. Observations of the simulated groups suggest on the contrary that this kind of diversity can in fact be conducive to epistemic performance. Sometimes, it is adopting common standards that may be expected to result in poor decisions

    Integrating evidence, politics and society: a methodology for the science–policy interface

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    There is currently intense debate over expertise, evidence and ‘post-truth’ politics, and how this is influencing policy formulation and implementation. In this article, we put forward a methodology for evidence-based policy making intended as a way of helping navigate this web of complexity. Starting from the premise of why it is so crucial that policies to meet major global challenges use scientific evidence, we discuss the socio-political difficulties and complexities that hinder this process. We discuss the necessity of embracing a broader view of what constitutes evidence—science and the evaluation of scientific evidence cannot be divorced from the political, cultural and social debate that inevitably and justifiably surrounds these major issues. As a pre-requisite for effective policy making, we propose a methodology that fully integrates scientific investigation with political debate and social discourse. We describe a rigorous process of mapping, analysis, visualisation and sharing of evidence, constructed from integrating science and social science data. This would then be followed by transparent evidence evaluation, combining independent assessment to test the validity and completeness of the evidence with deliberation to discover how the evidence is perceived, misunderstood or ignored. We outline the opportunities and the problems derived from the use of digital communications, including social media, in this methodology, and emphasise the power of creative and innovative evidence visualisation and sharing in shaping policy

    Compendio de la obra inglesa intitulada Riqueza de las naciones

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    Copia digital. Madrid : Ministerio de Cultura. Subdirección General de Coordinación Bibliotecaria, 200

    Epistemic aspects of representative government

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    The Federalist, justifying the Electoral College to elect the president, claimed that a small group of more informed individuals would make a better decision than the general mass. But the Condorcet Jury Theorem tells us that the more independent, better-than-random voters there are, the more likely it will be that the majority among them will be correct. The question thus arises as to how much better, on average, members of the smaller group would have to be to compensate for the epistemic costs of making decisions on the basis of that many fewer votes. This question is explored in the contexts of referendum democracy, delegate-style representative democracy, and trustee-style representative democracy