19 research outputs found
O vermelho e o negro: um experimento para pensar o ritual
- Author
- Publication venue
- Publication date
- Field of study
Social Bonding and Nurture Kinship: Compatibility between Cultural and Biological Approaches
- Author
- A Cockburn
- A Fuentes
- A Grafen
- A Grafen
- A I Richards
- A L Clarke
- A L Kroeber
- A Mathias
- A Paul
- A Pusey
- A R Blaustein
- A R Blaustein
- A R Radcliffe-Brown
- A Romeyer
- A Romeyer
- A Schrauwers
- A T C Feistner
- A Vilaca
- A Widdig
- A Widdig
- Adam Kuper
- Adrienne L Zihlman
- Agustin Fuentes
- Alan Grafen
- Andreas Paul
- Andrew Strathern
- Anna Meigs
- Anne E Pusey
- B B Smuts
- B Chapais
- B Gutmann
- B Hewlett
- B Malinowski
- B Waldman
- Barbara Bodenhorn
- Barbera Fruth
- Bertha Phillpotts
- Brenda Geiger
- Bronislaw Malinowski
- Bryan S Turner
- C A Carreno
- C D Batson
- C Geertz
- C L Hull
- C P Doncaster
- C R Gabor
- C R Ruiz-Miranda
- C Zahn-Waxler
- Carol R Ember
- Charles Darwin
- Charles J Lumsden
- Charles Stafford
- Clutton Brock
- Clutton Brock
- Curt D Busse
- D Barbosa
- D C Queller
- D Haig
- D Maybury-Lewis
- D O Ribble
- D S Wilson
- D Schneider
- D&apos
- Dan Rubenstein
- David J Gubernick
- David Schneider
- David Schneider
- David W Macdonald
- Diana Davis
- Donald Symons
- E B Hanggi
- E B Tylor
- E D Lowe
- E E Evans-Pritchard
- E J Pader
- E K Bollinger
- E Kapsalis
- E L Charnov
- E M Daly
- E M Erhart
- E Paradis
- E S Hartland
- E Sober
- Edward Wilson
- Edward Z Tronick
- Eibl-Eibesfeld
- Ernest Crawley
- F D Tai
- F Marlowe
- Friedrich Engels
- G H Orians
- G Heth
- G J Broude
- G J Gamboa
- G Macgregor
- Gary Witherspoon
- Georg Simmel
- George C Price
- George C Williams
- George Murdock
- Gottfried Hohmann
- H Barry
- H F Harlow
- H Hernandez
- H O Sigling
- H R Schaffer
- Hans Temrin
- Harold W Scheffler
- Harold W Scheffler
- Helen Lambert
- Henrietta L Moore
- Henry S Maine
- I S Bernstein
- I S Bernstein
- Isaac Schapera
- Ivan A Brady
- J A Barnes
- J A Byers
- J A Kurland
- J A Kurland
- J Altmann
- J B S Haldane
- J B S Haldane
- J B Silk
- J B Silk
- J B Watson
- J Bowlby
- J Carsten
- J Carsten
- J D Korchmaros
- J F Hare
- J F Hare
- J H Crook
- J M J Travis
- J M Stookey
- J Moore
- J O Wolff
- J Pitt-Rivers
- J R Kurland
- J Topal
- J W Bradbury
- J W Lawson
- J Walters
- J Yamagiwa
- Jack Goody
- James J Mckenna
- Jane Collier
- Janet Carsten
- Jay Belsky
- Joanna Overing
- John Bowlby
- John Hartung
- John Terrell
- John Tooby
- Julie C Rothbard
- K A Houpt
- K B Carnelley
- K Hawkes
- K Hawkes
- K Johst
- K Summers
- Karyl B Swartz
- Kathey-Lee Galvin
- Kathleen Gough
- L A Hirschfeld
- L A Isbell
- L F Keller
- L H Morgan
- L L Langness
- L Rival
- L Stone
- L X Sun
- Ladislav Holy
- Lancaster
- Laura L Betzig
- Laura Zimmer-Tamakoshi
- Lee Guemple
- Lewis Morgan
- Linda M Fedigan
- M A Mcpeek
- M Ainsworth
- M Bekoff
- M Boots
- M D Ainsworth
- M Daly
- M E Hauber
- M Easterbrooks
- M Ember
- M Flinn
- M Freedman
- M Heino
- M I D Janzen
- M Jackel
- M L Johnson
- M Mead
- M Pagel
- M Sahlins
- Mac Marshall
- Marcel Mauss
- Margaret Mead
- Marilyn Strathern
- Mark Nuttall
- Mark R D Flinn
- Mark Ridley
- Marshall Sahlins
- Mary Bouquet
- Mary Weismantel
- Matin Daly
- Maurice Bloch
- Maximilian Piers Holland
- Maynard Smith
- Maynard Smith
- Michael Carrithers
- Michael E Lamb
- Michael Young
- Monica Janowski
- N Nicolson
- N Osawa
- N Perrin
- Napoleon A Chagnon
- Nichole L Sault
- Nikko Tinbergen
- P Crnokrak
- P J Jarman
- P J Richardson
- P Jay
- P M Kappeler
- P S Kitcher
- P Valsecchi
- P W Sherman
- Pasternak
- Paul W Sherman
- Penelope J Greene
- Peter G Hepper
- Peter Gow
- Peter P Schweitzer
- Philip Thomas
- Phyllis Dolhinow
- R A Palombit
- R Blatrix
- R C Lacy
- R C Lacy
- R D Alexander
- R E Michod
- R F Guerra
- R Fox
- R H Macarthur
- R H Porter
- R H Porter
- R J Stuart
- R Thornhill
- R W Firth
- Raymond Firth
- Richard D Alexander
- Richard Dawkins
- Richard Feinberg
- Richard W Wrangham
- Richard Wrangham
- Roberson Smith
- Robert H Lowie
- Robert L Trivers
- Robert Mckinley
- Robert Parkin
- Robert S Weiss
- Robert Storrie
- Rodney Needham
- Ronald A Fisher
- Rufus A Johnstone
- S A Altmann
- S B Hrdy
- S B Hrdy
- S Belichon
- S C Alberts
- S C Alberts
- S C Stearns
- S C Walls
- S C Walls
- S D Preston
- S D Viegas
- S Emlen
- S G Gonzalez
- S J Gould
- S Wright
- Sally Slocum
- Salvatore Cucchiari
- Sandy J Andelman
- Sarah Gouzoules
- Sewall Wright
- Sherrie L Lyons
- Sherwood Washburn
- Stella Marsden
- Steve Pinker
- Steven A Frank
- Steven J C Gaulin
- Steven M Parish
- Susan P Montague
- Sylvia Yanagisako
- T Clutton-Brock
- T Nishida
- Thomas Huxley
- Tim Ingold
- Todd R Disotell
- U Motro
- U Reichard
- V B Wigglesworth
- V Mekoshrosenbaum
- Van Gennep
- W C H Green
- W C Hartwig
- W C Mcgrew
- W D Hamilton
- W G Holmes
- W G Holmes
- W G Holmes
- Ward H Goodenough
- Warren G Holmes
- William D Hamilton
- William D Hamilton
- William H Berman
- William Irons
- X Lambin
- Y Sugiyama
- Yehudi A Cohen
- Z T Halpin
- Z Tang-Martinez
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2004
- Field of study
Man in Adaptation The Cultural Present
- Author
- Publication venue
- Aldin Publishing Company / Chicgo
- Publication date
- 01/01/1968
- Field of study
xii, 433 hal.; ilust.: 24 cm, Inde
- Author
- Publication venue
- Publication date
- 01/01/1968
- Field of study
xii,433 hal.;23 c
Shrinking households
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Cross-Cultural Research: a Decision Factor in Standardized Versus Non-Standardized Global Advertising
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'SAGE Publications'
- Publication date
- Field of study
The Lower-class Negro Family in the United States and Great Britain: Some Comparisons
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'SAGE Publications'
- Publication date
- Field of study
The Sociology and the Sustainable Development. The Paradigm is going to Change”
- Author
- Publication venue
- Springer
- Publication date
- 01/01/2021
- Field of study
Studies Based on the Human Relations Area Files: An Annotated Bibliography
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'SAGE Publications'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Towards a conceptual understanding of acute cultural adaptation: a preliminary examination of ACA in female swimming
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study