29 research outputs found

    Modelos de predição para peso e rendimento de cortes cárneos através de medidas no animal vivo.

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    Os objetivos deste trabalho foram desenvolver equações de predição com a finalidade de estimar o peso e o rendimento de cortes do traseiro de novilhos Braford através de medidas por ultrassom ?in vivo? e avaliar a inclusão das medidas de espessura de gordura na garupa e de profundidade do músculo gluteus medius e as suas relações com a acurácia dos modelos de regressão. Foram utilizados 100 novilhos com peso vivo médio de 472 Kg e 24 meses de idade. Nas 48 horas pré abate foram coletadas medidas de ultrassom da área do músculo longissimus (AOLUS); espessura de gordura subcutânea (EGSUS) no sítio anatômico entre a 12ª e 13ª costelas; espessura de gordura na garupa (EGP8US) e a profundidade do músculo Gluteus medius (PP8US). As equações para peso de cortes do traseiro (PCT) e para rendimento de cortes do traseiro (RCT) foram desenvolvidas através do procedimento estatístico de seleção de variáveis Stepwise. As características AOLUS, EGSUS, EGP8US e PP8US apresentaram médias de 67,13 cm2; 3,43 mm; 6,14 mm e 86,91 mm respectivamente. Os coeficientes de correlação de Pearson entre as medidas obtidas por ultrassom e na carcaça para AUOLUS e AOLC foram de 0,89, para EGSU e EGSC de 0,92. O R2 para PCT foi de 0,71 e para RCT de 0,31 respectivamente. As variáveis EGP8US e PP8US explicam 11% da variação do rendimento dos cortes do traseiro e devem ser incorporadas no modelo

    Persistency of lactation using random regression models and different fixed regression modeling approaches

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    Milk yield test-day records on the first three lactations of 25,500 Holstein cows were used to estimate genetic parameters and predict breeding values for nine measures of persistency and 305-d milk yield in a random regression animal model using two criteria to define the fixed regression. Legendre polynomials of fourth and fifth orders were used to model the fixed and random regressions of lactation curves. The fixed regressions were adjusted for average milk yield on populations (single) or subpopulations (multiple) formed by cows that calved at the same age and in the same season. Akaike Information (AIC) and Bayesian Information (BIC) criteria indicated that models with multiple regression lactation curves had the best fit to test-day milk records of first lactations, while models with a single regression curve had the best fit for the second and third lactations. Heritability and genetic correlation estimates between persistency and milk yield differed significantly depending on the lactation order and the measures of persistency used. These parameters did not differ significantly depending on the criteria used for defining the fixed regressions for lactation curves. In general, the heritability estimates were higher for first (0.07 to 0.43), followed by the second (0.08 to 0.21) and third (0.04 to 0.10) lactation. The rank of sires resulting from the processes of genetic evaluation for milk yield or persistency using random regression models differed according to the criteria used for determining the fixed regression of lactation curve

    Breed, heterosis, and recombination effects for lactation curves in Brazilian cattle.

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    The objective of this study was to estimate the breed, heterosis, and recombination effects on different components of the lactation curve of Girolando cattle. The dataset used consisted of 12,121 purebred cows of Holstein (H) and Gyr (G) breeds, and six H×G crossbred cows (Girolando). The model used presents random effects of herd and cow, regression coefficient associated with linear effect of proportion of H breed, regression coefficient associated with the linear effect of heterosis between H and G breeds, regression coefficient associated with the linear effect of recombination between H and G breeds, and random effect of residual. Dijkstra?s (DJ), Nelder's (ND), Wilmink's (WL), and Wood's (WD) models were tested to fit production records of these different genetic groups. These models were then tested according to evaluation criteria of quality of fit (AIC, BIC, and RMSE), and the two best models (WD and WL) were chosen for estimation of 305-day milk yield (MY305), peak yield, time to peak, and persistency of milk yield. The breed effect was significant for all traits and components of the lactation curve. The heterosis effect was significant for all traits, and was more significant for MY305 (945.62±79.17 kg). Peak yield was the component of lactation curve that presented the most significant heterosis effect, partially explaining the heterosis effect (12 to 21%) found for MY305. The recombination effect was positive only for lactation period and time to peak of lactation in Girolando cows