52 research outputs found

    Sequence-specific recognition of DNA by the C-terminal domain of nucleoid-associated protein H-NS

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    The molecular determinants necessary and sufficient for recognition of its specific DNA target are contained in the C-terminal domain (H-NSctd) of nucleoid-associated protein H-NS. H-NSctd protects from DNaseI cleavage a few short DNA segments of the H-NS-sensitive hns promoter whose sequences closely match the recently identified H-NS consensus motif (tCG(t/a)T(a/t)AATT) and, alone or fused to the protein oligomerization domain of phage λ CI repressor, inhibits transcription from the hns promoter in vitro and in vivo. The importance of H-NS oligomerization is indicated by the fact that with an extended hns promoter construct (400 bp), which allows protein oligomerization, DNA binding and transcriptional repression are highly and almost equally efficient with native H-NS and H-NSctd::λCI and much less effective with the monomeric H-NSctd. With a shorter (110 bp) construct, which does not sustain extensive protein oligomerization, transcriptional repression is less effective, but native H-NS, H-NSctd::λCI, and monomeric H-NSctd have comparable activity on this construct. The specific H-NS-DNA interaction was investigated by NMR spectroscopy using monomeric H-NSctd and short DNA duplexes encompassing the H-NS target sequence of hns (TCCTTACATT)with the best fit (8 of 10 residues) to the H-NS-binding motif. H-NSctd binds specifically and with high affinity to the chosen duplexes via an overall electropositive surface involving four residues (Thr109, Arg113, Thr114, and Ala116) belonging to the same protein loop and Glu101. The DNA target is recognized by virtue of its sequence and of a TpA step that confers a structural irregularity to the B-DNA duplex

    Initiation of mRNA translation in bacteria: structural and dynamic aspects

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    Structure-function relationship in Escherichia coli translational initiation factors. Characterization of IF1 by high-resolution 1H-NMR spectroscopy

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    Escherichia coli translational initiation factor IF1 was studied by 1H-NMR spectroscopy at 400 MHz. IF1 displays a very well resolved spectrum in both aromatic and aliphatic regions. Other spectral characteristics include relatively narrow resonance lines and lack of relevant cross-relaxation phenomena. The resonances of the aromatic residues, in particular of the two His and two Tyr, were assigned by selective chemical modifications and spectroscopic techniques to individual residues in the protein sequence. The relative mobility of various residues of IF1 has been evaluated on the basis of the spin-lattice relaxation times which are rather short and homogeneous. Overall the factor appears to have a complex secondary and tertiary structure and to be a flexible protein whose residues have a high degree of internal mobility

    Structure-function relationship in Escherichia coli initiation factors. Biochemical and biophysical characterization of the interaction between IF-2 and guanosine nucleotides

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    Equilibrium dialysis and protection from heat inactivation and proteolysis show that initiation factor 2 (IF-2) interacts not only with GTP but also with GDP and that its conformation is changed upon binding of either nucleotide. The apparent Ka (at 25 degrees C) for the IF-2 X GDP and IF-2 X GTP complexes was 8.0 X 10(4) and 7.0 X 10(3) M(-1), respectively. The lower affinity for GTP is associated with a more negative delta S0. The interaction, monitored by 1HNMR spectroscopy, is characterized by fast exchange and results in line broadening and downfield shift of the purine C-8 and ribose C-1' protons of GTP as well as of the beta, gamma-methylene protons of (beta-gamma-methylene)guanosine 5'-triphosphate. The interaction of guanosine nucleotides with IF-2 requires an H bond donor (or acceptor) group at position C-2 of the purine and involves the beta- and/or gamma-phosphate of the nucleotide while the ribose 2'-OH group or the integrity of the furan ring are less critical. IF-2 binds to ribosomal particles with decreasing affinity: 30 S greater than 70 S greater than 50 S. GTP and GDP have no effect on the binding to 70 S. GTP stimulates the binding to the 30 S and depresses somewhat the binding to the 50 S subunits; GDP has the opposite effect. These results seem to rule out that the release of IF 2 from 70 S is due to a "GDP-conformation" of the factor incompatible with its permanence on the ribosome. The rate and the extent of 30 S initiation complex formation are approximately 2-fold higher with IF-2 X GTP than with IF-2 alone. At low concentrations of IF-2 and 30 S subunits, GDP inhibits this reaction, acting as a strong competitive inhibitor of GTP (Ki = 1.25 X 10(-5)m) and preventing IF-2 from binding to the ribosomal subunit

    Structure-function relationship in Escherichia coli initiation factors. Biochemical and biophysical characterization of the interaction between IF-2 and guanosine nucleotides

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    Equilibrium dialysis and protection from heat inactivation and proteolysis show that initiation factor 2 (IF-2) interacts not only with GTP but also with GDP and that its conformation is changed upon binding of either nucleotide. The apparent Ka (at 25 degrees C) for the IF-2 X GDP and IF-2 X GTP complexes was 8.0 X 10(4) and 7.0 X 10(3) M(-1), respectively. The lower affinity for GTP is associated with a more negative delta S0. The interaction, monitored by 1HNMR spectroscopy, is characterized by fast exchange and results in line broadening and downfield shift of the purine C-8 and ribose C-1' protons of GTP as well as of the beta, gamma-methylene protons of (beta-gamma-methylene)guanosine 5'-triphosphate. The interaction of guanosine nucleotides with IF-2 requires an H bond donor (or acceptor) group at position C-2 of the purine and involves the beta- and/or gamma-phosphate of the nucleotide while the ribose 2'-OH group or the integrity of the furan ring are less critical. IF-2 binds to ribosomal particles with decreasing affinity: 30 S greater than 70 S greater than 50 S. GTP and GDP have no effect on the binding to 70 S. GTP stimulates the binding to the 30 S and depresses somewhat the binding to the 50 S subunits; GDP has the opposite effect. These results seem to rule out that the release of IF 2 from 70 S is due to a "GDP-conformation" of the factor incompatible with its permanence on the ribosome. The rate and the extent of 30 S initiation complex formation are approximately 2-fold higher with IF-2 X GTP than with IF-2 alone. At low concentrations of IF-2 and 30 S subunits, GDP inhibits this reaction, acting as a strong competitive inhibitor of GTP (Ki = 1.25 X 10(-5)m) and preventing IF-2 from binding to the ribosomal subunit

    Purpuromycin: a new inhibitor of tRNA aminoacylation

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    Purpuromycin, an antibiotic produced by Actinoplanes ianthinogenes, had been reported previously to inhibit protein synthesis. In the present report, we demonstrate that the mechanism of action of this antibiotic is quite novel in that it binds with fairly high affinity to all tRNAs, inhibiting their acceptor capacity. Although more than one molecule of purpuromycin is bound to each tRNA molecule, the inhibitory activity of this antibiotic was found to be selective for the tRNA acceptor function; in fact, after the aminoacylation step, purpuromycin was found to affect none of the other tested functions of tRNA (interaction with the ribosomal P- and A-sites and interaction with translation factors). Accordingly, purpuromycin was found to inhibit protein synthesis only when translation depended on the aminoacylation of tRNA and not when the system was supplemented with pre-formed aminoacyl-tRNAs. Because purpuromycin did not interfere with the ATP-PPi exchange reaction of the synthetase or with the initial interaction of the enzyme with its tRNA substrate, the basis for the inhibition of aminoacylation is presumably the formation of a nonproductive synthetase-tRNA complex in the presence of purpuromycin in which the tRNA is unable to be charged with the corresponding amino acid

    Ribosomal interaction of Bacillus stearothermophilus translation initiation factor IF2 - Characterization of the active sites

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    InfB-encoded translation initiation factor IF2 contains a non-conserved N-terminal domain and two conserved domains (G and C) constituted by three (G1, G2 and G3) and two (C1 and C2) sub-domains. Here, we show that: (i) Bacillus stearothermophilus IF2 complements in vivo an Escherichia coli infB null mutation and (ii) the N-domain of B. stearothermophilus IF2, like that of E. coli IF2, provides a strong yet dispensable interaction with 30 S and 50 S subunits in spite of the lack of any size, sequence or structural homology between the N-domains of the two factors. Furthermore, the nature of the B. stearothermophilus IF2 sites involved in establishing the functional interactions with the ribosome was investigated by generating deletion, random and site-directed mutations within sub-domains G2 or G3 of a molecule carrying an H301Y substitution in switch II of the G2 module, which impairs the ribosome-dependent GTPase activity of IF2. By selecting suppressors of the dominant-lethal phenotype caused by the H301Y substitution, three independent mutants impaired in ribosome binding were identified; namely, S387P (in G2) and G420E and E424K (in G3). The functional properties of these mutants and those of the deletion mutants are compatible with the premise that IF2 interacts with 30 S and 50 S subunits via G3 and G2 modules, respectively. However, beyond this generalization, because the mutation in G2 resulted in a functional alteration of G3 and vice versa, our results indicate the existence of extensive "cross-talking" between these two modules, highlighting a harmonic conformational cooperation between G2 and G3 required for a functional interaction between IF2 and the two ribosomal subunits. It is noteworthy that the E424K mutant, which completely lacks GTPase activity, displays IF2 wild-type capacity in supporting initiation of dipeptide formation
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