10 research outputs found

    The relationship between greenspace and the mental wellbeing of adults: A systematic review

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    INTRODUCTION: The view that interacting with nature enhances mental wellbeing is commonplace, despite a dearth of evidence or even agreed definitions of 'nature'. The aim of this review was to systematically appraise the evidence for associations between greenspace and mental wellbeing, stratified by the different ways in which greenspace has been conceptualised in quantitative research. METHODS: We undertook a comprehensive database search and thorough screening of articles which included a measure of greenspace and validated mental wellbeing tool, to capture aspects of hedonic and/or eudaimonic wellbeing. Quality and risk of bias in research were assessed to create grades of evidence. We undertook detailed narrative synthesis of the 50 studies which met the review inclusion criteria, as methodological heterogeneity precluded meta-analysis. RESULTS: Results of a quality assessment and narrative synthesis suggest associations between different greenspace characteristics and mental wellbeing. We identified six ways in which greenspace was conceptualised and measured: (i) amount of local-area greenspace; (ii) greenspace type; (iii) visits to greenspace; (iv) views of greenspace; (v) greenspace accessibility; and (vi) self-reported connection to nature. There was adequate evidence for associations between the amount of local-area greenspace and life satisfaction (hedonic wellbeing), but not personal flourishing (eudaimonic wellbeing). Evidence for associations between mental wellbeing and visits to greenspace, accessibility, and types of greenspace was limited. There was inadequate evidence for associations with views of greenspace and connectedness to nature. Several studies reported variation in associations between greenspace and wellbeing by life course stage, gender, levels of physically activity or attitudes to nature. CONCLUSIONS: Greenspace has positive associations with mental wellbeing (particularly hedonic wellbeing), but the evidence is not currently sufficient or specific enough to guide planning decisions. Further studies are needed, based on dynamic measures of greenspace, reflecting access and uses of greenspace, and measures of both eudaimonic and hedonic mental wellbeing

    Ecosystem Services: From Bio-physical to Economic Values

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    When speaking about sustainability in urban and territorial transformations, many dimensions have to be taken into account, thus asking for integrated approaches able to support complex decision-making processes. As it is well known, economic development has an ecological cost; for this reason, it is relevant to investigate the link existing between ecology and economics when addressing territorial planning and environmental policies. A very promising theory in this context is provided by the notion of Ecosystem Services (ESs) that have been defined as the benefits that humans derive, directly or indirectly, from ecosystem functions. More specifically, the article explores the perspectives offered by the application of the Life Satisfaction Approach (LSA) in the estimation of the economic benefits delivered by ESs, proposing an innovative methodological path linking biophysical and economic values