1,781 research outputs found

    Multiple signalling modalities mediated by dendritic exocytosis of oxytocin and vasopressin

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    The mammalian hypothalamic magnocellular neurons of the supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei are among the best understood of all peptidergic neurons. Through their anatomical features, vasopressin- and oxytocin-containing neurons have revealed many important aspects of dendritic functions. Here, we review our understanding of the mechanisms of somato-dendritic peptide release, and the effects of autocrine, paracrine and hormone-like signalling on neuronal networks and behaviour

    TGFβ upregulates PAR-1 expression and signalling responses in A549 lung adenocarcinoma cells.

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    The major high-affinity thrombin receptor, proteinase activated receptor-1 (PAR-1) is expressed at low levels by the normal epithelium but is upregulated in many types of cancer, including lung cancer. The thrombin-PAR-1 signalling axis contributes to the activation of latent TGFβ in response to tissue injury via an αvβ6 integrin-mediated mechanism. TGFβ is a pleiotropic cytokine that acts as a tumour suppressor in normal and dysplastic cells but switches into a tumour promoter in advanced tumours. In this study we demonstrate that TGFβ is a positive regulator of PAR-1 expression in A549 lung adenocarcinoma cells, which in turn increases the sensitivity of these cells to thrombin signalling. We further demonstrate that this effect is Smad3-, ERK1/2- and Sp1-dependent. We also show that TGFβ-mediated PAR-1 upregulation is accompanied by increased expression of integrin αv and β6 subunits. Finally, TGFβ pre-stimulation promotes increased migratory potential of A549 to thrombin. These data have important implications for our understanding of the interplay between coagulation and TGFβ signalling responses in lung cancer.Medical Research Council UK (MRC) CASE studentship with Novartis awarded to RCC, MRC Centenary Award awarded to NS and RCC, and MRC Career Development Award G0800340 to CJS

    On the Dynamics of the Deployment of Renewable Energy Production Capacities

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    This chapter falls within the context of modeling the deployment of renewable en-ergy production capacities in the scope of the energy transition. This problem is addressed from an energy point of view, i.e. the deployment of technologies is seen as an energy investment under the constraint that an initial budget of non-renewable energy is provided. Using the Energy Return on Energy Investment (ERoEI) characteristics of technologies, we propose MODERN, a discrete-time formalization of the deployment of renewable energy production capacities. Be-sides showing the influence of the ERoEI parameter, the model also underlines the potential benefits of designing control strategies for optimizing the deployment of production capacities, and the necessity to increase energy efficiency.Peer reviewe

    Anti-nausea effects and pharmacokinetics of ondansetron, maropitant and metoclopramide in a low-dose cisplatin model of nausea and vomiting in the dog: a blinded crossover study

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    Nausea is a subjective sensation which is difficult to measure in non-verbal species. The aims of this study were to determine the efficacy of three classes of antiemetic drugs in a novel low dose cisplatin model of nausea and vomiting and measure change in potential nausea biomarkers arginine vasopressin (AVP) and cortisol. A four period cross-over blinded study was conducted in eight healthy beagle dogs of both genders. Dogs were administered 18 mg/m2 cisplatin intravenously, followed 45 min later by a 15 min infusion of either placebo (saline) or antiemetic treatment with ondansetron (0.5 mg/kg; 5-HT3 antagonist), maropitant (1 mg/kg; NK1 antagonist) or metoclopramide (0.5 mg/kg; D2 antagonist). The number of vomits and nausea associated behaviours, scored on a visual analogue scale, were recorded every 15 min for 8 h following cisplatin administration. Plasma samples were collected to measure AVP, cortisol and antiemetic drug concentrations

    Surface electrons at plasma walls

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    In this chapter we introduce a microscopic modelling of the surplus electrons on the plasma wall which complements the classical description of the plasma sheath. First we introduce a model for the electron surface layer to study the quasistationary electron distribution and the potential at an unbiased plasma wall. Then we calculate sticking coefficients and desorption times for electron trapping in the image states. Finally we study how surplus electrons affect light scattering and how charge signatures offer the possibility of a novel charge measurement for dust grains.Comment: To appear in Complex Plasmas: Scientific Challenges and Technological Opportunities, Editors: M. Bonitz, K. Becker, J. Lopez and H. Thomse


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    © 2016. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved. We present a multi-epoch X-ray spectral analysis of the Seyfert 1 galaxy Fairall 9. Our analysis shows that Fairall 9 displays unique spectral variability in that its ratio residuals to a simple absorbed power law in the 0.5-10 keV band remain constant with time in spite of large variations in flux. This behavior implies an unchanging source geometry and the same emission processes continuously at work at the timescale probed. With the constraints from NuSTAR on the broad-band spectral shape, it is clear that the soft excess in this source is a superposition of two different processes, one being blurred ionized reflection in the innermost parts of the accretion disk, and the other a continuum component such as a spatially distinct Comptonizing region. Alternatively, a more complex primary Comptonization component together with blurred ionized reflection could be responsible


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    Disk and wind signatures are seen in the soft state of Galactic black holes, while the jet is seen in the hard state. Here we study the disk–wind connection in the ρ class of variability in GRS 1915+105 using a joint NuSTAR–Chandra observation. The source shows 50 s limit cycle oscillations. By including new information provided by the reflection spectrum and using phase-resolved spectroscopy, we find that the change in the inner disk inferred from the blackbody emission is not matched by reflection measurements. The latter is almost constant, independent of the continuum model. The two radii are comparable only if the disk temperature color correction factor changes, an effect that could be due to the changing opacity of the disk caused by changes in metal abundances. The disk inclination is similar to that inferred from the jet axis, and oscillates by ~10°. The simultaneous Chandra data show the presence of two wind components with velocities between 500 and 5000 km s⁻¹, and possibly two more with velocities reaching 20,000 km s⁻¹ (~0.06 c). The column densities are ~5 × 10²² cm⁻². An upper limit to the wind response time of 2 s is measured, implying a launch radius of <6 × 10¹° cm. The changes in wind velocity and absorbed flux require the geometry of the wind to change during the oscillations, constraining the wind to be launched from a distance of 290–1300 r _g from the black hole. Both data sets support fundamental model predictions in which a bulge originates in the inner disk and moves outward as the instability progresses.This work made use of data from the NuSTAR mission, a project led by the California Institute of Technology, managed by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, and funded by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. This work is also based on observations made by the Chandra X-ray Observatory

    Controlling spin relaxation with a cavity

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    Spontaneous emission of radiation is one of the fundamental mechanisms by which an excited quantum system returns to equilibrium. For spins, however, spontaneous emission is generally negligible compared to other non-radiative relaxation processes because of the weak coupling between the magnetic dipole and the electromagnetic field. In 1946, Purcell realized that the spontaneous emission rate can be strongly enhanced by placing the quantum system in a resonant cavity -an effect which has since been used extensively to control the lifetime of atoms and semiconducting heterostructures coupled to microwave or optical cavities, underpinning single-photon sources. Here we report the first application of these ideas to spins in solids. By coupling donor spins in silicon to a superconducting microwave cavity of high quality factor and small mode volume, we reach for the first time the regime where spontaneous emission constitutes the dominant spin relaxation mechanism. The relaxation rate is increased by three orders of magnitude when the spins are tuned to the cavity resonance, showing that energy relaxation can be engineered and controlled on-demand. Our results provide a novel and general way to initialise spin systems into their ground state, with applications in magnetic resonance and quantum information processing. They also demonstrate that, contrary to popular belief, the coupling between the magnetic dipole of a spin and the electromagnetic field can be enhanced up to the point where quantum fluctuations have a dramatic effect on the spin dynamics; as such our work represents an important step towards the coherent magnetic coupling of individual spins to microwave photons.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, 1 tabl

    NuSTAR observations of Mrk 766: Distinguishing reflection from absorption

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    We present two new NuSTAR observations of the narrow line Seyfert 1 (NLS1) galaxy Mrk 766 and give constraints on the two scenarios previously proposed to explain its spectrum and that of other NLS1s: relativistic reflection and partial covering. The NuSTAR spectra show a strong hard (> 15 keV) X-ray excess, while simultaneous soft X-ray coverage of one of the observations provided by XMM-Newton constrains the ionised absorption in the source. The pure reflection model requires a black hole of high spin (a > 0.92) viewed at a moderate inclination (i = 46 +1 −4 ). The pure partial covering model requires extreme parameters: the cut-off of the primary continuum is very low (22 +7 −5 keV) in one observation and the intrinsic X-ray emission must provide a large fraction (75%) of the bolometric luminosity. Allowing a hybrid model with both partial covering and reflection provides more reasonable absorption parameters and relaxes the constraints on reflection parameters. The fractional variability reduces around the iron K band and at high energies including the Compton hump, suggesting that the reflected emission is less variable than the continuum

    The corona of the broad-line radio galaxy 3C 390.3

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    We present the results from a joint Suzaku/NuSTAR broad-band spectral analysis of 3C 390.3. The high quality data enables us to clearly separate the primary continuum from the reprocessed components allowing us to detect a high energy spectral cut-off (Ecut=11714+18E_\text{cut}=117_{-14}^{+18} keV), and to place constraints on the Comptonization parameters of the primary continuum for the first time. The hard over soft compactness is 6924+124_{-24}^{+124} and the optical depth 4.13.6+0.5_{-3.6}^{+0.5}, this leads to an electron temperature of 308+3230_{-8}^{+32} keV. Expanding our study of the Comptonization spectrum to the optical/UV by studying the simultaneous Swift-UVOT data, we find indications that the compactness of the corona allows only a small fraction of the total UV/optical flux to be Comptonized. Our analysis of the reprocessed emission show that 3C 390.3 only has a small amount of reflection (R~0.3), and of that the vast majority is from distant neutral matter. However we also discover a soft X-ray excess in the source, which can be described by a weak ionized reflection component from the inner parts of the accretion disk. In addition to the backscattered emission, we also detect the highly ionized iron emission lines Fe XXV and Fe XXVI