63 research outputs found

    Il sistema giudiziario italiano: un’analisi di efficienza

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    2013 - 2014The problem of the inefficiency of the judicial system is a very present in Italy. In Italy the average duration of a process is significantly higher than that of the Ocse countries. The excessive length of judgments has meant that the cost incurred by the Italian government for compensation for financial loss for the unreasonable length of the process has assumed alarming proportions. The Italian judicial system is characterized, respect to major European countries, for the high litigation and for the high number of lawyers working in the field of legal services respect to the population... [edited by author]XIII n.s


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    Il tema affrontato nell’articolo si configura in due parti: la prima in chiave pedagogico-didattica affronta problema relativo al come promuovere, in contesti educativi, una competenza ed una educazione interculturale; la seconda parte propone invece una riflessione sulla nozione di ‘integrazione’ e, più in generale, relativa alla scelta di un modello che permetta di vivere in modo pacifico ed armonico con persone ‘diverse’ da noi, cioè persone che hanno convinzioni, tradizioni, lingua e cultura diverse dalle nostre.  Plural and comparative approaches to teaching to develop ‘community cohesion’ The issue addressed in the article is divided into in two parts: the first, from a pedagogical-teaching methods point of view, addresses the problem of how to promote expertise and intercultural education in educational contexts. The second section presents a reflection on the notion of ‘integration’ and, more generally, on the choice of a model that promotes peace and harmony with people ‘different’ from us, that is, people who have beliefs, traditions, language and culture different from ours


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    Diskursive und textuelle Strukturen in der Hochschuldidaktik. Deutsch und Italienisch im Vergleich

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    Der Band versammelt Beiträge der Modeneser Tagung „Strutture discorsive e testuali della didattica accademica – il tedesco e l’italiano a confronto“, die im Oktober 2011 als Start-up des von der Volkswagen-Stiftung geförderten internationalen Forschungsprojektes „euroWiss – Linguistische Profilierung einer europäischen Wissenschaftsbildung“ durchgeführt wurde. Zentrale Forschungsanliegen sind dabei die Modellierung und der Vergleich der in Deutschland und in Italien üblichen Verfahren der wissensvermittelnden Hochschulkommunikation. Neben einem Überblick über den State oft the Art der einschlägigen Forschung in den beteiligten Ländern gibt der Band einen Einblick in die Hypothesen und Positionen des Forschungsteams aus Hamburg, Bergamo, Chemnitz und Modena

    Mediterranean monitoring and forecasting operational system for Copernicus Marine Service

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    The MEDiterranean Monitoring and Forecasting Center (Med-MFC) is part of the Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service (CMEMS, http://marine.copernicus.eu/), provided on an operational mode by Mercator Ocean in agreement with the European Commission. Specifically, Med MFC system provides regular and systematic information about the physical state of the ocean and marine ecosystems for the Mediterranean Sea. The Med-MFC service started in May 2015 from the pre-operational system developed during the MyOcean projects, consolidating the understanding of regional Mediterranean Sea dynamics, from currents to biogeochemistry to waves, interfacing with local data collection networks and guaranteeing an efficient link with other Centers in Copernicus network. The Med-MFC products include analyses, 10 days forecasts and reanalysis, describing currents, temperature, salinity, sea level and pelagic biogeochemistry. Waves products will be available in MED-MFC version in 2017. The consortium, composed of INGV (Italy), HCMR (Greece) and OGS (Italy) and coordinated by the Euro-Mediterranean Centre on Climate Change (CMCC, Italy), performs advanced R&D activities and manages the service delivery. The Med-MFC infrastructure consists of 3 Production Units (PU), for Physics, Biogechemistry and Waves, a unique Dissemination Unit (DU) and Archiving Unit (AU) and Backup Units (BU) for all principal components, guaranteeing a resilient configuration of the service and providing and efficient and robust solution for the maintenance of the service and delivery. The Med-MFC includes also an evolution plan, both in terms of research and operational activities, oriented to increase the spatial resolution of products, to start wave products dissemination, to increase temporal extent of the reanalysis products and improving ocean physical modeling for delivering new products. The scientific activities carried out in 2015 concerned some improvements in the physical, biogeochemical and wave components of the system. Regarding the currents, new grid-point EOFs have been implemented in the Med-MFC assimilation system; the climatological CMAP precipitation was replaced by the ECMWF daily precipitation; reanalysis time-series have been increased by one year. Regarding the biogeochemistry, the main scientific achievement is related to the implementation of the carbon system in the Med-MFC biogeochemistry model system already available. The new model is able to reproduce the principal spatial patterns of the carbonate system variables in the Mediterranean Sea. Further, a key result consists of the calibration of the new variables (DIC and alkalinity), which serves to the estimation of the accuracy of the new products to be released in the next version of the system (i.e. pH and pCO2 at surface). Regarding the waves, the system has been validated against in-situ and satellite observations. For example, a very good agreement between model output and in-situ observations has been obtained at offshore and/or well-exposed wave buoys in the Mediterranean Sea.PublishedVienna3SR. AMBIENTE - Servizi e ricerca per la Societ

    Copernicus Ocean State Report, issue 6

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    The 6th issue of the Copernicus OSR incorporates a large range of topics for the blue, white and green ocean for all European regional seas, and the global ocean over 1993–2020 with a special focus on 2020

    Hybrid MPGD-based detectors of single photons for the upgrade of COMPASS RICH-1

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    A seven year-long R&D programme has been performed and the resulting detector architecture is a hybrid MPGD including two THick GEM (THGEM) multiplication stages followed a MICROMEGAS. The first THGEM board forms the photocathode support: its upper face is CsI coated. The properties of THGEM-based photocathodes have been studied in details. The two THGEM layers act as pre-amplification stages and, thanks to a staggered configuration, namely by the misalignment of the holes of the two THGEMs, the electron shower produced in the pre-amplification phase is distributed onto a larger surface portion of the following MICROMEGAS unit, where the final multiplication takes place: it is so possible to operate at gains as high as 105 and more even in radioactive environments. COMPASS RICH-1 is a large-size Cherenkov imaging counter with gaseous radiator for hadron identification up to 50 GeV/c. The construction of a set of large-size (unit size: 60 760 cm2) gaseous photon detectors based on the hybrid MPGD architecture for the upgrade of COMPASS RICH-1 is ongoing and the upgraded detector will be in operation in 2016. The R&D studies, the engineering aspects and the construction challenges are presented

    Glottodidattica. Per una cultura dell’insegnamento linguistico

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    <p>Nel mio contributo propongo  una riflessione sulle varie nozioni di ‘competenza’ che, nel corso del tempo, si sono succedute nella pedagogia e nella didattica linguistica. Tale nozione, offrendo i principi ispiratori ai programmi di studio di lingue2, determina in buona misura gli obiettivi di insegnamento, la scelta dei contenuti, delle attività  di classe, delle forme esercitative nonché le modalità di  verifica e valutazione dei risultati ottenuti.</p><p>In particolare, mi soffermerò sulle nozioni di ‘competenza nella cultura 2’ e su quella, oggi  al centro del dibattito glottodidattico, di ‘competenza comunicativa interculturale’: nozione, quest’ultima, assimilabile, secondo diversi studiosi, al concetto di ‘educazione interculturale’.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p><strong>The concept of  ‘competence’ in language education: from ‘linguistic competence’ to ‘intercultural communicative competence’</strong></p><p>This paper is a reflection on the various notions of ‘competence’ in pedagogy and language teaching over time. This concept provides the guiding principle of the L2 curriculum and determines the teaching objectives, choice of content, classroom activities, ways of practicing and the testing and evaluating method the results obtained to a large extent.</p><p>In particular, I will focus on the concepts of ‘competence in culture 2’ and on  ‘intercultural communicative competence’, currently at the heart of the language teaching debate.  The latter is similar to the idea of 'intercultural education' according to several scholars.</p
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