114 research outputs found

    Transport in silicon-germanium heterostructures

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    The work presented here describes the electrical characterization of n- and p-type strained silicon- germanium systems. Theories of quantum transport in low magnetic fields at low temperature are discussed in terms of weak-localization: the traditional theory is shown not to account for the dephasing in a 2-dimensional hole gas behaving in a metallic manner and emergent alternative theories, while promising, require refinement. The mobility as a function of sheet density is measured in a p-type pseudomorphic Si0.5Ge0.5 across the temperature range 350 mK–282 K; it is shown that calculations of the mobility based on semi-classical scattering mechanisms fail below 10 K where quantum transport effects become relevant. A room temperature Hall scattering factor has been extracted. A new functional form has been presented to fit the resistivity as a function of temperature, below 20 K: traditional theories of screening and weak localization appear not to be applicable. It is also demonstrated that simple protection circuitry is essential if commercial-scale devices are to be meaningfully investigated. Mobility spectrum analysis is performed on an n-type strained-silicon device. Established analysis methods are discussed and a new method is presented based on the Bryan’s Algorithm approach to maximum entropy. The breakdown of the QHE is also investigated: the critical current density compares well to that predicted by an existing theory. Finally, devices in which both electron and hole gases can be induced are investigated. However, it is shown that the two carrier species never co-exist. Design rules are presented which may allow more successful structures to be created. Results are presented which demonstrate the success and the utility of implanted contacts which selectively reach different regions of the structure

    High frequency oscillations in epileptic and non-epileptic human hippocampus during a cognitive task

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    Hippocampal high-frequency electrographic activity (HFOs) represents one of the major discoveries not only in epilepsy research but also in cognitive science over the past few decades. A fundamental challenge, however, has been the fact that physiological HFOs associated with normal brain function overlap in frequency with pathological HFOs. We investigated the impact of a cognitive task on HFOs with the aim of improving differentiation between epileptic and non-epileptic hippocampi in humans. Hippocampal activity was recorded with depth electrodes in 15 patients with focal epilepsy during a resting period and subsequently during a cognitive task. HFOs in ripple and fast ripple frequency ranges were evaluated in both conditions, and their rate, spectral entropy, relative amplitude and duration were compared in epileptic and non-epileptic hippocampi. The similarity of HFOs properties recorded at rest in epileptic and non-epileptic hippocampi suggests that they cannot be used alone to distinguish between hippocampi. However, both ripples and fast ripples were observed with higher rates, higher relative amplitudes and longer durations at rest as well as during a cognitive task in epileptic compared with non-epileptic hippocampi. Moreover, during a cognitive task, significant reductions of HFOs rates were found in epileptic hippocampi. These reductions were not observed in non-epileptic hippocampi. Our results indicate that although both hippocampi generate HFOs with similar features that probably reflect non-pathological phenomena, it is possible to differentiate between epileptic and non-epileptic hippocampi using a simple odd-ball task

    Assessing the potential of Ge/SiGe quantum dots as hosts for singlet-triplet qubits

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    We study double quantum dots in a Ge/SiGe heterostructure and test their maturity towards singlet-triplet (ST0S-T_0) qubits. We demonstrate a large range of tunability, from two single quantum dots to a double quantum dot. We measure Pauli spin blockade and study the anisotropy of the gg-factor. We use an adjacent quantum dot for sensing charge transitions in the double quantum dot at interest. In conclusion, Ge/SiGe possesses all ingredients necessary for building a singlet-triplet qubit

    All rf-based tuning algorithm for quantum devices using machine learning

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    Radio-frequency measurements could satisfy DiVincenzo's readout criterion in future large-scale solid-state quantum processors, as they allow for high bandwidths and frequency multiplexing. However, the scalability potential of this readout technique can only be leveraged if quantum device tuning is performed using exclusively radio-frequency measurements i.e. without resorting to current measurements. We demonstrate an algorithm that automatically tunes double quantum dots using only radio-frequency reflectometry. Exploiting the high bandwidth of radio-frequency measurements, the tuning was completed within a few minutes without prior knowledge about the device architecture. Our results show that it is possible to eliminate the need for transport measurements for quantum dot tuning, paving the way for more scalable device architectures

    Giant electro-optic effect in Ge/SiGe coupled quantum wells

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    International audienceSilicon-based photonics is now considered as the photonic platform for the next generation of on-chip communications. However, the development of compact and low power consumption optical modulators is still challenging. Here we report a giant electro-optic effect in Ge/SiGe coupled quantum wells. This promising effect is based on an anomalous quantum-confined Stark effect due to the separate confinement of electrons and holes in the Ge/SiGe coupled quantum wells. This phenomenon can be exploited to strongly enhance optical modulator performance with respect to the standard approaches developed so far in silicon photonics. We have measured a refractive index variation up to 2.3 × 10 −3 under a bias voltage of 1.5 V, with an associated modulation efficiency V π L π of 0.046 V cm. This demonstration paves the way for the development of efficient and high-speed phase modulators based on the Ge/SiGe material system. Silicon photonics has generated strong advances in recent years for on-chip optical communications. Silicon based-optoelectronic devices have been intensively studied and the recent advances proved the capability of silicon photonics to offer some viable solutions for many applications including optical telecommunications and optical interconnects. In this context Ge rich-Ge/SiGe quantum wells (QW) have received a growing interest since the first demonstration of the quantum-confined Stark effect (QCSE) in these structures in 200

    X-Ray Nano-Diffraction on Epitaxial Crystals

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    The concept of growing epitaxial Ge and SiGe crystals onto tall Si pillars may provide a means for solving the problems associated with lattice parameter and thermal expansion coefficient mismatch, i.e., dislocations, wafer bowing and cracks. For carefully tuned epitaxial growth conditions the lateral expansion of crystals stops once nearest neighbors get sufficiently close. We have carried out scanning nano-diffraction experiments at the ID01 beam-line of the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) in Grenoble on the resulting space-filling arrays of micron-sized crystals to assess their structural properties and crystal quality. Elastic relaxation of the thermal strain causes lattice bending close to the Si interface, while the dislocation network is responsible for minute tilts of the crystals as a whole. To exclude any interference from nearest neighbors, individual Ge crystals were isolated first by chemical etching followed by micro-manipulation inside a scanning electron microscope. This permitted us to scan an X-ray beam, focused to a spot a few hundreds of nm in size, along the height of a single crystal and to record three-dimensional reciprocal space maps at chosen heights. The resolution limited width of the scattered X-ray beams reveals that the epitaxial structures evolve into perfect single crystals sufficiently far away from the heavily dislocated interface

    Vztahy mezi oscilacemi a jejich využití u adaptivní hluboké mozkové stimulace

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    Hluboká mozková stimulace (DBS) patří vedle dopaminergní léčby k nejvýznamnějším terapeutickým přístupům u Parkinsonovy nemoci (PN). Snaha potlačit některé limitace této terapie vede ke zvýšenému zájmu o přístupy jako je adaptivní DBS (aDBS). Stimulace s uzavřenou smyčkou řízená fluktuacemi výkonu v beta pásmu však nemusí být optimální pro všechny pacienty s PN. S cílem nalézt více senzitivní ukazatel než samotnou beta aktivitu byly analyzovány vztahy mezi jednotlivými oscilacemi v kontextu optimální stimulace subthalamického jádra (STN). Vztah fáze beta rytmu a amplitudy vysokofrekvenčních oscilací se jeví jako vhodný parametr pro cílení stimulace