56 research outputs found

    The Physico-Chemical and Microbiological Water Quality of the Artificial Lake Keumgang

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    This study was performed to investigate the changing encironment of Keum River after the construction of the floodgate at the mouth of Keum River. Samples were taken from the surface wateres at 3 stations near the floodgate of the artificial lake Keumgang to measure the physico-chemikcal and microbiological water qualities from May, 2001 to April, 2002. The results were as follows; water temperature ranged from 2 to 28℃, and pH values caried from 7.5 to 9.1 respectively. The dissolced oxygen contents and COD of each station varied from 7.13 to 14.10 mg l⁻¹ and from 5.2 to 9.4 mg l⁻¹resoectively. And total nitrogen and total phosphate values varied from 0.99 to 3.15 mg l⁻¹, and from 0.01 to 0.12 mg l⁻¹ during survey periods,which meant the sampling stations have set in eutrophic level The population density of heterotrophic bacteria ranged from 0.4±0.1 x 103 cfu ml⁻¹ to 3.5±0.6 x 10³cfu ml⁻¹ for during survey periods. The population densities of physiological groups of aerobic bacteria ranged from 2.0±1.0 x 10² to 1.7±0.2 x 10³ cfu ml⁻¹ for amylolytic bacteria, from 0.3±0.1 x 10² to 1.3±+0.5 x 10³ cfu ml⁻¹ for proteolytix bacteria, from 0.2±0.1 x 10³ to 4.9±1.3 x 10³ cfu ml⁻¹ for lipolytic bacteria, and from 0.2±0.1 x 10² to 2.7±0.7 x 10³ cfu ml⁻¹ for cellulolytic bacteria during survey periods, respectively. Among the measured numbers of physiological groups of bacteria, lipolytic bacteria showed the highest population density. Howecer, the numbers of amylolytic, pyoteolytic, and cellulolylic bacteria showed the similar tendency.Article信州大学山地水環境教育研究センター研究報告 2: 57-61(2004)departmental bulletin pape

    Overexpression of the miR-141/200c cluster promotes the migratory and invasive ability of triple-negative breast cancer cells through the activation of the FAK and PI3K/AKT signaling pathways by secreting VEGF-A

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    Migration in miR-141/200c-transduced HCC-38 and Hs578T cells treated with an anti-VEGF-A-neutralizing antibody. (A, D) Migration in miR-141/200c-transduced HCC-38 and Hs578T cells. Images of the crystal violet-stained cells that migrated horizontally in the trans-well migration assay (upper). The absorbance values of extracted crystal violet in migrated cells (lower). The migratory abilities of the miR-200c cells (~1.6-fold and ~1.7-fold, HCC-38 and Hs578T, respectively) were significantly increased compared with those of the control cells. (B, E) Measurement of the secreted levels of cytokines and growth factors (IL-2, IL-4, IL-5, IL-10, IL-12, IL-13, GM-CSF, IFN-γ, TNF-α, and VEGF-A). Transduction of miR-141/200c into HCC-38 and Hs578T cells promoted significantly higher VEGF-A secretion than that of control cells. (C, F) Trans-well migration of anti-VEGF-A-neutralizing antibody-treated cells. The enhanced migration of the miR-141/200c-transduced HCC-38 cells were significantly suppressed by treatment with anti-VEGF-A-neutralizing antibodies, but miR-141/200c-transduced Hs578T cells still showed increased migratory ability compared with control cells. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.001. (JPG 188 kb

    A Case of Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type 1 with Primary Liver Gastrinoma

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    Gastrinoma is the most frequent functional pancreaticoduodenal endocrine tumor in patients with multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 (MEN 1). Primary hepatic gastrinomas in MEN 1 are very rare, with no previous reports published in the literature. We reported the case of a 39 yr old female patient with a history of repeated peptic ulcers and a hypoglycemia episode. Abdominal CT indicated a well-defined liver mass and a pancreatic head mass. Somatostatin-receptor scintigraphy with [111In] DTPA octeotride demonstrated a strong uptake of the radiotracer in the left lateral segment at the site of the hepatic mass. After operation, immunohistochemical staining was consistent with pancreatic insulinoma and primary hepatic gastrinoma. As the liver is a common site of metastases from gastrinoma, primary liver gastrinoma has not yet been reported with MEN 1. We diagnosed this patient using immunohistochemical studies and treated this patient by hepatic segmentectomy

    IL-6-mediated cross-talk between human preadipocytes and ductal carcinoma in situ in breast cancer progression

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    Background The function of preadipocytes in the progression of early stage breast cancer has not been fully elucidated at the molecular level. To delineate the role of preadipocytes in breast cancer progression, we investigated the cross-talk between human breast ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) cells and preadipocytes with both an in vitro culture and xenograft tumor model. Methods GFP or RFP was transduced into human DCIS cell line MCF10DCIS.com cells or preadipocytes using lentivirus. Cell sorter was used to separate pure, viable populations of GFP- or RFP-transduced cells. Cell viability and proliferation was assessed by crystal violet assays and cell migration and invasion capability was assayed by the transwell strategy. Gene and protein levels were measured by western blot, RT-PCR and immunostaining. Adipokines and cytokines were quantified using ELISA. Human tumor xenografts in a nude mice model were used. Ultrasound imaging of tumors was performed to evaluate the therapeutic potential of a IL-6 neutralizing antibody. Results In the co-culture system with the MCF10DCIS.com and preadipocytes, MCF10DCIS.com proliferation, migration and invasion were enhanced by preadipocytes. Preadipocytes exhibited in an increased IL-6 secretion and cancer-associated fibroblast markers expression, FSP1 and α-SMC in co-culture with MCF10DCIS.com or in MCF10DCIS.com conditioned media, whereas the adipocyte differentiation capacity was suppressed by co-culture with MCF10DCIS.com. A neutralizing antibody of IL-6 or IL-6R suppressed the promotion of MCF10DCIS.com proliferation and migration by co-culture with preadipocytes. In the xenograft tumor model, the tumor growth of MCF10DCIS.com was enhanced by the co-injection of preadipocytes, and the administration of IL-6 neutralizing antibodies resulted in potent effects on tumor inhibition. Conclusions Our findings suggest that IL-6-mediated cross-talk between preadipocytes and breast DCIS cells can promote the progression of early stage breast cancer. Therefore, blocking IL-6 signaling might be a potential therapeutic strategy for breast DCIS characterized by pathological IL-6 overproduction.This work was supported by Basic Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Science, ICT and future Planning (2015R1A2A1A05001860) and by the Basic Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Education (2015R1D1A1A01059376). Sul Ki Choi, Hyelim Kim and Yin Ji Piao are the awardees of graduate student fellowship funded by Brain Korea 21 Plus (BK21 Plus)

    A case of pilomatrixoma in the cheek

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    We report a case of pilomatrixoma presenting in the right cheek of a 6-year-old girl. In the panoramic view, a small, ovoid-shaped, and nonhomogenous calcified mass was superimposed on the right mandibular angle, The mass was located on the skin overlying the right mandibular ramus area in the skull P-A view. The tumor had a strongly reflective pattern with acoustic shadowing in sonographic view. We also illustrate how these lesions can be effectively diagnosed