37 research outputs found

    Thermomechanical and Thermofluid-Dynamic Coupled Analysis of the Top Cap Region of the Water-Cooled Lithium Lead Breeding Blanket for the EU DEMO Fusion Reactor

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    In the EU, the Water-Cooled Lithium Lead (WCLL) Breeding Blanket (BB) concept is one of the candidates for the design of the DEMO reactor. From the past campaign of analysis emerged that the thermal-induced stress led to the failure in the verification of the RCC-MRx structural criteria. Hence, in this paper the classic conceptual design approach, based on a pure FEM thermal and structural analysis, is compared to a coupled thermofluid-dynamic/structural one. Even though the coupled approach requires tremendous modelling effort and computational burden, it surely allows determining the thermal field with a higher level of detail than the FEM analysis. Therefore, in this work, the focus is put on the impact of a more detailed thermal field on the DEMO WCLL BB global structural performances, focusing on the Top Cap region of its Central Outboard Blanket segment. The obtained results have allowed confirming the soundness of the design solution of the Top Cap region, except for concerns arising on the mass flow rate distribution. Moreover, results have shown that, globally, the pure FEM approach allows for obtaining more conservative results than the coupled one. This is a positive outcome in sight of the follow-up of the DEMO WCLL BB design, as it will be still possible adopting the pure FEM approach to quickly down-select design alternatives, using the most onerous coupled approach to finalise the most promising

    Structural assessment of the EU-DEMO WCLL Central Outboard Blanket segment under normal and off-normal operating conditions

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    Within the framework of the EUROfusion design activities concerning the EU-DEMO Breeding Blanket (BB) system, a research campaign has been carried out at the University of Palermo with the aim of investigating the structural behaviour of the DEMO Water-Cooled Lithium Lead (WCLL) Central Outboard Blanket (COB) segment. The assessment has been performed considering three different loading scenarios: the Normal Operation (NO), the Over-Pressurization (OP) and the Upward Vertical Displacement Event (VDE-up). In particular, NO scenario represents the loading case referring to the nominal operating conditions, whereas the OP scenario refers to the loading conditions due to an in-box LOCA accident, listed as one of the BB design basis accidental events. Lastly, the VDE-up scenario is an off-normal event reproducing the plasma disruption caused by an uncontrolled vertical motion of the plasma volume. This event brings the plasma in contact with the upper part of the plasma chamber, generating a sudden energy discharge accompanied by Electro Magnetic (EM) forces acting on the structure. The study has been carried out following a theoretical-numerical approach based on the Finite Element Method (FEM) and adopting the quoted ABAQUS v. 6.14 commercial FEM code. In particular, a detailed 3D FEM model of the whole COB segment, including the back-supporting structure and its attachment system to the vacuum vessel, has been set up. Several simulations have been run to assess the thermo-mechanical performances of the segment under the afore-mentioned loading scenarios, also taking into account the impact of the tungsten (W)-armour on the overall structural response. EM loads have been considered in all the assessed scenarios. In the first two, only magnetization forces have been taken into account, while in the VDE-up scenario Lorentz's forces have been also taken into account. The structural response has been evaluated according to the RCC-MRx structural design rules. The obtained results are herewith presented and critically discussed

    Hypothetical porous medium concept as a virtual swirl tape: A novel modelling technique towards efficient CFD simulation of swirl tape cooling pipe

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    The EU-DEMO divertor target cooling circuit is equipped with Swirl Tape (ST) inserts to improve its thermo-hydraulic performance in terms of heat transfer coefficient and critical heat flux. Due to the presence of the STs, accurate 3D CFD-based thermofluid-dynamic assessments of the divertor targets cooling circuit require a high computational cost and a laborious pre-processing modelling effort. To this end, a cost-efficient CFD simulation technique based on an equivalent porous medium concept, namely the Virtual Swirl Tape (VST) approach, has been developed. In this work, the mathematical formulation of different VSTs models is presented, and the porous media calibration procedure and validation are shown. This technique enables the reduction of computational costs by decreasing the number of volumes required for a single Plasma-Facing Unit (PFU) assembly cooling channel by a factor of 10, while lowering the calculation time by ≈86%. The results obtained show that it is possible to correctly reproduce the friction factor profile and pressure drop of a PFU assembly cooling channel, this latter with errors within 10% considering a wide range of coolant inlet velocities. Some limitations have been observed concerning the VST thermal performance, which is still unsatisfactory and requires further development. The VST approach has been studied using the commercial CFD code ANSYS CFX, coupled with a multi-objective optimization algorithm available in the ANSYS Direct Optimization tool