3,161 research outputs found

    Effect of reducing portion size at a compulsory meal on later energy intake, gut hormones, and appetite in overweight adults.

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    OBJECTIVE: Larger portion sizes (PS) are associated with greater energy intake (EI), but little evidence exists on the appetitive effects of PS reduction. This study investigated the impact of reducing breakfast PS on subsequent EI, postprandial gastrointestinal hormone responses, and appetite ratings. METHODS: In a randomized crossover design (n = 33 adults; mean BMI 29 kg/m(2) ), a compulsory breakfast was based on 25% of gender-specific estimated daily energy requirements; PS was reduced by 20% and 40%. EI was measured at an ad libitum lunch (240 min) and snack (360 min) and by weighed diet diaries until bed. Blood was sampled until lunch in 20 participants. Appetite ratings were measured using visual analogue scales. RESULTS: EI at lunch (control: 2,930 ± 203; 20% reduction: 2,853 ± 198; 40% reduction: 2,911 ± 179 kJ) and over the whole day except breakfast (control: 7,374 ± 361; 20% reduction: 7,566 ± 468; 40% reduction: 7,413 ± 417 kJ) did not differ. Postprandial PYY, GLP-1, GIP, insulin, and fullness profiles were lower and hunger, desire to eat, and prospective consumption higher following 40% reduction compared to control. Appetite ratings profiles, but not hormone concentrations, were associated with subsequent EI. CONCLUSIONS: Smaller portions at breakfast led to reductions in gastrointestinal hormone secretion but did not affect subsequent energy intake, suggesting small reductions in portion size may be a useful strategy to constrain EI

    The effect of moving to East Village, the former London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games Athletes' Village, on mode of travel (ENABLE London study, a natural experiment)

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    Background Interventions to encourage active modes of travel (walking, cycling) may improve physical activity levels, but longitudinal evidence is limited and major change in the built environment / travel infrastructure may be needed. East Village (the former London 2012 Olympic Games Athletes Village) has been repurposed on active design principles with improved walkability, open space and public transport and restrictions on residential car parking. We examined the effect of moving to East Village on adult travel patterns. Methods One thousand two hundred seventy-eight adults (16+ years) seeking to move into social, intermediate, and market-rent East Village accommodation were recruited in 2013–2015, and followed up after 2 years. Individual objective measures of physical activity using accelerometry (ActiGraph GT3X+) and geographic location using GPS travel recorders (QStarz) were time-matched and a validated algorithm assigned four travel modes (walking, cycling, motorised vehicle, train). We examined change in time spent in different travel modes, using multilevel linear regresssion models adjusting for sex, age group, ethnicity, housing group (fixed effects) and household (random effect), comparing those who had moved to East Village at follow-up with those who did not. Results Of 877 adults (69%) followed-up, 578 (66%) provided valid accelerometry and GPS data for at least 1 day (≥540 min) at both time points; half had moved to East Village. Despite no overall effects on physical activity levels, sizeable improvements in walkability and access to public transport in East Village resulted in decreased daily vehicle travel (8.3 mins, 95%CI 2.5,14.0), particularly in the intermediate housing group (9.6 mins, 95%CI 2.2,16.9), and increased underground travel (3.9 mins, 95%CI 1.2,6.5), more so in the market-rent group (11.5 mins, 95%CI 4.4,18.6). However, there were no effects on time spent walking or cycling

    Religion and mental health among Hindu young people in England

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    The aim of this study was to explore the relationship between mental health and attitude toward their religious tradition among a sample of 330 young people attending the Hindu Youth Festival in London. The participants completed the Santosh-Francis Scale of Attitude toward Hinduism together with the abbreviated form of the Revised Eysenck Personality Questionnaire which provides measures of neuroticism and psychoticism. The data indicated that a more positive attitude toward Hinduism was associated with lower psychoticism scores but unrelated to neuroticism scores. There is no evidence, therefore, to associate higher levels of religiosity with poorer mental health among young people within the Hindu community

    Psychological type and prayer preferences: a study among Anglican clergy in the United Kingdom

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    This study applies the framework of Jungian psychological type theory to define eight aspects of prayer preference, namely: introverted prayer, extraverted prayer, sensing prayer, intuitive prayer, feeling prayer, thinking prayer, judging prayer, and perceiving prayer. On the basis of data provided by 1,476 newly ordained Anglican clergy from England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales, eight 7-item scales were developed to access these aspects of prayer preferences. Significant correlations were found between each prayer preference and the relevant aspect of psychological type accessed by the Keirsey Temperament Sorter. These data support the theory that psychological type influences the way in which people pray

    Approximation of the critical buckling factor for composite panels

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    This article is concerned with the approximation of the critical buckling factor for thin composite plates. A new method to improve the approximation of this critical factor is applied based on its behavior with respect to lamination parameters and loading conditions. This method allows accurate approximation of the critical buckling factor for non-orthotropic laminates under complex combined loadings (including shear loading). The influence of the stacking sequence and loading conditions is extensively studied as well as properties of the critical buckling factor behavior (e.g concavity over tensor D or out-of-plane lamination parameters). Moreover, the critical buckling factor is numerically shown to be piecewise linear for orthotropic laminates under combined loading whenever shear remains low and it is also shown to be piecewise continuous in the general case. Based on the numerically observed behavior, a new scheme for the approximation is applied that separates each buckling mode and builds linear, polynomial or rational regressions for each mode. Results of this approach and applications to structural optimization are presented

    Lifestyle factors associated with sex differences in Kaposi sarcoma incidence among adult black South Africans: A case-control study

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    Kaposi Sarcoma (KS) is endemic in several countries in Southern and Eastern Africa, relatively rare worldwide but a leading cancer among people living with HIV. KS has always been more common in adult males than females. We assessed the prevalence of known cancer modifying factors (parity, hormonal contraceptive use in females, sex-partners, smoking and alcohol consumption in both sexes), and their relationship to KS, and whether any of these could account for the unequal KS sex ratios. We calculated logistic regression case-control adjusted odds ratios (ORadj), and 95% confidence intervals (95%CI), between KS and each of the modifying factors, using appropriate comparison controls. Controls were cancer types that had no known relationship to exposures of interest (infection or alcohol or smoking or contraceptive use). The majority of the 1275 KS cases were HIV positive (97%), vs. 15.7% in 10,309 controls. The risk of KS among those with HIV was high in males (ORadj=116.70;95%CI=71.35–190.88) and females (ORadj=93.91;95%CI=54.22–162.40). Among controls, the prevalence of smoking and alcohol consumption was five and three times higher in males vs. females. We found a positive association between KS and heavy vs. non-drinking (ORadj=1.31;95%CI=1.03–1.67), and in current heavy vs. never smokers (ORadj=1.82;95%CI=1.07–3.10). These associations remained positive for alcohol consumption (but with wider CIs) after stratification by sex, and restriction to HIV positive participants. We found no evidence of interactions of smoking and alcohol by sex. Smoking and alcohol consumption may provide a possible explanation for the KS sex differences, given both exposures are more common in men, but confounding and bias cannot be fully ruled out. The role smoking and alcohol play in relation to viral loads of HIV/KSHV, differences in immunological responses or other genetic differences between males and females warrant further studies

    Epidemiology of Kaposi's sarcoma in sub-Saharan Africa

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    Kaposi's sarcoma (KS) has become a common AIDS-defining cancer in sub-Saharan Africa. Kaposi's sarcoma-associated human herpesvirus strongly modulated by HIV-related immune suppression are the principal causes of this cancer. No other risk factors have been identified as playing a strong role. HIV prevention programs and good coverage of antiretroviral therapy (ART) in developed countries resulted in a remarkable decline in HIV-KS incidence and better KS prognosis. By contrast, in sub-Saharan Africa, population ART rollout has lagged, but clinical studies have shown positive results in reduction of KS incidence and better KS prognosis. However, the effect of ART rollout in relation to population KS incidence is unclear. We describe the incidence of KS in sub-Saharan Africa, in four time-periods, (1) before 1980 (before HIV/AIDS era); (2) 1981–2000 (early HIV/AIDS era, limited or no ART coverage); (3) 2001–2010 (early ART coverage period); and (4) 2011–2016 (fair to good ART coverage period). We used KS incidence data available from WHO-International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) publications and the Africa Cancer Registry Network. National HIV prevalence and ART coverage data were derived from UNAIDS/WHO. A rapid increase in KS incidence was observed throughout sub-Saharan Africa as the HIV epidemic progressed, reaching peak incidences in Period 2 (pre-ART rollout) of 50.8 in males and 20.3 per 100 000 in females (Zimbabwe, Harare). The overall unweighted average decline in KS incidence between 2000 and 2010 and 2011–2016 was 27%, but this decline was not statistically significant across the region. ART rollout coincides with a decline in KS incidence across several regions in sub-Saharan Africa. The importance of other risk factors such as reductions in HIV incidence could not be ascertained

    Cohort profile: Examining Neighbourhood Activities in Built Living Environments in London: the ENABLE London-Olympic Park cohort.

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    PURPOSE: The Examining Neighbourhood Activities in Built Living Environments in London (ENABLE London) project is a natural experiment which aims to establish whether physical activity and other health behaviours show sustained changes among individuals and families relocating to East Village (formerly the London 2012 Olympics Athletes' Village), when compared with a control population living outside East Village throughout. PARTICIPANTS: Between January 2013 and December 2015, 1497 individuals from 1006 households were recruited and assessed (at baseline) (including 392 households seeking social housing, 421 seeking intermediate and 193 seeking market rent homes). The 2-year follow-up rate is 62% of households to date, of which 57% have moved to East Village. FINDINGS TO DATE: Assessments of physical activity (measured objectively using accelerometers) combined with Global Positioning System technology and Geographic Information System mapping of the local area are being used to characterise physical activity patterns and location among study participants and assess the attributes of the environments to which they are exposed. Assessments of body composition, based on weight, height and bioelectrical impedance, have been made and detailed participant questionnaires provide information on socioeconomic position, general health/health status, well-being, anxiety, depression, attitudes to leisure time activities and other personal, social and environmental influences on physical activity, including the use of recreational space and facilities in their residential neighbourhood. FUTURE PLANS: The main analyses will examine the changes in physical activity, health and well-being observed in the East Village group compared with controls and the influence of specific elements of the built environment on observed changes. The ENABLE London project exploits a unique opportunity to evaluate a 'natural experiment', provided by the building and rapid occupation of East Village. Findings from the study will be generalisable to other urban residential housing developments, and will help inform future evidence-based urban planning

    An open-source tool to identify active travel from hip-worn accelerometer, GPS and GIS data.

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    BACKGROUND: Increases in physical activity through active travel have the potential to have large beneficial effects on populations, through both better health outcomes and reduced motorized traffic. However accurately identifying travel mode in large datasets is problematic. Here we provide an open source tool to quantify time spent stationary and in four travel modes(walking, cycling, train, motorised vehicle) from accelerometer measured physical activity data, combined with GPS and GIS data. METHODS: The Examining Neighbourhood Activities in Built Living Environments in London study evaluates the effect of the built environment on health behaviours, including physical activity. Participants wore accelerometers and GPS receivers on the hip for 7 days. We time-matched accelerometer and GPS, and then extracted data from the commutes of 326 adult participants, using stated commute times and modes, which were manually checked to confirm stated travel mode. This yielded examples of five travel modes: walking, cycling, motorised vehicle, train and stationary. We used this example data to train a gradient boosted tree, a form of supervised machine learning algorithm, on each data point (131,537 points), rather than on journeys. Accuracy during training was assessed using five-fold cross-validation. We also manually identified the travel behaviour of both 21 participants from ENABLE London (402,749 points), and 10 participants from a separate study (STAMP-2, 210,936 points), who were not included in the training data. We compared our predictions against this manual identification to further test accuracy and test generalisability. RESULTS: Applying the algorithm, we correctly identified travel mode 97.3% of the time in cross-validation (mean sensitivity 96.3%, mean active travel sensitivity 94.6%). We showed 96.0% agreement between manual identification and prediction of 21 individuals' travel modes (mean sensitivity 92.3%, mean active travel sensitivity 84.9%) and 96.5% agreement between the STAMP-2 study and predictions (mean sensitivity 85.5%, mean active travel sensitivity 78.9%). CONCLUSION: We present a generalizable tool that identifies time spent stationary and time spent walking with very high precision, time spent in trains or vehicles with good precision, and time spent cycling with moderate precisionIn studies where both accelerometer and GPS data are available this tool complements analyses of physical activity, showing whether differences in PA may be explained by differences in travel mode. All code necessary to replicate, fit and predict to other datasets is provided to facilitate use by other researchers

    Chronic breast abscess due to Mycobacterium fortuitum: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p><it>Mycobacterium fortuitum </it>is a rapidly growing group of nontuberculous mycobacteria more common in patients with genetic or acquired causes of immune deficiency. There have been few published reports of <it>Mycobacterium fortuitum </it>associated with breast infections mainly associated with breast implant and reconstructive surgery.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>We report a case of a 51-year-old Caucasian woman who presented to our one-stop breast clinic with a two-week history of left breast swelling and tenderness. Following triple assessment and subsequent incision and drainage of a breast abscess, the patient was diagnosed with <it>Mycobacterium fortuitum </it>and treated with antibiotic therapy and surgical debridement.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This is a rare case of a spontaneous breast abscess secondary to <it>Mycobacterium fortuitum </it>infection. Recommended treatment is long-term antibacterial therapy and surgical debridement for extensive infection or when implants are involved.</p