15 research outputs found

    Follicular and marginal zone B cells fail to cross-present MHC class I-restricted epitopes derived from viral particles.

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    Viruses and virus-like particles (VLPs) are known to be potent inducers of B cell as well as Th cell and CTL responses. It is well established that professional APCs such as dendritic cells (DCs) and macrophages efficiently process viral particles for both MHC class I- and MHC class II-associated presentation, which is essential for induction of CTL and Th cell responses, respectively. Less is known, however, about the ability of B cells to present epitopes derived from viral particles to T cells. Using two different VLPs, in this study we show in vitro as well as in vivo that DCs present VLP-derived peptides in association with MHC class I as well as class II. In contrast, although B cells were able to capture VLPs similarly as DCs and although they efficiently processed VLPs for presentation in association with MHC class II, they failed to process exogenous VLPs for presentation in association with MHC class I. Thus, in contrast to DCs, B cells are not involved in the process of cross-priming. This finding is of physiological importance because B cells with the ability to cross-present Ag to specific CD8(+) T cells may be killed by these cells, preventing the generation of neutralizing Ab responses

    Innate signaling regulates cross-priming at the level of DC licensing and not antigen presentation.

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    Innate stimuli, such as TLR ligands, are known to greatly facilitate cross-priming. Currently it is unclear whether innate stimuli enhance cross-priming at the level of cross-presentation or at the level of T-cell priming. In this study, we addressed this question by measuring cross-presentation as well as cross-priming by virus-like particles (VLP) displaying peptide p33 derived of lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus. Innate stimuli were varied by either packaging different TLR ligands into virus-like particles or using mice deficient in two key molecules of TLR-signaling, namely the adaptor molecule MyD88 as well as IFN-alpha/beta receptor. While efficient cross-presentation occurred despite strongly reduced activation of DC in the absence of TLR ligand-mediated signals, T-cell priming was abolished. Thus, innate stimuli regulate cross-priming at the level of DC licensing for T-cell activation and not antigen presentation

    Identification of Ly-6K as a novel marker for mouse plasma cells.

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    Plasma cells are the main producers of antibody and key effector cells of the immune system. Despite their importance, analytics of plasma cells still suffers from the limited availability of specific markers. Currently, plasma cell identification relies on the expression of a single marker, CD138/syndecan-1. However, syndecan-1 is widely expressed on various cell types outside the hematopoietic compartment, and furthermore, not expressed on all subsets of plasma cells. To discover novel surface markers, a differential screening followed by signal sequence trap cloning was developed, leading to the identification of mouse Ly-6K (mLy-6K). Expression profiling confirmed that mLy-6K is expressed by plasma cells but not B cells or tissues not containing plasma cells. Expression at the surface of plasma cells isolated from spleen, lymph node, bone marrow, and lamina propria of the small intestine was demonstrated at the protein level using a polyclonal rabbit antibody. This novel plasma cell marker shows promise to help broaden our understanding of plasma cell differentiation and function