42 research outputs found

    Differential Effects of Antibiotic Therapy on the Structure and Function of Human Gut Microbiota

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    The human intestinal microbiota performs many essential functions for the host. Antimicrobial agents, such as antibiotics (AB), are also known to disturb microbial community equilibrium, thereby having an impact on human physiology. While an increasing number of studies investigate the effects of AB usage on changes in human gut microbiota biodiversity, its functional effects are still poorly understood. We performed a follow-up study to explore the effect of ABs with different modes of action on human gut microbiota composition and function. Four individuals were treated with different antibiotics and samples were taken before, during and after the AB course for all of them. Changes in the total and in the active (growing) microbiota as well as the functional changes were addressed by 16S rRNA gene and metagenomic 454-based pyrosequencing approaches. We have found that the class of antibiotic, particularly its antimicrobial effect and mode of action, played an important role in modulating the gut microbiota composition and function. Furthermore, analysis of the resistome suggested that oscillatory dynamics are not only due to antibiotic-target resistance, but also to fluctuations in the surviving bacterial community. Our results indicated that the effect of AB on the human gut microbiota relates to the interaction of several factors, principally the properties of the antimicrobial agent, and the structure, functions and resistance genes of the microbial community

    Genetic–geographic correlation revealed across a broad European ecotypic sample of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) using array-based SNP genotyping

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    Key message: Publically available SNP array increases the marker density for genotyping of forage crop,Lolium perenne. Applied to 90 European ecotypes composed of 716 individuals identifies a significant genetic–geographic correlation. Abstract: Grassland ecosystems are ubiquitous across temperate and tropical regions, totalling 37 % of the terrestrial land cover of the planet, and thus represent a global resource for understanding local adaptations to environment. However, genomic resources for grass species (outside cereals) are relatively poor. The advent of next-generation DNA sequencing and high-density SNP genotyping platforms enables the development of dense marker assays for population genetics analyses and genome-wide association studies. A high-density SNP marker resource (Illumina Infinium assay) for perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) was created and validated in a broad ecotype collection of 716 individuals sampled from 90 sites across Europe. Genetic diversity within and between populations was assessed. A strong correlation of geographic origin to genetic structure was found using principal component analysis, with significant correlation to longitude and latitude (P &lt; 0.001). The potential of this array as a resource for studies of germplasm diversity and identifying traits underpinning adaptive variation is highlighted.</p

    Toward defining the autoimmune microbiome for type 1 diabetes

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    Several studies have shown that gut bacteria have a role in diabetes in murine models. Specific bacteria have been correlated with the onset of diabetes in a rat model. However, it is unknown whether human intestinal microbes have a role in the development of autoimmunity that often leads to type 1 diabetes (T1D), an autoimmune disorder in which insulin-secreting pancreatic islet cells are destroyed. High-throughput, culture-independent approaches identified bacteria that correlate with the development of T1D-associated autoimmunity in young children who are at high genetic risk for this disorder. The level of bacterial diversity diminishes overtime in these autoimmune subjects relative to that of age-matched, genotype-matched, nonautoimmune individuals. A single species, Bacteroides ovatus, comprised nearly 24% of the total increase in the phylum Bacteroidetes in cases compared with controls. Conversely, another species in controls, represented by the human firmicute strain CO19, represented nearly 20% of the increase in Firmicutes compared with cases overtime. Three lines of evidence are presented that support the notion that, as healthy infants approach the toddler stage, their microbiomes become healthier and more stable, whereas, children who are destined for autoimmunity develop a microbiome that is less diverse and stable. Hence, the autoimmune microbiome for T1D may be distinctly different from that found in healthy children. These data also suggest bacterial markers for the early diagnosis of T1D. In addition, bacteria that negatively correlated with the autoimmune state may prove to be useful in the prevention of autoimmunity development in high-risk children

    Local adenoviral expression of Fas ligand upregulates pro-inflammatory immune responses in the CNS.

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    The central nervous system (CNS) is a site of relative immunological privilege; despite this it can be a target of the immune system under certain conditions. For example, adenoviral vectors elicit an immune response strong enough to result in antigen elimination, in immunologically primed animals. Fas ligand (FasL) contributes to the immune privilege of certain tissues by inducing apoptosis in activated T cells. We therefore investigated whether local overexpression of FasL could downregulate the immune response to adenovirus in the brain. Adenoviral vectors expressing FasL (AdFasL) and the reporter gene beta-galactosidase (Adbetagal) were co-injected into the striatum of naĂŻve or immunologically primed mice. A co-injection of an adenovirus lacking a transgene (Ad0) and Adbetagal acted as a control. At 2 weeks after inoculation, reporter protein expression was significantly reduced with the AdFasL:Adbetagal combination compared with the Ad0:Adbetagal controls. This was accompanied by a strong inflammatory cell infiltrate, local demyelination and upregulation of pro-inflammatory cytokine gene expression. These experiments demonstrate that FasL overexpression elicits a pro-inflammatory response in the CNS rather than immunosuppression. This was characterized by chronic inflammation and accelerated loss of transgene expression. Induction of such an unexpected pro-inflammatory response caused by introducing FasL may be a peculiarity of the relative immunoprivilege of the unique environment of the brain