81 research outputs found

    Classification of non-Riemannian doubled-yet-gauged spacetime

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    Assuming O(D,D)\mathbf{O}(D,D) covariant fields as the `fundamental' variables, Double Field Theory can accommodate novel geometries where a Riemannian metric cannot be defined, even locally. Here we present a complete classification of such non-Riemannian spacetimes in terms of two non-negative integers, (n,nˉ)(n,\bar{n}), 0n+nˉD0\leq n+\bar{n}\leq D. Upon these backgrounds, strings become chiral and anti-chiral over nn and nˉ\bar{n} directions respectively, while particles and strings are frozen over the n+nˉn+\bar{n} directions. In particular, we identify (0,0)(0,0) as Riemannian manifolds, (1,0)(1,0) as non-relativistic spacetime, (1,1)(1,1) as Gomis-Ooguri non-relativistic string, (D1,0)(D{-1},0) as ultra-relativistic Carroll geometry, and (D,0)(D,0) as Siegel's chiral string. Combined with a covariant Kaluza-Klein ansatz which we further spell, (0,1)(0,1) leads to Newton-Cartan gravity. Alternative to the conventional string compactifications on small manifolds, non-Riemannian spacetime such as D=10D=10, (3,3)(3,3) may open a new scheme of the dimensional reduction from ten to four.Comment: 1+41 pages; v2) Refs added; v3) Published version; v4) Sign error in (2.51) correcte

    G<sub>2</sub>-structures and quantization of non-geometric M-theory backgrounds

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    We describe the quantization of a four-dimensional locally non-geometric M-theory background dual to a twisted three-torus by deriving a phase space star product for deformation quantization of quasi-Poisson brackets related to the nonassociative algebra of octonions. The construction is based on a choice of G2G_2-structure which defines a nonassociative deformation of the addition law on the seven-dimensional vector space of Fourier momenta. We demonstrate explicitly that this star product reduces to that of the three-dimensional parabolic constant RR-flux model in the contraction of M-theory to string theory, and use it to derive quantum phase space uncertainty relations as well as triproducts for the nonassociative geometry of the four-dimensional configuration space. By extending the G2G_2-structure to a Spin(7)Spin(7)-structure, we propose a 3-algebra structure on the full eight-dimensional M2-brane phase space which reduces to the quasi-Poisson algebra after imposing a particular gauge constraint, and whose deformation quantisation simultaneously encompasses both the phase space star products and the configuration space triproducts. We demonstrate how these structures naturally fit in with previous occurences of 3-algebras in M-theory.Comment: 41 pages; v2: Final version published in JHE

    Exotic branes in Exceptional Field Theory: E-7(7) and beyond

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    In recent years, it has been widely argued that the duality transformations of string and M-theory naturally imply the existence of so-called `exotic branes'---low codimension objects with highly non-perturbative tensions, scaling as gsαg_s^{\alpha} for α3\alpha \leq -3. We argue that their intimate link with these duality transformations make them an ideal object of study using the general framework of Double Field Theory (DFT) and Exceptional Field Theory (EFT)---collectively referred to as ExFT. Parallel to the theme of dualities, we also stress that these theories unify known solutions in string- and M-theory into a single solution under ExFT. We argue that not only is there a natural unifying description of the lowest codimension objects, many of these exotic states require this formalism as a consistent supergravity description does not exist.Comment: 73 pages Latex, v2: citations added, some orbits correcte

    Strings and branes are waves

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    We examine the equations of motion of double field theory and the duality manifest form of M-theory. We show the solutions of the equations of motion corresponding to null pp-waves correspond to strings or membranes from the usual spacetime perspective. A Goldstone mode analysis of the null wave solution in double field theory produces the equations of motion of the duality manifest string.Comment: 31 pages, LaTex, v2 some typos corrected and refs adde

    Global aspects of double geometry

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    We consider the concept of a generalised manifold in the O(d,d) setting, i.e., in double geometry. The conjecture by Hohm and Zwiebach for the form of finite generalised diffeomorphisms is shown to hold. Transition functions on overlaps are defined. Triple overlaps are trivial concerning their action on coordinates, but non-trivial on fields, including the generalised metric. A generalised manifold is an ordinary manifold, but the generalised metric on the manifold carries a gerbe structure. We show how the abelian behaviour of the gerbe is embedded in the non-abelian T-duality group. We also comment on possibilities and difficulties in the U-duality setting.Comment: 20 pp. v3: refs. added, discussion added on limitations of formalis