15 research outputs found

    Efeito da brusone sobre a produção de grãos de linhagens de trigo da população ITMI.

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    Editores técnicos: Joseani Mesquita Antunes, Ana Lídia Variani Bonato, Márcia Barrocas Moreira Pimentel

    Nutritional requirements of energy, protein and macrominerals for maintenance and weight gain of young crossbred Nellore × Holstein bulls on pasture.

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    The objective of this study was to estimate requirements of energy, protein and macrominerals of young Nellore/Holstein crossbreds bulls supplemented on pastures of Brachiaria decumbens Stapf. Thirty-five young bulls, at 8.53±0.18 months of age and with initial body weight of 230.6±6.1 kg were used. Ten animals were slaughtered as reference, in different weight range, and the other animals were slaughtered at the end of the experimental period. For estimate of net energy requirements for weight, a regression equation between log of retained energy (RE) and log of empty body weight gain (EBWG) was constructed. Net requirements of Ca, P, Mg, Na and K were determined by the equation Y' = a.b.Xb-1, in which a and b represent the intercept and the coefficient of equation of prediction of macrominerals in body content, respectively. Requirements of metabolizable energy for maintenance (MEm) were obtained from retained energy in function of metabolizable energy intake (MEI). The requirements of MEm of Nellore/Holstein crossbreds young bulls on pasture was 125 kcal/EBW0.75/day. The efficiency of ME utilization for maintenance (km) of grazing Nellore/Holstein crossbred young bulls was 0.58 and 0.24 for gain. The total metabolizable protein requirements for an animal with 400 kg and with average daily gain of 1.0 kg, were 638.36 g/day. The dietetic requirements of Ca and P for an animal with 400 kg BW were 0.49 and 0.21% of DM, respectively. Daily metabolizable energy requirement for maintenance of grazing Nellore/Holstein crossbred young bulls was 11.6% greater than the values found for cattle in feedlot in Brazil (112 kcal/kg EBW0.75)

    pH e força de cisalhamento da carne de cordeiros alimentados com glicerina bruta na fase de terminação.

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    Objetivou-se neste trabalho avaliar o efeito da inclusão de glicerina bruta (GB) na dieta de cordeiros em terminação, sobre o pH, a temperatura (TºC), a força de cisalhamento (FC) e as perdas obtidas pelo descongelamento (PDESC) e cocção (PCOC) da carne de cordeiros da raça Santa Inês

    Grazing behavior of lactating Murrah buffalo cows supplemented with cupuassu byproduct.

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    The goal of this work was to evaluate grazing behavior of lactating Murrah buffalo cows supplemented with cupuassu byproduct containing 16.8, 51.4, 8.3, 83.5 and 3.4% of ether extract (EE), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), crude protein (CP), total digestible nutrients (TDN) and nonfibrous carbohydrate (NFC), respectively. Experimental rations were balanced for reaching levels of 22.0 % of crude protein (CP) and 80.1 % of total digestible nutrient (TDN)

    What's wrong with the murals at the Mogao Grottoes : a near-infrared hyperspectral imaging method

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    Although a significant amount of work has been performed to preserve the ancient murals in the Mogao Grottoes by Dunhuang Cultural Research, non-contact methods need to be developed to effectively evaluate the degree of flaking of the murals. In this study, we propose to evaluate the flaking by automatically analyzing hyperspectral images that were scanned at the site. Murals with various degrees of flaking were scanned in the 126th cave using a near-infrared (NIR) hyperspectral camera with a spectral range of approximately 900 to 1700 nm. The regions of interest (ROIs) of the murals were manually labeled and grouped into four levels: normal, slight, moderate, and severe. The average spectral data from each ROI and its group label were used to train our classification model. To predict the degree of flaking, we adopted four algorithms: deep belief networks (DBNs), partial least squares regression (PLSR), principal component analysis with a support vector machine (PCA + SVM) and principal component analysis with an artificial neural network (PCA + ANN). The experimental results show the effectiveness of our method. In particular, better results are obtained using DBNs when the training data contain a significant amount of striping noise

    Implementation and performance of the event filter muon selection for the ATLAS experiment at LHC

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    International audienceThe ATLAS trigger system is composed of three levels: an initial hardware trigger level (LVL1) followed by two software-based stages (LVL2 trigger and event filter) included in the high level trigger (HLT) and implemented on processor farms. The LVL2 trigger starts from LVL1 information concerning pointers to restricted so-called regions of interest (ROI) and performs event selection by means of optimized algorithms. If the LVL2 is passed, the full event is built and sent to the event filter (EF) algorithms for further selection and classification. After that, events are finally collected and put into mass storage for subsequent physics analysis. Even if many differences arise in the requirements and in the interfaces between the two HLT stages, they have a coherent approach to event selection. Therefore, the design of a common core software framework has been implemented in order to allow the HLT architecture to be flexible to changes (background conditions, luminosity, description of the detector, etc.). Algorithms working in the event filter are designed to work not only in a general purpose or exclusive mode, but they have been implemented in such a way to process given trigger hypotheses produced at a previous stage in the HLT dataflow (seeding concept). This is done by acting in separate steps, so that decisions to go further in the process are taken at every new step. An overview of the HLT processing steps is given and the working principles of the EF offline algorithms for muon reconstruction and identification (MOORE and MuId) are discussed in deeper detail. The reconstruction performances of these algorithms in terms of efficiency, momentum resolution, rejection power and execution times on several samples of simulated single muon events are presented, also taking into account the high background environment that is expected for ATLAS

    Nutritional requirements of energy, protein and macrominerals for maintenance and weight gain of young crossbred Nellore × Holstein bulls on pasture.

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    The objective of this study was to estimate requirements of energy, protein and macrominerals of young Nellore/Holstein crossbreds bulls supplemented on pastures of Brachiaria decumbens Stapf. Thirty-five young bulls, at 8.53±0.18 months of age and with initial body weight of 230.6±6.1 kg were used. Ten animals were slaughtered as reference, in different weight range, and the other animals were slaughtered at the end of the experimental period. For estimate of net energy requirements for weight, a regression equation between log of retained energy (RE) and log of empty body weight gain (EBWG) was constructed. Net requirements of Ca, P, Mg, Na and K were determined by the equation Y' = a.b.Xb-1, in which a and b represent the intercept and the coefficient of equation of prediction of macrominerals in body content, respectively. Requirements of metabolizable energy for maintenance (MEm) were obtained from retained energy in function of metabolizable energy intake (MEI). The requirements of MEm of Nellore/Holstein crossbreds young bulls on pasture was 125 kcal/EBW0.75/day. The efficiency of ME utilization for maintenance (km) of grazing Nellore/Holstein crossbred young bulls was 0.58 and 0.24 for gain. The total metabolizable protein requirements for an animal with 400 kg and with average daily gain of 1.0 kg, were 638.36 g/day. The dietetic requirements of Ca and P for an animal with 400 kg BW were 0.49 and 0.21% of DM, respectively. Daily metabolizable energy requirement for maintenance of grazing Nellore/Holstein crossbred young bulls was 11.6% greater than the values found for cattle in feedlot in Brazil (112 kcal/kg EBW0.75).201

    Quantification of losses and recovery of dry matter in Arachis pintoi cv. BRS Mandobi and Elephant grass.

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    The legume Arachis pintoi cv. BRS Mandobi is adapted to the climatic conditions of the North region, has good productivity and nutritional quality being used in grazing intercropped with other species or conserved in the form of silage or hay. The objective of this study was to evaluate the gas and effluent losses and to quantify the dry matter recovery of silages produced with different proportions of BRS Mandobi and elephantgrass (Penissetum purpureum cv. Cameroon)