682 research outputs found

    Controlling pollution effects on metallic cultural heritage using linear sweep voltammetry

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    This work demonstrates the potentialities of the linear sweep voltammetry (LSV) for monitoring the composition of the tarnishing layers formed on silver and on the silver-copper alloys exposed to atmospheres contaminated with pollutants, such as H2S and chloride ions, among others. A collection of silver and sterling silver coupons exposed during periods of 1 and 12 months, at the Holy Altar of the Chapel and at the Treasure Room of the Museum, both of the Porto Cathedral (Portugal), with exposures started in march 2010 and ending in march 2011, have been analysed by LSV. The LSV spectra of blank polished samples as well as samples covered with thin films of silver sulphide and of silver chloride, formed under controlled conditions, respectively: (i) H2S, 1000 ppm, RH= 53% ± 2, T= 21˚C ± 1, over periods of 24, 48 and 72 h and (ii) 3.5% of NaCl, RH=41%, T= 43˚C, periods of 5 h, have been used as references. The influence of the atmosphere (Chapel and Museum), exposure time (1 and 12 months) and season, in which the exposures were started, (spring, summer, autumn and winter) have been analysed on the LSVs of the coupons exposed to the various conditions. For the 1 month exposures started in spring the peaks corresponding to the silver sulphide and silver chloride were, as expected, higher on the samples exposed in the Chapel. For the 12 months exposures both peaks have increased in size with the peak assigned to chloride being much higher in the case of the Chapel and the reverse observed in the case of the Museum. The seasonal influence, even for the 1 month exposures was particularly notable on those started in winter with well visible effects on the sulphide and chloride peaks respectively, in the Museum and Chapel exposures

    Because scientists are unable to explain the unexplained, screening for cardiovascular abnormalities is a good method to protect against sudden unexpected death in patients with epilepsy

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    Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de MedicinaUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Departamento de FisiologiaUniversidade de São Paulo Faculdade de Medicina Hospital das ClínicasUNIFESP, EPMUNIFESP, Depto. de FisiologiaSciEL

    Coring the sedimentary expression of the early Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event: New stratigraphic records from the Tethys Ocean

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    The Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event (T-OAE) interval was cored at Colle di Sogno and Gajum in the Lombardy Basin (Southern Alps, northern Italy). The Sogno and Gajum cores recovered 26.83 and 31.18 stratigraphic metres, respectively, of pelagic sediments consisting of marly limestones, marlstone, marly claystone, and black shale. Drilling at both sites resulted in 100\u2009% recovery of unweathered material. The pelagic succession comprises a relatively expanded black shale interval of 4.98\u2009m in the Sogno core and 15.35\u2009m in the Gajum core, with lower and upper boundaries without evidence of hiatuses. The Sogno and Gajum cores can be considered reference sections for the pelagic lower Toarcian interval of the western Tethys and will provide high-resolution micropaleontological, inorganic and organic geochemical, isotopic multiproxy data. Integrated stratigraphy and cyclostratigraphy are predicted to result in estimates of durations and rates to model the ecosystem resilience to the extreme perturbations of the T-OAE and gain a better understanding of current global changes and help provide better projections of future scenarios

    Educational needs of epileptologists regarding psychiatric comorbidities of the epilepsies: a descriptive quantitative survey.

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    Psychiatric disorders are relatively frequent comorbidities in epilepsy and they have an impact on morbidity, mortality, and quality of life. This is a report from the Task Force on Education of the ILAE Commission on Neuropsychiatry based on a survey about educational needs of epileptologists regarding management of the psychiatric comorbidities of epilepsy. The Task Force designed a quantitative questionnaire to survey the self-perceived confidence of child and adult epileptologists and psychiatrists in managing major psychiatric comorbidities of epilepsy to identify: (1) critical areas of improvement from a list of skills that are usually considered necessary for effective management of these conditions, and (2) the preferred educational format for improving these skills. A total of 211 respondents from 36 different countries participated in the survey. Confidence and usefulness scores suggest that responders would most value education and training in the management of specific clinical scenarios. Child neurologists identified major Axis I disorders, such as mood and anxiety disorders, while adult neurologists identified attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, intellectual disabilities, and autistic spectrum disorder as key areas. Both adult and child neurologists identified screening skills as the priority. Psychiatrists mainly valued specific training in the management of psychiatric complications of epilepsy surgery or psychiatric adverse events of antiepileptic drugs. Sessions during congresses and face-to-face meetings represent the preferred educational format, while e-learning modules and review papers were chosen by a minority of respondents. Results of this survey identify key areas for improvement in managing the psychiatric comorbidities of epilepsy and suggest specific strategies to develop better training for clinicians involved in epilepsy care

    Respiration, Oxidative Phosphorylation, And Uncoupling Protein In Candida Albicans.

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    The respiration, membrane potential (Deltapsi), and oxidative phosphorylation of mitochondria in situ were determined in spheroplasts obtained from Candida albicans control strain ATCC 90028 by lyticase treatment. Mitochondria in situ were able to phosphorylate externally added ADP (200 microM) in the presence of 0.05% BSA. Mitochondria in situ generated and sustained stable mitochondrial Deltapsi respiring on 5 mM NAD-linked substrates, 5 mM succinate, or 100 microM N,N,N',N'-tetramethyl-p-phenylenediamine dihydrochloride plus 1 mM ascorbate. Rotenone (4 microM) inhibited respiration by 30% and 2 micro M antimycin A or myxothiazole and 1 mM cyanide inhibited it by 85%. Cyanide-insensitive respiration was partially blocked by 2 mM benzohydroxamic acid, suggesting the presence of an alternative oxidase. Candida albicans mitochondria in situ presented a carboxyatractyloside-insensitive increase of Deltapsi induced by 5 mM ATP and 0.5% BSA, and Deltapsi decrease induced by 10 microM linoleic acid, both suggesting the existence of an uncoupling protein. The presence of this protein was subsequently confirmed by immunodetection and respiration experiments with isolated mitochondria. In conclusion, Candida albicans ATCC 90028 possesses an alternative electron transfer chain and alternative oxidase, both absent in animal cells. These pathways can be exceptional targets for the design of new chemotherapeutic agents. Blockage of these respiratory pathways together with inhibition of the uncoupling protein (another potential target for drug design) could lead to increased production of reactive oxygen species, dysfunction of Candida mitochondria, and possibly to oxidative cell death.371455-6


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    É relativamente recente a percepção social de que os recursos hídricos precisam ser geridos com sustentabilidade e que o desenvolvimento econômico deve harmonizar-se com conservação dos recursos naturais. Com o objetivo de promover essa gestão e minimizar os conflitos gerados pelos usos múltiplos da água, uma série de iniciativas legais e institucionais surgiu no Brasil, culminando na elaboração das Políticas Nacional e Estadual de Recursos Hídricos. O estado de São Paulo, conta com o Relatório de Situação dos Recursos Hídricos, que visa o acompanhamento das alterações e dos impactos nos Recursos Hídricos para propor ajustes no planejamento. Considerando a complexidade e o volume de informações que integram esses relatórios, e também a importância da sua assimilação social, faz-se necessário que estes tenham uma linguagem que possibilite sua compreensão. Promover esse processo é o objetivo deste artigo, propondo outra forma de representação dos indicadores, não só através de tabelas e gráficos, mas também através de cartogramas com a espacialização dos dados, usando como base diversas referências metodológicas já consolidadas no meio acadêmico, com destaque para os quatro níveis da pesquisa geográfica propostos por Libalt (1971) e a semiologia gráfica, que trata das orientações para a cartografia temática. A metodologia proposta subsidiou a elaboração de um Atlas de Indicadores, parte integrante do Plano de Bacias do Pontal do Paranapanema (ano base 2015), permitindo melhor compreensão das informações da bacia

    Positive effects of physical exercise in epilepsy: does judo part of this context?

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    INTRODUCTION: Persons with epilepsy have previously been discouraged from participation in physical activity and sports for fear of inducing seizures or increasing seizure frequency. Despite a shift in medical recommendations toward encouraging rather than restricting participation, the stigma remains and persons with epilepsy continue to be less active than the general population. OBJECTIVES: In these lines, several clinical and experimental studies have demonstrated a positive effect of physical exercise on epilepsy. Judo is a traditional and popular sport and people with epilepsy often ask physicians whether they may engage in this sport. CONCLUSIONS: Based on this, our review article is designed to show the risks and benefits of physical activity in patients with epilepsy and discusses the role of judo in this context.INTRODUÇÃO: Pessoas com epilepsia tem sido constantemente desaconselhadas a participarem de atividades físicas ou esportivas por receio do exercício provocar crises epilépticas. Apesar da atitude médica atual recomendando a participação em atividades esportivas, o estigma ainda persiste e as pessoas com epilepsia continuam menos ativas que a população em geral. OBJETIVOS: Neste sentido, vários estudos clínicos e experimentais têm demonstrado um efeito benéfico do exercício físico na epilepsia. O judô é um esporte tradicional e popular e pessoas com epilepsia freqüentemente perguntam aos médicos se podem participar deste tipo de esporte. CONCLUSÃO: Baseado nestas questões, este artigo de revisão propõe avaliar os riscos e benefícios da atividade física em pessoas com epilepsia e discutir o papel do judô neste contexto.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de MedicinaUniversidade Bandeirante de São PauloUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de Medicina Departamento de FisiologiaUniversidade de Mogi das Cruzes Faculdade de Medicina Núcleo de Pesquisas TecnológicasUNIFESP, EPM, Depto. de FisiologiaSciEL