767 research outputs found

    Three-centre cluster structure in 11C and 11B

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    Studies of the 16O(9Be,alpha 7Be)14C, 7Li(9Be,alpha 7Li)5He and 7Li(9Be,alpha alpha t)5He reactions at E(beam)=70 and 55 MeV have been performed using resonant particle spectroscopy techniques. The 11C excited states decaying into alpha+7Be(gs) are observed between 8.5 and 13.5 MeV. The alpha+7Li(gs), alpha+7Li*(4.652 MeV) and t+8Be(gs) decays of 11B excited states between 9 and 19 MeV are observed. The decay processes are used to indicate the possible three-centre 2alpha+3He (2alpha+3H) cluster structure of observed states. This cluster structure is more prominent in the positive-parity states, where two rotational bands with large deformations are suggested. Excitations of some of the observed T=1/2 resonances coincide with the energies of previously measured T=3/2 isobaric analogs of the 11Be states,indicating that these states may have mixed isospin.Comment: Contribution for the proceedings of the NUSTAR'05: NUclear STructure, Astrophysics and Reactions, University of Surrey, Guildford, UK; accepted for publication in Journal of Physics

    Structure of 12Be: intruder d-wave strength at N=8

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    The breaking of the N=8 shell-model magic number in the 12Be ground state has been determined to include significant occupancy of the intruder d-wave orbital. This is in marked contrast with all other N=8 isotones, both more and less exotic than 12Be. The occupancies of the 0 hbar omega neutron p1/2-orbital and the 1 hbar omega, neutron d5/2 intruder orbital were deduced from a measurement of neutron removal from a high-energy 12Be beam leading to bound and unbound states in 11Be.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Individual differences in second language speech learning in classroom settings: roles of awareness in the longitudinal development of Japanese learners’ English /ɹ/ pronunciation

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    The current study longitudinally examined a crucial individual difference variable—i.e., awareness (operationalized as explicit attention and articulatory knowledge)—in adult second language (L2) speech learning in the context of 40 Japanese learners’ English /ɹ/ pronunciation development in an EFL classroom. The participants’ speech, elicited from word reading, sentence reading and timed picture description tasks at the beginning and end of one academic semester, were analyzed in terms of three acoustic dimensions of English /ɹ/—third formant (F3), second formant (F2) and duration. Whereas the participants showed gains in the relatively easy aspect of the English /ɹ/ acquisition (F2 reduction) as a function of increased L2 input, their explicit awareness of accurate English /ɹ/ pronunciation played a significant role in the acquisition of the relatively difficult dimension (lengthening phonemic duration). The awareness-acquisition link was not found, however, for the most difficult dimension (F3 reduction) at least within the timeframe of the project

    Structure of 13^{13}Be probed via secondary beam reactions

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    The low-lying level structure of the unbound neutron-rich nucleus 13^{13}Be has been investigated via breakup on a carbon target of secondary beams of 14,15^{14,15}B at 35 MeV/nucleon. The coincident detection of the beam velocity 12^{12}Be fragments and neutrons permitted the invariant mass of the 12^{12}Be+nn and 12^{12}Be+nn+nn systems to be reconstructed. In the case of the breakup of 15^{15}B, a very narrow structure at threshold was observed in the 12^{12}Be+nn channel. Contrary to earlier stable beam fragmentation studies which identified this as a strongly interacting ss-wave virtual state in 13^{13}Be, analysis here of the 12^{12}Be+nn+nn events demonstrated that this was an artifact resulting from the sequential-decay of the 14^{14}Be(2+^+) state. Single-proton removal from 14^{14}B was found to populate a broad low-lying structure some 0.70 MeV above the neutron-decay threshold in addition to a less prominent feature at around 2.4 MeV. Based on the selectivity of the reaction and a comparison with (0-3)ω\hbar\omega shell-model calculations, the low-lying structure is concluded to most probably arise from closely spaced Jπ^\pi=1/2+^+ and 5/2+^+ resonances (Er_r=0.40±\pm0.03 and 0.850.11+0.15^{+0.15}_{-0.11} MeV), whilst the broad higher-lying feature is a second 5/2+^+ level (Er_r=2.35±\pm0.14 MeV). Taken in conjunction with earlier studies, it would appear that the lowest 1/2+^+ and 1/2^- levels lie relatively close together below 1 MeV.Comment: 14 pages, 13 figures, 2 tables. Accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Two-neutron transfer reaction mechanisms in 12^{12}C(6^6He,4^{4}He)14^{14}C using a realistic three-body 6^{6}He model

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    The reaction mechanisms of the two-neutron transfer reaction 12^{12}C(6^6He,4^4He) have been studied at 30 MeV at the TRIUMF ISAC-II facility using the SHARC charged-particle detector array. Optical potential parameters have been extracted from the analysis of the elastic scattering angular distribution. The new potential has been applied to the study of the transfer angular distribution to the 22+^+_2 8.32 MeV state in 14^{14}C, using a realistic 3-body 6^6He model and advanced shell model calculations for the carbon structure, allowing to calculate the relative contributions of the simultaneous and sequential two-neutron transfer. The reaction model provides a good description of the 30 MeV data set and shows that the simultaneous process is the dominant transfer mechanism. Sensitivity tests of optical potential parameters show that the final results can be considerably affected by the choice of optical potentials. A reanalysis of data measured previously at 18 MeV however, is not as well described by the same reaction model, suggesting that one needs to include higher order effects in the reaction mechanism.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figure

    One-neutron removal reactions on light neutron-rich nuclei

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    A study of high energy (43--68 MeV/nucleon) one-neutron removal reactions on a range of neutron-rich psd-shell nuclei (Z = 5--9, A = 12--25) has been undertaken. The inclusive longitudinal and transverse momentum distributions for the core fragments, together with the cross sections have been measured for breakup on a carbon target. Momentum distributions for reactions on tantalum were also measured for a subset of nuclei. An extended version of the Glauber model incorporating second order noneikonal corrections to the JLM parametrisation of the optical potential has been used to describe the nuclear breakup, whilst the Coulomb dissociation is treated within first order perturbation theory. The projectile structure has been taken into account via shell model calculations employing the psd-interaction of Warburton and Brown. Both the longitudinal and transverse momentum distributions, together with the integrated cross sections were well reproduced by these calculations and spin-parity assignments are thus proposed for 15^{15}B, 17^{17}C, 1921^{19-21}N, 21,23^{21,23}O, 2325^{23-25}F. In addition to the large spectroscopic amplitudes for the ν2\nu2s1/2_{1/2} intruder configuration in the N=9 isotones,14^{14}B and 15^{15}C, significant ν2\nu2s1/22_{1/2}^2 admixtures appear to occur in the ground state of the neighbouring N=10 nuclei 15^{15}B and 16^{16}C. Similarly, crossing the N=14 subshell, the occupation of the ν2\nu2s1/2_{1/2} orbital is observed for 23^{23}O, 24,25^{24,25}F. Analysis of the longitudinal and transverse momentum distributions reveals that both carry spectroscopic information, often of a complementary nature. The general utility of high energy nucleon removal reactions as a spectroscopic tool is also examined.Comment: 50 pages, 19 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Native Speaker Perceptions of Accented Speech: The English Pronunciation of Macedonian EFL Learners

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    The paper reports on the results of a study that aimed to describe the vocalic and consonantal features of the English pronunciation of Macedonian EFL learners as perceived by native speakers of English and to find out whether native speakers who speak different standard variants of English perceive the same segments as non-native. A specially designed computer web application was employed to gather two types of data: a) quantitative (frequency of segment variables and global foreign accent ratings on a 5-point scale), and b) qualitative (open-ended questions). The result analysis points out to three most frequent markers of foreign accent in the English speech of Macedonian EFL learners: final obstruent devoicing, vowel shortening and substitution of English dental fricatives with Macedonian dental plosives. It also reflects additional phonetic aspects poorly explained in the available reference literature such as allophonic distributional differences between the two languages and intonational mismatch

    4He decay of excited states in 14C

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    A study of the 7Li(9Be,4He 10Be)2H reaction at E{beam}=70 MeV has been performed using resonant particle spectroscopy techniques and provides the first measurements of alpha-decaying states in 14C. Excited states are observed at 14.7, 15.5, 16.4, 18.5, 19.8, 20.6, 21.4, 22.4 and 24.0 MeV. The experimental technique was able to resolve decays to the various particle bound states in 10Be, and provides evidence for the preferential decay of the high energy excited states into states in 10Be at ~6 MeV. The decay processes are used to indicate the possible cluster structure of the 14C excited states.Comment: accepted for publication in PR

    Direct Measurement of the Key e c. m.=456 keV Resonance in the Astrophysical Ne 19 (p,γ) Na 20 Reaction and Its Relevance for Explosive Binary Systems

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    We have performed a direct measurement of the Ne19(p,γ)Na20 reaction in inverse kinematics using a beam of radioactive Ne19. The key astrophysical resonance in the Ne19+p system has been definitely measured for the first time at Ec.m.=456-2+5 keV with an associated strength of 17-5+7 meV. The present results are in agreement with resonance strength upper limits set by previous direct measurements, as well as resonance energies inferred from precision (He3, t) charge exchange reactions. However, both the energy and strength of the 456 keV resonance disagree with a recent indirect study of the Ne19(d, n)Na20 reaction. In particular, the new Ne19(p,γ)Na20 reaction rate is found to be factors of ∼8 and ∼5 lower than the most recent evaluation over the temperature range of oxygen-neon novae and astrophysical x-ray bursts, respectively. Nevertheless, we find that the Ne19(p,γ)Na20 reaction is likely to proceed fast enough to significantly reduce the flux of F19 in nova ejecta and does not create a bottleneck in the breakout from the hot CNO cycles into the rp process