13,394 research outputs found

    Electrical and thermoelectrical transport in Dirac fermions through a quantum dot

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    We investigate the conductance and thermopower of massless Dirac fermions through a quantum dot using a pseudogap Anderson model in the non-crossing approximation. When the Fermi level is at the Dirac point, the conductance has a cusp where the thermopower changes its sign. When the Fermi level is away from the Dirac point, the Kondo temperature illustrates a quantum impurity transition between an asymmetric strong coupling Kondo state and a localized moment state. The conductance shows a peak near this transition and reaches the unitary limit at low temperatures. The magnitude of the thermopower exceeds kB/ek_B/e, and the thermoelectric figure of merit exceeds unity.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Holography at an Extremal De Sitter Horizon

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    Rotating maximal black holes in four-dimensional de Sitter space, for which the outer event horizon coincides with the cosmological horizon, have an infinite near-horizon region described by the rotating Nariai metric. We show that the asymptotic symmetry group at the spacelike future boundary of the near-horizon region contains a Virasoro algebra with a real, positive central charge. This is evidence that quantum gravity in a rotating Nariai background is dual to a two-dimensional Euclidean conformal field theory. These results are related to the Kerr/CFT correspondence for extremal black holes, but have two key differences: one of the black hole event horizons has been traded for the cosmological horizon, and the near-horizon geometry is a fiber over dS_2 rather than AdS_2.Comment: 15 page

    Hidden Conformal Symmetry of Extremal Kerr-Bolt Spacetimes

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    We show that extremal Kerr-Bolt spacetimes have a hidden conformal symmetry. In this regard, we consider the wave equation of a massless scalar field propagating in extremal Kerr-Bolt spacetimes and find in the "near region", the wave equation in extremal limit can be written in terms of the SL(2,R)SL(2,R) quadratic Casimir. Moreover, we obtain the microscopic entropy of the extremal Kerr-Bolt spacetimes also we calculate the correlation function of a near-region scalar field and find perfect agreement with the dual 2D CFT.Comment: 13 page

    Zoneamento agroecológico do Município de Anastácio - MS.

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    A Embrapa Solos, em parceria com a Secretaria de Estado de Desenvolvimento Agrário, da Produção, da Indústria, do Comércio e do Turismo - SEPROTUR, realizou o Zoneamento Agroecológico do Estado do Mato Grosso do Sul - Fase II - com objetivo de contribuir na indicação de áreas passíveis de exploração agrícola sustentável. No desenvolvimento desse trabalho foram considerados aspectos legais, restrições ambientais, potencial das culturas, aspectos do clima, de geomorfologia e dos solos, todos integrados em ambiente de sistema de informação geográfica com apoio de algebra de mapas, no intuito de avaliar a adequabilidade de uso das terras e apresentar uma proposição de planejamento de uso e ocupação das terras. Os resultados foram consolidados por município e dão origem a esse boletim de pesquisa. No município de Anastácio, as terras indicadas para o uso com lavouras somam 1.425 km², o que equivale a aproximadamente 50% da área total do município, enquanto que as recomendadas para pastagem equivalem a 26,5% e as áreas recomendadas para pastagem especial ou cultivo de arroz correspondem a cerca de 20% da área do município que corresponde a algo como 578 km². Nestas unidades é fundamental avaliar criteriosamente a utilização de pastagens nestas terras quando essas ainda se encontram sob cobertura vegetal, visto que, praticamente 20% destas terras ainda permanecem com vegetação natural em seus diversos graus de conservação. As terras recomendadas para conservação dos recursos naturais equivalem a menos de 80 km², as quais constituem áreas de alta fragilidade ambiental e/ ou apresentam restrições legais de uso como áreas de preservação permanente. As áreas identificadas como zonas recomendadas para recuperação ambiental equivalem a 80 km² e constituem áreas de moderada a alta fragilidade ambiental e/ou que apresentam restrições legais de uso e que já foram desmatadas para o uso com pastagens/agricultura. A área do município de Anastácio apresenta alto grau de ação antrópica das terras, onde mais de 75% das terras sendo utilizadas com pastagens e/ou com agricultura, enquanto que apenas 25% ainda apresentam certo grau de preservação.bitstream/item/141618/1/BPD-202-Zon-Anastacio.pd

    Ultrastructural damage in coffee seeds exposed to drying and to subzero (°C) temperatures.

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    During drying and freezing, protective mechanisms act to maintain seed physiological quality. Some of these mechanisms contribute to the integrity of cell membranes. The damage caused to cell membranes due to cell stress can be seen in ultrastructural studies. The aim of this study was to investigate ultrastructural changes in endosperm cells of coffee seeds brought about by drying and by exposure to low temperatures. Seeds of Coffea Arabica were dried in silica gel to moisture contents of 40, 20, and 5 % (wb) and brought to equilibrium at temperatures of 10, -20, and -86oC. Germination, vigor, and tetrazolium tests were performed for evaluation of seed physiological quality. Ultrastructural damage was analyzed by scanning electron microscopy. Coffee seeds with 40% moisture content have whole, swollen, and expanded cells, with a filled lumen and without signs of damage. The physiological and ultrastructural quality of seeds exposed to below zero temperatures with 40% moisture content is compromised. They have null germination and empty cells, indicating leakage of cell content. Drying of coffee seeds leads to uniform contraction of inner cell content. Drying of coffee seeds to 5% moisture content leads to intense contraction of cell volume, with physiological and ultrastructural damage

    Avaliação de clones canadenses de batata para rendimento de tubérculos e qualidade de fritura em Canoinhas-SC.

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