388 research outputs found

    Sicurezza alimentare: cinquant’anni di evoluzione normativa

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    In questo articolo si sono analizzati gli ultimi cinquanta anni di legislazione in campo alimentare per capire le premesse che hanno portato all’emanazione del pacchetto igiene, fornendo poi una analisi critic

    Psychological Sexual Health of People with Paraplegia

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    People with paraplegia have to fight their own and societal attitudes and stereotypes that reduce sexuality to the physiological functions of genitalia. These psychological and social limitations arise from cultural and disability models that focus sexual pleasure on phallocentric primacy, and sexual attractiveness of perfect bodies. In this chapter, we evaluate the impacts of a psychoeducational intervention in a personal growth group on the sexual life of two groups of people with spinal cord injury (SCI) and their partners, throughout their sexual interest and satisfaction, depression, and anxiety. In the first study, nonparametric statistical tests were used to compare pre- and post-outcome measures for all participants. In the second study, the grounded theory was used to explore dialogs and activities that were audiotaped during the group meetings. The participants in both groups were patients and their partners. The psychoeducational intervention was clearly effective in increasing sexual interest and satisfaction as well as the motivation and ability to enjoy sexuality. Anxiety was minimized for all participants, although it may not have been associated with the psychoeducational intervention. In addition, the intervention significantly improved the partner and patient group’s opportunity and ability to enjoy sexuality

    Role of Neutrophils in Cystic Fibrosis Lung Disease

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    Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a genetic syndrome caused by mutations in the CF Transmembrane Conductance Regulator (CFTR) gene. In CF patients, chief morbidity and mortality are due to pulmonary manifestations. CFTR lack/dysfunction brings an altered ion flux through the airway epithelium and ablation of mucociliary clearance, which in turn ensues in colonization and infection by opportunistic bacterial pathogens and subsequent neutrophil‐dominated inflammation. This response eventually leads to the damage of the lung tissue. A host of inflammatory mediators attract, activate, and reprogramme neutrophils to survive (avoiding apoptosis) and produce a wealth of proteases and radical oxygen species. The protease/antiprotease imbalance and oxidative stress have multiple downstream effects, including impaired mucus clearance, increased and self‐perpetuating inflammation, and impaired immune responses, thus facilitating and fostering bacterial infections. On the other hand, CFTR lack or dysfunction is likely responsible for alterations in neutrophils concerning chemotaxis, phagocytosis, oxidative burst, degranulation, and neutrophil extracellular trap (NET) formation. A good opportunity to reveal new and non‐invasive biomarkers of CF lung disease is the evaluation of circulating neutrophils. Indeed, neutrophil responses are now investigated as outcomes of the aetiological therapies in CF, such as hypertonic saline, antiproteases, CFTR correctors and potentiators

    Impact of Lentiviral Vector-Mediated Transduction on the Tightness of a Polarized Model of Airway Epithelium and Effect of Cationic Polymer Polyethylenimine

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    Lentiviral (LV) vectors are promising agents for efficient and long-lasting gene transfer into the lung and for gene therapy of genetically determined pulmonary diseases, such as cystic fibrosis, however, they have not been evaluated for cytotoxicity and impact on the tightness of the airway epithelium. In this study, we evaluated the transduction efficiency of a last-generation LV vector bearing Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP) gene as well as cytotoxicity and tight junction (TJ) integrity in a polarized model of airway epithelial cells. High multiplicities of infection (MOI) showed to be cytotoxic, as assessed by increase in propidium iodide staining and decrease in cell viability, and harmful for the epithelial tightness, as demonstrated by the decrease of transepithelial resistance (TER) and delocalization of occludin from the TJs. To increase LV efficiency at low LV:cell ratio, we employed noncovalent association with the polycation branched 25 kDa polyethylenimine (PEI). Transduction of cells with PEI/LV particles resulted in 2.5–3.6-fold increase of percentage of GFP-positive cells only at the highest PEI:LV ratios (1×107 PEI molecules/transducing units with 50 MOI LV) as compared to plain LV. At this dose PEI/LV transduction resulted in 6.5 ± 2.4% of propidium iodide-positive cells. On the other hand, PEI/LV particles did not determine any alteration of TER and occludin localization. We conclude that PEI may be useful for improving the efficiency of gene transfer mediated by LV vectors in airway epithelial cells, in the absence of high acute cytotoxicity and alteration in epithelial tightness

    A VSV-G Pseudotyped Last Generation Lentiviral Vector Mediates High Level and Persistent Gene Transfer in Models of Airway Epithelium In Vitro and In Vivo

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    The aim of this work was to evaluate the efficiency and duration of gene expression mediated by a VSV-G pseudotyped last generation lentiviral (LV) vector. We studied LV efficiency in ex-vivo models of respiratory epithelial cells, obtained from bronchial biopsies and nasal polyps, by GFP epifluorescence and cytofluorimetry. In vivo efficiency and persistence of gene expression was investigated by GFP immunohistochemistry and luciferase activity in lung cryosections and homogenates, respectively, upon intranasal and intratracheal administration protocols in C57Bl/6 mice. Both primary bronchial and nasal epithelial cells were transduced up to 70–80% 72 hr after the LV infection. In vivo nasal luciferase expression was increased by lysophosphatidylcholine pre-treatment of the nose. Conversely, the bronchial epithelium was transduced in the absence of any pre-conditioning treatment and luciferase expression lasted for at least 6 months without any decline. We conclude that a last generation LV vector is a promising gene transfer agent in the target organ of genetic and acquired lung diseases, as in the case of cystic fibrosis

    Six Years of Experience in Treating Facial Trauma in the Province of Brescia, Italy

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    Facial trauma is an enormous public health problem with overwhelmingly negative physical and psychological impacts. The authors retrospectively analyzed the incidence, etiology, clinical presentations, and characteristics of facial fractures along with sociodemographic, economic, and cultural factors. They analyzed facial fractures treated from June 2010 to December 2016 at the operative unit. Maxillofacial Adult Surgery Unit, Spedali Civili Brescia, Italy, with particular attention to the associations among age, etiology, fracture site, and clinical management

    Assembly and functional analysis of an S/MAR based episome with the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator gene

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    Improving the efficacy of gene therapy vectors is still an important goal toward the development of safe and efficient gene therapy treatments. S/MAR (scaffold/matrix attached region)-based vectors are maintained extra-chromosomally in numerous cell types, which is similar to viral-based vectors. Additionally, when established as an episome, they show a very high mitotic stability. In the present study we tested the idea that addition of an S/MAR element to a CFTR (cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator) expression vector, may allow the establishment of a CFTR episome in bronchial epithelial cells. Starting from the observation that the S/MAR vector pEPI-EGFP (enhanced green fluorescence protein) is maintained as an episome in human bronchial epithelial cells, we assembled the CFTR vector pBQ-S/MAR. This vector, transfected in bronchial epithelial cells with mutated CFTR, supported long term wt CFTR expression and activity, which in turn positively impacted on the assembly of tight junctions in polarized epithelial cells. Additionally, the recovery of intact pBQ-S/MAR, but not the parental vector lacking the S/MAR element, from transfected cells after extensive proliferation, strongly suggested that pBQ-S/MAR was established as an episome. These results add a new element, the S/MAR, that can be considered to improve the persistence and safety of gene therapy vectors for cystic fibrosis pulmonary disease

    SGSI project at CNAF

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    The Italian Tier1 center is mainly focused on LHC and physics experiments in general. Recently we tried to widen our area of activity and established a collaboration with the University of Bologna to set-up an area inside our computing center for hosting experiments with high demands of security and privacy requirements on stored data. The first experiment we are going to host is Harmony, a project part of IMI's Big Data for Better Outcomes programme (IMI stands for Innovative Medicines Initiative). In order to be able to accept this kind of data we had to make a subset of our computing center compliant with the ISO 27001 regulation. In this article we will describe the SGSI project (Sistema Gestione Sicurezza Informazioni, Information Security Management System) with details of all the processes we have been through in order to become ISO 27001 compliant, with a particular focus on the separation of the project dedicated resources from all the others hosted in the center. We will also describe the software solutions adopted to allow this project to accept in the future any experiment or collaboration in need for this kind of security procedures