116 research outputs found

    Estudio de la fauna de aves de la cueva de Pico Ramos (Muskiz, Bizkaia).

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    Se estudian los restos de Aves de la cuenca de Pico Ramos. Destaca entre las especies halladas la presencia de Alca Gigante (Pinguinus impennis) a cuya extinción y hallazgos holocenos se dedica especial atención. Se ofrecen datos osteométricos y biogeográficos de las restantes especies

    IBM: parameter symmetry, hidden symmetries and transformations of boson operators

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    A symmetry of the parameter space of interacting boson models IBM-1 and IBM-2 is studied. The symmetry is associated with linear canonical transformations of boson operators, or, equivalently, with the existence of different realizations of the symmetry algebras of the models. The relevance of the parameter symmetry to physical observables is discussed.Comment: LATEX, 11 pages including 1 eps figure and 1 table prepared as an eps figure; a talk given by A. M. Siirokov at XXII Symposium on Nuclear Physics, Oaxtepec, Morelos, M\'exico, 5--8 January, 1999; to be published in Revista Mex. Fi

    Noether's Theorem and time-dependent quantum invariants

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    The time dependent-integrals of motion, linear in position and momentum operators, of a quantum system are extracted from Noether's theorem prescription by means of special time-dependent variations of coordinates. For the stationary case of the generalized two-dimensional harmonic oscillator, the time-independent integrals of motion are shown to correspond to special Bragg-type symmetry properties. A detailed study for the non-stationary case of this quantum system is presented. The linear integrals of motion are constructed explicitly for the case of varying mass and coupling strength. They are obtained also from Noether's theorem. The general treatment for a multi-dimensional quadratic system is indicated, and it is shown that the time-dependent variations that give rise to the linear invariants, as conserved quantities, satisfy the corresponding classical homogeneous equations of motion for the coordinates.Comment: Plain TeX, 23 pages, preprint of Instituto de Ciencias Nucleares, UNAM Departamento de F\ii sica and Matem\'aticas Aplicadas, No. 01 (1994

    Entanglement of a three-level atom interacting with two-modes field in a cavity

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    The dynamics of the interaction between an atom of three levels interacting with a quantized field of two modes in a cavity is studied within the rotating wave approximation, by taking into account experimental values of the accessible hyperfine levels of alkaline atoms. An equal detuning is considered to determine the matter-field entanglement, the statistical properties of the photons, and the occupation probabilities of the atom. For a large detuning or weak dipolar strength appear the Raman condition, that is, the suppression of one of his atomic transitions. Analytic expression for the time evolution operator allows to have also explicit closed expressions for the field and matter observables.Comment: 37 pages, 9 figure

    On the meaning and interpretation of Tomography in abstract Hilbert spaces

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    The mechanism of describing quantum states by standard probability (tomographic one) instead of wave function or density matrix is elucidated. Quantum tomography is formulated in an abstract Hilbert space framework, by means of the identity decompositions in the Hilbert space of hermitian linear operators, with trace formula as scalar product of operators. Decompositions of identity are considered with respect to over-complete families of projectors labeled by extra parameters and containing a measure, depending on these parameters. It plays the role of a Gram-Schmidt orthonormalization kernel. When the measure is equal to one, the decomposition of identity coincides with a positive operator valued measure (POVM) decomposition. Examples of spin tomography, photon number tomography and symplectic tomography are reconsidered in this new framework.Comment: Submitted to Phys. Lett.

    Partial Dynamical Symmetry in the Symplectic Shell Model

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    We present an example of a partial dynamical symmetry (PDS) in an interacting fermion system and demonstrate the close relationship of the associated Hamiltonians with a realistic quadrupole-quadrupole interaction, thus shedding new light on this important interaction. Specifically, in the framework of the symplectic shell model of nuclei, we prove the existence of a family of fermionic Hamiltonians with partial SU(3) symmetry. We outline the construction process for the PDS eigenstates with good symmetry and give analytic expressions for the energies of these states and E2 transition strengths between them. Characteristics of both pure and mixed-symmetry PDS eigenstates are discussed and the resulting spectra and transition strengths are compared to those of real nuclei. The PDS concept is shown to be relevant to the description of prolate, oblate, as well as triaxially deformed nuclei. Similarities and differences between the fermion case and the previously established partial SU(3) symmetry in the Interacting Boson Model are considered.Comment: 9 figure

    Shell model description of normal parity bands in odd-mass heavy deformed nuclei

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    The low-energy spectra and B(E2) electromagnetic transition strengths of 159Eu, 159Tb and 159Dy are described using the pseudo SU(3) model. Normal parity bands are built as linear combinations of SU(3) states, which are the direct product of SU(3) proton and neutron states with pseudo spin zero (for even number of nucleons) and pseudo spin 1/2 (for odd number of nucleons). Each of the many-particle states have a well-defined particle number and total angular momentum. The Hamiltonian includes spherical Nilsson single-particle energies, the quadrupole-quadrupole and pairing interactions, as well as three rotor terms which are diagonal in the SU(3) basis. The pseudo SU(3) model is shown to be a powerful tool to describe odd-mass heavy deformed nuclei.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures, Accepted to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Study of the micromammals from the Upper Pleistocene of Ventalaperra (Karrantza, Bizkaia)

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    In this paper the micromammal assemblage found in the site of Ventalaperra (Karrantza, Bizkaia) is described. The studied remains come from two different stratigraphic levels with archaeological remains. The lower level has been placed in the Mousterian whereas the upper one is dated as Upper Palaeolithic. The micromammals are represented in this site by one lagomorph, eight rodents, one chiropteran and two insectivorous. The micromammal assemblage indicates a humid temperate climate with forest similar to those occurring in the area at present da

    Supersymmetry and superalgebra for the two-body system with a Dirac oscillator interaction

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    Some years ago, one of the authors~(MM) revived a concept to which he gave the name of single-particle Dirac oscillator, while another~(CQ) showed that it corresponds to a realization of supersymmetric quantum mechanics. The Dirac oscillator in its one- and many-body versions has had a great number of applications. Recently, it included the analytic expression for the eigenstates and eigenvalues of a two-particle system with a new type of Dirac oscillator interaction of frequency~ω\omega. By considering the latter together with its partner corresponding to the replacement of~ω\omega by~ω-\omega, we are able to get a supersymmetric formulation of the problem and find the superalgebra that explains its degeneracy.Comment: 21 pages, LaTeX, 1 figure (can be obtained from the authors), to appear in J. Phys.

    SU(3) realization of the rigid asymmetric rotor within the IBM

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    It is shown that the spectrum of the asymmetric rotor can be realized quantum mechanically in terms of a system of interacting bosons. This is achieved in the SU(3) limit of the interacting boson model by considering higher-order interactions between the bosons. The spectrum corresponds to that of a rigid asymmetric rotor in the limit of infinite boson number.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures, LaTeX, epsfi