8,087 research outputs found

    Picosecond electrical spectroscopy using monolithic GaAs circuits

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    This article describes an experimental apparatus for free-space mm-wave transmission measurements (spectroscopy). GaAs nonlinear transmission lines and sampling circuits are used as picosecond pulse generators and detectors, with planar monolithic bowtie antennas with associated substrate lenses used as the radiating and receiving elements. The received pulse is 270 mV amplitude and 2.4 ps rise time. Through Fourier transformation of the received pulse, 30–250 GHz measurements are demonstrated with <=0.3 dB (rms) accuracy

    An Inverse Scattering Transform for the Lattice Potential KdV Equation

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    The lattice potential Korteweg-de Vries equation (LKdV) is a partial difference equation in two independent variables, which possesses many properties that are analogous to those of the celebrated Korteweg-de Vries equation. These include discrete soliton solutions, Backlund transformations and an associated linear problem, called a Lax pair, for which it provides the compatibility condition. In this paper, we solve the initial value problem for the LKdV equation through a discrete implementation of the inverse scattering transform method applied to the Lax pair. The initial value used for the LKdV equation is assumed to be real and decaying to zero as the absolute value of the discrete spatial variable approaches large values. An interesting feature of our approach is the solution of a discrete Gel'fand-Levitan equation. Moreover, we provide a complete characterization of reflectionless potentials and show that this leads to the Cauchy matrix form of N-soliton solutions

    Monitoring the Low-Energy Gamma-Ray Sky Using Earth Occultation with GLAST GBM

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    Long term all-sky monitoring of the 20 keV – 2 MeV gamma-ray sky using the Earth occultation technique was demonstrated by the BATSE instrument on the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory. The principles and techniques used for the development of an end-to-end earth occultation data analysis system for BATSE can be extended to the GLAST Burst Monitor (GBM), resulting in multiband light curves and time-resolved spectra in the energy range 8 keV to above 1 MeV for known gamma-ray sources and transient outbursts, as well as the discovery of new sources of gamma-ray emission. In this paper we describe the application of the technique to the GBM. We also present the expected sensitivity for the GBM

    Stochastic evolution of four species in cyclic competition

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    We study the stochastic evolution of four species in cyclic competition in a well mixed environment. In systems composed of a finite number NN of particles these simple interaction rules result in a rich variety of extinction scenarios, from single species domination to coexistence between non-interacting species. Using exact results and numerical simulations we discuss the temporal evolution of the system for different values of NN, for different values of the reaction rates, as well as for different initial conditions. As expected, the stochastic evolution is found to closely follow the mean-field result for large NN, with notable deviations appearing in proximity of extinction events. Different ways of characterizing and predicting extinction events are discussed.Comment: 19 pages, 6 figures, submitted to J. Stat. Mec

    Dimensional renormalization: ladders to rainbows

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    Renormalization factors are most easily extracted by going to the massless limit of the quantum field theory and retaining only a single momentum scale. We derive factors and renormalized Green functions to all orders in perturbation theory for rainbow graphs and vertex (or scattering diagrams) at zero momentum transfer, in the context of dimensional renormalization, and we prove that the correct anomalous dimensions for those processes emerge in the limit D -> 4.Comment: RevTeX, no figure

    General flux to a trap in one and three dimensions

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    The problem of the flux to a spherical trap in one and three dimensions, for diffusing particles undergoing discrete-time jumps with a given radial probability distribution, is solved in general, verifying the Smoluchowski-like solution in which the effective trap radius is reduced by an amount proportional to the jump length. This reduction in the effective trap radius corresponds to the Milne extrapolation length.Comment: Accepted for publication, in pres

    Comparative analysis of rigidity across protein families

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    We present a comparative study in which 'pebble game' rigidity analysis is applied to multiple protein crystal structures, for each of six different protein families. We find that the main-chain rigidity of a protein structure at a given hydrogen bond energy cutoff is quite sensitive to small structural variations, and conclude that the hydrogen bond constraints in rigidity analysis should be chosen so as to form and test specific hypotheses about the rigidity of a particular protein. Our comparative approach highlights two different characteristic patterns ('sudden' or 'gradual') for protein rigidity loss as constraints are removed, in line with recent results on the rigidity transitions of glassy networks

    Space suit

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    A pressure suit for high altitude flights, particularly space missions is reported. The suit is designed for astronauts in the Apollo space program and may be worn both inside and outside a space vehicle, as well as on the lunar surface. It comprises an integrated assembly of inner comfort liner, intermediate pressure garment, and outer thermal protective garment with removable helmet, and gloves. The pressure garment comprises an inner convoluted sealing bladder and outer fabric restraint to which are attached a plurality of cable restraint assemblies. It provides versitility in combination with improved sealing and increased mobility for internal pressures suitable for life support in the near vacuum of outer space

    Vlasov Equation In Magnetic Field

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    The linearized Vlasov equation for a plasma system in a uniform magnetic field and the corresponding linear Vlasov operator are studied. The spectrum and the corresponding eigenfunctions of the Vlasov operator are found. The spectrum of this operator consists of two parts: one is continuous and real; the other is discrete and complex. Interestingly, the real eigenvalues are infinitely degenerate, which causes difficulty solving this initial value problem by using the conventional eigenfunction expansion method. Finally, the Vlasov equation is solved by the resolvent method.Comment: 15 page

    Cosmic-ray propagation properties for an origin in SNRs

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    We have studied the impact of cosmic-ray acceleration in SNR on the spectra of cosmic-ray nuclei in the Galaxy using a series expansion of the propagation equation, which allows us to use analytical solutions for part of the problem and an efficient numerical treatment of the remaining equations and thus accurately describes the cosmic-ray propagation on small scales around their sources in three spatial dimensions and time. We found strong variations of the cosmic-ray nuclei flux by typically 20% with occasional spikes of much higher amplitude, but only minor changes in the spectral distribution. The locally measured spectra of primary cosmic rays fit well into the obtained range of possible spectra. We further showed that the spectra of the secondary element Boron show almost no variations, so that the above findings also imply significant fluctuations of the Boron-to-Carbon ratio. Therefore the commonly used method of determining CR propagation parameters by fitting secondary-to-primary ratios appears flawed on account of the variations that these ratios would show throughout the Galaxy.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap
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