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    ABSTRAK Leo Ranto Cas Putra. 4315160936. Analisis Perubahan Pemaknaan Budaya Marhata Sinamot Dalam Pernikahan Suku Batak Toba di Perkotaan. Studi Kasus: Pernikahaan Masyarakat Suku Batak Toba di Kota Depok. Skirpsi. Jakarta: Program Studi Pendidikan Geografi, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial, Universitas Negeri Jakarta 2021 Penelititan ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis perubahan pemaknaan budaya marhata sinamot diperkotaan serta menganalisis budaya marhata Sinamot yang masih bertahan diperkotaan dalam aspek material dan non material. Metode Penelitian yang digunakan adalah Kualitatif deskirptif dengan wawancara mendalam dan studi literatur. Subjek penelititan terdiri dari 2 informan yaitu, informan inti dan informan pendukung, Adapaun informan inti meliputi Pendeta HKBP Depok 1 dan Raja Parhata Suku Batak Toba di Kota Depok. Informan pendukung meliputi keluarga yang menikah secara adat abatak toba dikampung halaman, keluarga yang menikah secara adat batak di perkotaan dan pasangan calon pengantin yang ingin menikah. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelititan ini melalui wawancara, dokumentasi, dan data sekunder sebagai data pelengkap. Teknik analisis pada penelitian ini menggunakan reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan lalu dilakukan pemeriksaan keabsahan data menggunakan triangulasi penelititan. Dalam Penelitian ini aspek yang ingin diteliti adalah bagaimana tatacara upacara pemberian sinamot yang masih dipertahankan dari aspek material dan yang masih dipertahankan diperkotaan, bagaimana tatacara upacara pemberian sinamot dari aspek non material yang masih dipertahankan di perkotaan, bagaimana penentuan waktu yang tepat dalam menentukan budaya Marhata sinamot di perkotaan. Pada penelitian ini yang ditanya adalah “Bagaimana perubahan pemaknaan tata cara upacara pemberian Sinamot secara baku yang dapat dilihat dari aspek material dan non material yang berada di perkotaan”. Hasil dari penelititan ini adalah menunjukaan bahwa diperkotaan pemberian sinamot sudah mengalami perubahan dimana seharusnya sinamot tersebut adalah tanggung jawab dari kedua orangtua calon penngantin tetapi diperkotaan sinamot menjadi beban bagi calon penggantin Suku batak toba. Masih kurangnya peran orangtua dalam memberikan informasi kepada anaknya tentang “budaya marhata sinamot” menjadikan anak kurang memahami makna sesungguhnya budaya marhata sinamot. Diperkotaan dalam aspek material dan non material budaya marhata sinamot yang masih dipertahankan adalah seperti daun sirih, beras uang dalam piring, kain ulos, raja parhata, keluarga besar. Tetapi dalam aspek material dan non material yang sudah berubah seperti waktu, tempat, jumlah sinamot sudah mengalami adanya perubahan. Kata Kunci: Suku Batak Toba, Budaya Marhata Sinamot, perkotaan ABSTRACT Leo Ranto Cas Putra. 4315160936. Analysis of Changes in the Cultural Meaning of Marhata Sinamot in Toba Batak Tribe Marriages in Urban Areas. Case Study: Marriage of the Toba Batak Tribe in Depok City.Thesis. Jakarta: Geography Education Study Program, Faculty of Social Sciences, State: University of Jakarta, 2020. This study aims to analyze changes in the meaning of Marhata Sinamot culture in urban areas and analyze the Marhata Sinamot culture that still survives in urban areas in material and non-material aspects. The research method used is descriptive qualitative with in-depth interviews and literature study. The research subjects consisted of 2 informants, namely, core informants and supporting informants, while the core informants included Pastor of HKBP Depok 1 and Raja Parhata of the Toba Batak Tribe in Depok City. Supporting informants include families who are married in the Toba abatak tradition in their hometown, families who are married in Batak customs in urban areas and the bride and groom who want to get married. Data collection techniques in this research are through interviews, documentation, and secondary data as complementary data. The analysis technique in this study uses data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions and then checking the validity of the data using research triangulation. In this study, the aspects to be investigated are how the ceremonial procedures for giving sinamot are still maintained from the material aspect and which are still maintained in urban areas, how are the ceremonial procedures for giving sinamot from non-material aspects that are still maintained in urban areas, how to determine the right time in determining Marhata sinamot culture. in urban areas. In this study, what was asked was "How is the meaning of the standard Sinamot giving ceremony changes that can be seen from material and non-material aspects in urban areas". The results of this study are showing that the provision of sinamot in urban areas has undergone a change where sinamot should be the responsibility of the parents of the prospective bride and groom but in the city of sinamot it becomes a burden for prospective replacements for the Batak Toba tribe. The lack of parental roles in providing information to their children about "marhata sinamot culture" makes children less understanding of the true meaning of marhata sinamot culture. In urban areas, the material and non-material aspects of Marhata Sinamot's culture that are still preserved are betel leaf, money rice in a plate, ulos cloth, king parhata, extended family. However, in material and non-material aspects that have changed, such as time, place, and the number of sinamot, there have been changes. Keywords: Toba Batak Tribe, Marhata sinamot culture, urban are

    Implementasi Standar Pendidikan Islam Non Formal MDT (Madrasah Diniyah Takmiliyah) di Indonesia

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    MDT education Model in Indonesia today in reality that the existence of Madrasah Diniyah Takmiliyah not dimasifkan quantity. The problem is whether the community is interested in sending (learning) to MDT? From the background of the above problems, the researchers want to analyze about: (1) How the implementation of non formal Islamic education standards MDT in Indonesia. (2) What obstacles are faced, and how the solution.Research methods are descriptive analytical, where research sources obtained through the study of literature.The results prove that the implementation of non formal Islamic education standards MDT in Indonesia there are several obstacles in its implementation include: (1) funding. (2) The Power of teaching. (3) facilities and facilities, as well as. (4) Time / Lesson Hours. So it takes a solution or effective steps in optimizing Madrasah Diniyah Takmiliyah in Indonesia.The solution is: (a) the need to improve the quality of academic by equipping students with the ability to religion properly and correctly. (b) the need to install human resources by selecting qualified teachers and optimal management. (c) maximization of the role, in addition to the collection of funds as a quality controller Madrasah Diniyah, also needed donors or donors who participated in helping in terms of funding. (d) the need to increase the role of parents, and local communities as objects as well as subjects of Education.Keyword: Implementation Educational Standards; Non Formal Islamic Education; Madrasah Diniyah Takmiliyah. Abstrak Model pendidikan MDT di Indonesia dewasa ini secara realita bahwa keberadaan Madrasah Diniyah Takmiliyah tidak dimasifkan kuantitasnya. Masalahnya adalah apakah masyarakat berminat untuk menyekolahkan (belajar) ke MDT? Dari latar permasalahan di atas, maka peneliti hendak menganalisis tentang: (1) Bagaimana Implementasi Standar Pendidikan Islam Non Formal MDT di Indonesia. (2) Kendala apa saja yang dihadapi, serta bagaimana solusinya. Metode penelitian bersifat deskriptif analitis, dimana sumber penelitian diperoleh melalui studi kepustakaan.Hasil penelitian membuktikan bahwa Implementasi Standar Pendidikan Islam Non Formal MDT di Indonesia terdapat beberapa kendala dalam pelaksanaanya diantaranya meliputi: (1) Pendanaan. (2) Tenaga pengajar. (3) Fasilitas dan sarana, serta. (4) Waktu/Jam Pelajaran. Sehingga diperlukan solusi atau langkah efektif dalam pengoptimalan Madrasah Diniyah Takmiliyah di Indonesia.Adapun solusiyna yaitu: (a) Perlunya peningkatan kualitas akedemik dengan membekali siswa terhadap kemampuan Agama dengan baik dan benar. (b) Perlunya memasang sumber daya manusia dengan menyeleksi guru-guru yang berkualitas serta manajemen yang optimal. (c) Pemaksimalan peran, selain pengumpulan dana sebagai pengendali mutu Madrasah Diniyah, juga dibutuhkan penyumbang dana atau donatur yang turut serta membantu dalam hal pendanaan. (d) Perlunya meningkatkan peran orang tua, dan masyarakat setempat sebagai obyek sekaligus subyek pendidikan.Kata Kunci: Implementasi Standar Pendidikan; Pendidikan Islam Non Formal; Madrasah Diniyah Takmiliyah

    Tree biomass equations for tropical peat swamp forest ecosystems in Indonesia

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    To assist countries to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, the United Nations has introduced the REDD+ mechanism. This performance-based incentive mechanism requires accurate quantification of carbon stock and emissions. However, currently there are limited existing local or regional equations for estimating aboveground biomass in peat swamp forests. The main objective of this study was to define the most accurate models for aboveground biomass estimation in Indonesian peat swamp forests. We found that the pan-tropical equations performed better in estimating biomass of peat swamp forests than did existing local equations. We developed new equations, based on 148 trees from 24 families with diameter at breast height in the range of 2–167 cm collected from peat swamp forests in the western part of Indonesia. Statistical indicators showed that the best model form was the common linear one using log-transformed data. Estimated biomass values needs to be back-transformed applying correction factors. The ratio estimator correction factor which derives from the ratio between the average of measured biomass and the average of predicted biomass, was found to provide the lowest mean deviation. The existing pan-tropical equations performed similarly to our mixed species and dipterocarp models but they systematically under- or over-estimated the biomass of certain species groups, especially non-dipterocarp trees. We also found that grouping by family (dipterocarp vs. non-dipterocarp) and wood density class (hardwood vs. softwood) significantly improved the accuracy of biomass estimation. In the absence of wood density values, wood density-class specific equations, instead of mixed-species equations improved the accuracy of biomass estimates