70 research outputs found

    Compared to placebo, long-term antibiotics resolve otitis media with effusion (OME) and prevent acute otitis media with perforation (AOMwiP) in a high-risk population: A randomized controlled trial

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    © 2008 Leach et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.Background : For children at high risk of chronic suppurative otitis media (CSOM), strategies to prevent acute otitis media with perforation (AOMwiP) may reduce progression to CSOM. Methods : In a double blind study in northern Australia, 103 Aboriginal infants with first detection of OME were randomised to receive either amoxicillin (50 mg/kg/d BD) or placebo for 24 weeks, or until bilateral aerated middle ears were diagnosed at two successive monthly examinations (success). Standardised clinical assessments and international standards for microbiology were used. Results : Five of 52 infants in the amoxicillin group and none of 51 infants in the placebo group achieved success at the end of therapy (Risk Difference = 9.6% [95% confidence interval 1.6,17.6]). Amoxicillin significantly reduced the proportion of children with i) perforation at the end of therapy (27% to 12% RD = -16% [-31,-1]), ii) recurrent perforation during therapy (18% to 4% RD = -14% [-25,-2]), and iii) reduced the proportion of examinations with a diagnosis of perforation during therapy (20% to 8% adjusted risk ratio 0.36 [0.15,0.83] p = 0.017). During therapy, the proportion of examinations with penicillin non-susceptible (MIC > 0.1 microg/ml) pneumococci was not significantly different between the amoxicillin group (34%) and the placebo group (40%). Beta-lactamase positive non-capsular H. influenzae (NCHi) were uncommon during therapy but more frequent in the amoxicillin group (10%) than placebo (5%). Conclusion : Aboriginal infants receiving continuous amoxicillin had more normal ears, fewer perforations, and less pneumococcal carriage. There was no statistically significant increase in resistant pneumococci or NCHi in amoxicillin children compared to placebo children who received regular paediatric care and antibiotic treatment for symptomatic illnesses

    Otitis media in young Aboriginal children from remote communities in Northern and Central Australia: a cross-sectional survey

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    BACKGROUND: Middle ear disease (otitis media) is common and frequently severe in Australian Aboriginal children. There have not been any recent large-scale surveys using clear definitions and a standardised middle ear assessment. The aim of the study was to determine the prevalence of middle ear disease (otitis media) in a high-risk population of young Aboriginal children from remote communities in Northern and Central Australia. METHODS: 709 Aboriginal children aged 6–30 months living in 29 communities from 4 health regions participated in the study between May and November 2001. Otitis media (OM) and perforation of the tympanic membrane (TM) were diagnosed by tympanometry, pneumatic otoscopy, and video-otoscopy. We used otoscopic criteria (bulging TM or recent perforation) to diagnose acute otitis media. RESULTS: 914 children were eligible to participate in the study and 709 were assessed (78%). Otitis media affected nearly all children (91%, 95%CI 88, 94). Overall prevalence estimates adjusted for clustering by community were: 10% (95%CI 8, 12) for unilateral otitis media with effusion (OME); 31% (95%CI 27, 34) for bilateral OME; 26% (95%CI 23, 30) for acute otitis media without perforation (AOM/woP); 7% (95%CI 4, 9) for AOM with perforation (AOM/wiP); 2% (95%CI 1, 3) for dry perforation; and 15% (95%CI 11, 19) for chronic suppurative otitis media (CSOM). The perforation prevalence ranged from 0–60% between communities and from 19–33% between regions. Perforations of the tympanic membrane affected 40% of children in their first 18 months of life. These were not always persistent. CONCLUSION: Overall, 1 in every 2 children examined had otoscopic signs consistent with suppurative ear disease and 1 in 4 children had a perforated tympanic membrane. Some of the children with intact tympanic membranes had experienced a perforation that healed before the survey. In this high-risk population, high rates of tympanic perforation were associated with high rates of bulging of the tympanic membrane

    Inherent and Composite Hydrogels as Promising Materials to Limit Antimicrobial Resistance

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    Antibiotic resistance has increased significantly in the recent years, and has become a global problem for human health and the environment. As a result, several technologies for the controlling of health-care associated infections have been developed over the years. Thus, the most recent findings in hydrogel fabrication, particularly antimicrobial hydrogels, could offer valuable solutions for these biomedical challenges. In this review, we discuss the most promising strategies in the development of antimicrobial hydrogels and the application of hydrogels in the treatment of microbial infections. The latest advances in the development of inherently and composite antimicrobial hydrogels will be discussed, as well as hydrogels as carriers of antimicrobials, with a focus on antibiotics, metal nanoparticles, antimicrobial peptides, and biological extracts. The emergence of CRISR-Cas9 technology for removing the antimicrobial resistance has led the necessity of new and performant carriers for delivery of the CRISPR-Cas9 system. Different delivery systems, such as composite hydrogels and many types of nanoparticles, attracted a great deal of attention and will be also discussed in this review

    Ingénierie de trafic pour des réseaux énergétiquement efficaces

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    This work seeks to improve the energy efficiency of backbone networks by automatically managing the paths of network flows to reduce the over-provisioning. Compared to numerous works in this field, we stand out by focusing on low computational complexity and smooth deployment of the proposed solution in the context of Software Defined Networks (SDN). To ensure that we meet these requirements, we validate the proposed solutions on a network testbed built for this purpose. Moreover, we believe that it is indispensable for the research community in computer science to improve the reproducibility of experiments. Thus, one can reproduce most of the results presented in this thesis by following a couple of simple steps. In the first part of this thesis, we present a framework for putting links and line cards into sleep mode during off-peak periods and rapidly bringing them back on when more network capacity is needed. The solution, which we term ``SegmenT Routing based Energy Efficient Traffic Engineering'' (STREETE), was implemented using state-of-art dynamic graph algorithms. STREETE achieves execution times of tens of milliseconds on a 50-node network. The approach was also validated on a testbed using the ONOS SDN controller along with OpenFlow switches. We compared our algorithm against optimal solutions obtained via a Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) model to demonstrate that it can effectively prevent network congestion, avoid turning-on unneeded links, and provide excellent energy-efficiency. The second part of this thesis studies solutions for maximizing the utilization of existing components to extend the STREETE framework to workloads that are not very well handled by its original form. This includes the high network loads that cannot be routed through the network without a fine-grained management of the flows. In this part, we diverge from the shortest path routing, which is traditionally used in computer networks, and perform a particular load balancing of the network flows. In the last part of this thesis, we combine STREETE with the proposed load balancing technique and evaluate the performance of this combination both regarding turned-off links and in its ability to keep the network out of congestion. After that, we use our network testbed to evaluate the impact of our solutions on the TCP flows and provide an intuition about the additional constraints that must be considered to avoid instabilities due to traffic oscillations between multiple paths.Ce travail a pour but d'améliorer l'efficacité énergétique des réseaux de cœur en éteignant un sous-ensemble de liens par une approche SDN (Software Defined Network). Nous nous différencions des nombreux travaux de ce domaine par une réactivité accrue aux variations des conditions réseaux. Cela a été rendu possible grâce à une complexité calculatoire réduite et une attention particulière au surcoût induit par les échanges de données. Pour valider les solutions proposées, nous les avons testées sur une plateforme spécialement construite à cet effet.Dans la première partie de cette thèse, nous présentons l'architecture logicielle ``SegmenT Routing based Energy Efficient Traffic Engineering'' (STREETE). Le cœur de la solution repose sur un re-routage dynamique du trafic en fonction de la charge du réseau dans le but d'éteindre certains liens peu utilisés. Cette solution utilise des algorithmes de graphes dynamiques pour réduire la complexité calculatoire et atteindre des temps de calcul de l'ordre des millisecondes sur un réseau de 50 nœuds. Nos solutions ont aussi été validées sur une plateforme de test comprenant le contrôleur SDN ONOS et des commutateurs OpenFlow. Nous comparons nos algorithmes aux solutions optimales obtenues grâce à des techniques de programmation linéaires en nombres entiers et montrons que le nombre de liens allumés peut être efficacement réduit pour diminuer la consommation électrique tout en évitant de surcharger le réseau.Dans la deuxième partie de cette thèse, nous cherchons à améliorer la performance de STREETE dans le cas d’une forte charge, qui ne peut pas être écoulée par le réseau si des algorithmes de routages à plus courts chemins sont utilisés. Nous analysons des méthodes d'équilibrage de charge pour obtenir un placement presque optimal des flux dans le réseau.Dans la dernière partie, nous évaluons la combinaison des deux techniques proposées précédemment : STREETE avec équilibrage de charge. Ensuite, nous utilisons notre plateforme de test pour analyser l'impact de re-routages fréquents sur les flux TCP. Cela nous permet de donner des indications sur des améliorations à prendre en compte afin d'éviter des instabilités causées par des basculements incontrôlés des flux réseau entre des chemins alternatifs. Nous croyons à l'importance de fournir des résultats reproductibles à la communauté scientifique. Ainsi, une grande partie des résultats présentés dans cette thèse peuvent être facilement reproduits à l'aide des instructions et logiciels fournis

    Biologically-oriented mud volcano database: muddy_db

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    Mud volcanoes (MVs) are naturally occurring hydrocarbon hotbeds with continuous methane discharge, contributing to global warming. They host microbial communities adapted to hydrocarbon oxidation. Given their research value, MVs still represent a niche topic in microbiology and are neglected by hydrocarbon-oriented research. All the data regarding MVs is sporadic and decentralized. To mitigate this problem, we built a custom Natural Language Processing pipeline (muddy_mine), and collected all the available MV data from open-access articles. Based on this data, we built the muddy_db database. The muddy_db represents the first biologically oriented database rendered as a user-friendly web app. This database includes all the relevant MV data, ranging from microbial taxonomy to hydrocarbon occurrence and geology. The muddy_mine and muddy_db tools are licensed under the GPLv3. muddy_db R Shiny web app: https://muddy-db.shinyapps.io/muddy_db/ muddy_db R package: https://github.com/TracyRage/muddy_db muddy_mine Conda package: https://github.com/TracyRage/muddy_mine

    Segment Routing based Traffic Engineering for Energy Efficient Backbone Networks

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    International audienceEnergy consumption has become a limiting factor for deploying large-scale distributed infrastructures. This work 1 seeks to improve the energy efficiency of backbone networks by providing an intra-domain Software Defined Network (SDN) approach to selectively turn off a subset of links. We propose the STREETE framework (SegmenT Routing based Energy Efficient Traffic Engineering) that dynamically adapts the number of powered-on links to the traffic load. The core of the solution relies on SPRING, a novel protocol being standardized by IETF. It is also known under the name of Segment Routing. The algorithms have been implemented and evaluated using the OMNET++ simulator. Experimental results show that the consumption of 44% of links can be reduced while preserving good quality of service

    STREETE : Une ingénierie de trafic pour des réseaux de coeur énergétiquement efficaces

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    National audienceLa consommation d'énergie est devenue un facteur limitant pour le déploiement d'infrastruc-tures distribuées à grande échelle. Ce travail 1 a pour but l'amélioration de l'efficacité éner-gétique des réseaux de coeur en éteignant un sous-ensemble des liens grâce à une approche SDN (Software Defined Network). Nous présentons l'architecture logicielle STREETE (SegmenT Routing based Energy Efficient Traffic Engineering) qui adapte dynamiquement le nombre de liens du réseau qui sont allumés en fonction de la charge du réseau. Le coeur de la solution repose sur le protocole SPRING, aussi appelé Segment Routing, un protocole novateur en cours de standardisation par l'IETF. Les algorithmes ont été implémentés et évalués en utilisant le si-mulateur OMNET++. Les résultats expérimentaux montrent que le nombre de liens allumés peut être réduit de 44% tout en gardant une haute qualité de service. Mots-clés : efficacité énergétique, réseaux de coeur, SDN, ingénierie de trafic, SPRING, Segment Routing, MPLS

    STREETE : Une ingénierie de trafic pour des réseaux de coeur énergétiquement efficaces

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    National audienceLa consommation d'énergie est devenue un facteur limitant pour le déploiement d'infrastruc-tures distribuées à grande échelle. Ce travail 1 a pour but l'amélioration de l'efficacité éner-gétique des réseaux de coeur en éteignant un sous-ensemble des liens grâce à une approche SDN (Software Defined Network). Nous présentons l'architecture logicielle STREETE (SegmenT Routing based Energy Efficient Traffic Engineering) qui adapte dynamiquement le nombre de liens du réseau qui sont allumés en fonction de la charge du réseau. Le coeur de la solution repose sur le protocole SPRING, aussi appelé Segment Routing, un protocole novateur en cours de standardisation par l'IETF. Les algorithmes ont été implémentés et évalués en utilisant le si-mulateur OMNET++. Les résultats expérimentaux montrent que le nombre de liens allumés peut être réduit de 44% tout en gardant une haute qualité de service. Mots-clés : efficacité énergétique, réseaux de coeur, SDN, ingénierie de trafic, SPRING, Segment Routing, MPLS
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