12 research outputs found

    Serum Albumin Is Inversely Associated With Portal Vein Thrombosis in Cirrhosis

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    We analyzed whether serum albumin is independently associated with portal vein thrombosis (PVT) in liver cirrhosis (LC) and if a biologic plausibility exists. This study was divided into three parts. In part 1 (retrospective analysis), 753 consecutive patients with LC with ultrasound-detected PVT were retrospectively analyzed. In part 2, 112 patients with LC and 56 matched controls were entered in the cross-sectional study. In part 3, 5 patients with cirrhosis were entered in the in vivo study and 4 healthy subjects (HSs) were entered in the in vitro study to explore if albumin may affect platelet activation by modulating oxidative stress. In the 753 patients with LC, the prevalence of PVT was 16.7%; logistic analysis showed that only age (odds ratio [OR], 1.024; P = 0.012) and serum albumin (OR, -0.422; P = 0.0001) significantly predicted patients with PVT. Analyzing the 112 patients with LC and controls, soluble clusters of differentiation (CD)40-ligand (P = 0.0238), soluble Nox2-derived peptide (sNox2-dp; P < 0.0001), and urinary excretion of isoprostanes (P = 0.0078) were higher in patients with LC. In LC, albumin was correlated with sCD4OL (Spearman's rank correlation coefficient [r(s)], -0.33; P < 0.001), sNox2-dp (r(s), -0.57; P < 0.0001), and urinary excretion of isoprostanes (r(s), -0.48; P < 0.0001) levels. The in vivo study showed a progressive decrease in platelet aggregation, sNox2-dp, and urinary 8-iso prostaglandin F2 alpha-III formation 2 hours and 3 days after albumin infusion. Finally, platelet aggregation, sNox2-dp, and isoprostane formation significantly decreased in platelets from HSs incubated with scalar concentrations of albumin. Conclusion: Low serum albumin in LC is associated with PVT, suggesting that albumin could be a modulator of the hemostatic system through interference with mechanisms regulating platelet activation

    Evaluation of Second-Hand Exposure to Electronic Cigarette Vaping under a Real Scenario: Measurements of Ultrafine Particle Number Concentration and Size Distribution and Comparison with Traditional Tobacco Smoke

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    The present study aims to evaluate the impact of e-cig second-hand aerosol on indoor air quality in terms of ultrafine particles (UFPs) and potential inhalation exposure levels of passive bystanders. E-cig second-hand aerosol characteristics in terms of UFPs number concentration and size distribution exhaled by two volunteers vaping 15 different e-liquids inside a 49 m3 room and comparison with tobacco smoke are discussed. High temporal resolution measurements were performed under natural ventilation conditions to simulate a realistic exposure scenario. Results showed a systematic increase in UFPs number concentration (part cm−3) related to a 20-min vaping session (from 6.56 × 103 to 4.01 × 104 part cm−3), although this was one up to two order of magnitude lower than that produced by one tobacco cigarette consumption (from 1.12 × 105 to 1.46 × 105 part cm−3). E-cig second-hand aerosol size distribution exhibits a bimodal behavior with modes at 10.8 and 29.4 nm in contrast with the unimodal typical size distribution of tobacco smoke with peak mode at 100 nm. In the size range 6–26 nm, particles concentration in e-cig second-hand aerosol were from 2- (Dp = 25.5 nm) to 3800-fold (Dp = 9.31 nm) higher than in tobacco smoke highlighting that particles exhaled by users and potentially inhaled by bystanders are nano-sized with high penetration capacity into human airways

    Chemical characterization of electronic cigarette (e-cigs) refill liquids prior to EU tobacco product directive adoption: Evaluation of BTEX contamination by HS-SPME-GC-MS and identification of flavoring additives by GC-MS-O

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    The present study focused on the determination of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylenes (BTEX) concentration levels in 97 refill liquids for e-cigs selected by the Italian National Institute of Health as representative of the EU market between 2013 and 2015 prior to the implementation of the European Union (EU) Tobacco Product Directive (TPD). Most of the e-liquids investigated (85/97) were affected by BTEX contamination, with few exceptions observed (levels below the limit of quantification (LOQ) of headspace-solid phase micro extraction-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (HS-SPME-GC-MS) methodology). Across brands, concentration levels ranged from 2.7 to 30,200.0 μg/L for benzene, from 1.9 to 447.8 μg/L for ethylbenzene, from 1.9 to 1,648.4 μg/L for toluene and from 1.7 to 574.2 μg/L for m, p, o-xylenes. The variability observed in BTEX levels is likely to be related to the variability in contamination level of both propylene glycol and glycerol and flavoring additives included. No correlation was found with nicotine content. Moreover, on a limited number of e-liquids, gas chromatography-mass spectrometry-olfactometry (GC-MS-O) analysis was performed, allowing the identification of key flavoring additives responsible of specific flavor notes. Among them, diacetyl is a flavoring additive of concern for potential toxicity when directly inhaled into human airways. The data reported are eligible to be included in the pre-TPD database and may represent a reference for the ongoing evaluation on e-liquids safety and quality under the current EU Legislation

    Liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry method for the determination of nicotine and minor tobacco alkaloids in electronic cigarette refill liquids and second-hand generated aerosol

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    A liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry method for the simultaneous quantification of nicotine and seven minor tobacco alkaloids in both refill liquids for electronic cigarettes and their generated aerosol was developed and validated. The limit of detection and limit of quantification values were 0.3–20.0 and 1.0–31.8 ng/mL, respectively. Within-laboratory reproducibility was 8.2–14.2% at limit of quantification values and 4.8–12.7% at other concentration levels. Interday recovery was 75.8–116.4%. The method was applied to evaluate the compliance of commercial liquids (n = 95) with their labels and to assess levels of minor alkaloids. Levels of nicotine and its corresponding compounds were also evaluated in generated aerosol. About 47% of samples showed differences above ±10 % of the stated nicotine concentration. About 78% of the “zero nicotine” liquids showed traces in the range of 1.3 ± 0.1–254.0 ± 14.6 μg/mL. Nicotine-N′-oxides, myosmine, and anatabine were the most common minor alkaloids in liquids containing nicotine. Nicotine and N′-oxides were detected in all air samples when aerosol was generated from liquids containing nicotine. Nicotine average emissions from electronic cigarette (2.7 ± 0.9 μg/m3) were significantly lower (p < 0.01, t-test) with respect to conventional cigarette (30.2 ± 1.5 μg/m3)

    The Assessment and the Within-Plant Variation of the Morpho-Physiological Traits and VOCs Profile in Endemic and Rare Salvia ceratophylloides Ard. (Lamiaceae)

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    Salvia ceratophylloides (Ard.) is an endemic and rare plant species recently rediscovered as very few individuals at two different Southern Italy sites. The study of within-plant variation is fundamental to understand the plant adaptation to the local conditions, especially in rare species, and consequently to preserve plant biodiversity. Here, we reported the variation of the morpho-ecophysiological and metabolic traits between the sessile and petiolate leaf of S. ceratophylloides plants at two different sites for understanding the adaptation strategies for surviving in these habitats. The S. ceratophylloides individuals exhibited different net photosynthetic rate, maximum quantum yield, light intensity for the saturation of the photosynthetic machinery, stomatal conductance, transpiration rate, leaf area, fractal dimension, and some volatile organic compounds (VOCs) between the different leaf types. This within-plant morpho-physiological and metabolic variation was dependent on the site. These results provide empirical evidence of sharply within-plant variation of the morpho-physiological traits and VOCs profiles in S. ceratophylloides, explaining the adaptation to the local conditions

    Management of Leaks Following Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy Using Specifically Designed Large Covered Metal Stents

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    BACKGROUND: Leaks are the major complication associated with laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy.OBJECTIVE: To assess the efficacy and safety of specifically designed large covered metal stents for the management post-laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy leaks.METHODS: Prospectively collected databases from three Italian Endoscopy Units were reviewed. The primary outcome of the study was to evaluate the clinical success of stents placement, defined as complete resolution of clinical and laboratory signs of sepsis with radiological evidence of leak closure. Secondary outcomes were stent-related adverse events and mortality.RESULTS: Twenty-one patients (67% females, mean age 45 years) were included in the study and a total of 26 stents were placed. Technical success of stent placement was achieved in all cases (100%). Clinical success was observed in 85.5% of patients. Stent related adverse events occurred in 9 patients (43%), with stent migration as most frequent complication (33%). Adverse events were more frequently observed in patients who had undergone bariatric surgery prior to laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy compared to patients without previous surgery (83% vs 27%, p=0.018).CONCLUSIONS: Placement of specifically designed covered metal stents appears to be an effective and safe therapeutic approach for post-laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy leaks. Stent migration can be a frequent complication

    Documento de consenso. Manejo de la enfermedad hepática grasa no alcohólica (EHGNA). Guía de práctica clínica

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    Laenfermedadhepáticagrasanoalcohólica(EHGNA)eslacausamásfrecuentedehepatopatíacrónicaennuestromedioyseprevéunincrementodesuincidenciaenlospróxi-mosa ̃nosasociadaalincrementodelaobesidadyelsíndromemetabólico.Estaguíadeprácticaclínicaproponerecomendacionessobreeldiagnósticoyenespecialmarcadoresnoinvasivos,asícomoenelmanejoyseguimientodeestaenfermedad.LaintervencióndietéticabasadaenladietamediterráneayelcambiodelestilodevidaconstituyenelpilardeltratamientodelaEHGNA,peroaúnfaltaporelucidarsilacomposicióndeladietapuedeinfluirenlamejoríadelaenfermedadmásalládelapérdidadepeso.Eltratamientoconfármacosdeberestrin-girsealospacientesconesteatohepatitisyfibrosissignificativaquenoconsiguenresolucióndelaesteatohepatitisdespuésdeunaintervencióncondietayejerciciofísicoduranteuna ̃no.Nuevosfármacosaúnenfasesinicialesdedesarrollohandemostradosersuperioresaplacebo.Porúltimo,elimpactodelaEHGNAenlaindicacióndetrasplantehepático,laviabilidaddelinjertoylarecidivadeEHGNAdenovotraseltrasplante,asícomoelincrementadoriesgocar-diovasculardeterminantodoelprocesoperitrasplantehepático.EstaguíadeprácticaclínicasehaelaboradotraslaIReunióndeConsensosobreEHGNAconunpaneldeexpertonaciona-leseinternacionesenSevillaytienencomoobjetivoproponerrecomendacionesbasadasenlaevidenciacientíficadisponibleparaelmanejodeestospacientes

    Incidence and Recurrence of Portal Vein Thrombosis in Cirrhotic Patients

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    Cirrhosis has been long considered a risk factor for bleeding due to the co-existence of the so-called \u2018coagulopathy\u2019. More recently, however, compelling evidences have been provided on the occurrence of thrombotic events in the portal and systemic circulation.3\u20135 Portal vein thrombosis (PVT) is predominantly observed in patients with moderate to severe liver failure with a variable prevalence ranging from 0.6 to 25%. Only fewstudies have provided a longitudinal assessment of the PVT incidence and its sequelae, including recurrence and survival.9\u201314 Due to the variability of PVT incidence and the paucity of data regarding recurrence and survival,15\u201320 we prospectively analysed the incidence and the recurrence of PVT in the population of Portal vein thrombosis Relevance On Liver cirrhosis: ItalianVenous thromboticEventsRegistry (PROLIVER), a multi-centre study,8 which involved 43 enrolling centres in Italy (ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT01470547)

    Platelet Count Does Not Predict Bleeding in Cirrhotic Patients: Results from the PRO-LIVER Study.

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    OBJECTIVES: Thrombocytopenia is a hallmark for patients with cirrhosis and it is perceived as a risk factor for bleeding events. However, the relationship between platelet count and bleeding is still unclear. METHODS: We investigated the relationship between platelet count and major or clinical relevant nonmajor bleedings during a follow-up of ∼4 years. RESULTS: A total of 280 cirrhotic patients with different degrees of liver disease (67% males; age 64±37 years; 47% Child-Pugh B and C) were followed up for a median of 1,129 (interquartile range: 800-1,498) days yielding 953.12 patient-year of observation. The annual rate of any significant bleeding was 5.45%/year (3.57%/year and 1.89%/year for major and minor bleeding, respectively). Fifty-two (18.6%) patients experienced a major (n=34) or minor (n=18) bleeding event, predominantly from gastrointestinal origin. Platelet counts progressively decreased with the worsening of liver disease and were similar in patients with or without major or minor bleeding: a platelet count ≤50 × 103/μl was detected in 3 (6%) patients with and in 20 (9%) patients without any bleeding event. Conversely, prothrombin time-international normalized ratio was slightly higher in patients with overall or major bleeding. On Cox proportional hazard analysis, only a previous gastrointestinal bleeding (hazard ratio (HR): 1.96; 95% confidence interval: 1.11-3.47; P=0.020) and encephalopathy (HR: 2.05; 95% confidence interval: 1.16-3.62; P=0.013) independently predicted overall bleeding events. CONCLUSIONS: Platelet count does not predict unprovoked major or minor bleeding in cirrhotic patients