10,145 research outputs found

    Black hole entropy functions and attractor equations

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    The entropy and the attractor equations for static extremal black hole solutions follow from a variational principle based on an entropy function. In the general case such an entropy function can be derived from the reduced action evaluated in a near-horizon geometry. BPS black holes constitute special solutions of this variational principle, but they can also be derived directly from a different entropy function based on supersymmetry enhancement at the horizon. Both functions are consistent with electric/magnetic duality and for BPS black holes their corresponding OSV-type integrals give identical results at the semi-classical level. We clarify the relation between the two entropy functions and the corresponding attractor equations for N=2 supergravity theories with higher-derivative couplings in four space-time dimensions. We discuss how non-holomorphic corrections will modify these entropy functions.Comment: 21 pages,LaTeX,minor change

    A Comment on Quantum Distribution Functions and the OSV Conjecture

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    Using the attractor mechanism and the relation between the quantization of H3(M)H^{3}(M) and topological strings on a Calabi Yau threefold MM we define a map from BPS black holes into coherent states. This map allows us to represent the Bekenstein-Hawking-Wald entropy as a quantum distribution function on the phase space H3(M)H^{3}(M). This distribution function is a mixed Husimi/anti-Husimi distribution corresponding to the different normal ordering prescriptions for the string coupling and deviations of the complex structure moduli. From the integral representation of this distribution function in terms of the Wigner distribution we recover the Ooguri-Strominger-Vafa (OSV) conjecture in the region "at infinity" of the complex structure moduli space. The physical meaning of the OSV corrections are briefly discussed in this limit.Comment: 27 pages. v2:reference and footnote adde

    Stock market series analysis using self-organizing maps

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    In this work a new clustering technique is implemented and tested. The proposed approach is based on the application of a SOM (self-organizing map) neural network and provides means to cluster U-MAT aggregated data. It relies on a flooding algorithm operating on the U-MAT and resorts to the Calinski and Harabask index to assess the depth of flooding, providing an adequate number of clusters. The method is tuned for the analysis of stock market series. Results obtained are promising although limited in scope. Neste trabalho é implementada e testada uma nova técnica de agrupamento. A abordagem proposta baseia-se na aplicação de uma rede neuronal SOM (mapa autoorganizado) e permite agrupar dados sobre a matriz de distancias (U-MAT). É utilizado um algoritmo de alagamento ("flooding") sobre a U-MAT e o índice de Calinski e Harabasz avalia a profundidade do alagamento determinando-se, assim, o número de grupos mais adequado. O método é desenhado especificamente para a análise de séries temporais da bolsa de valores. Os resultados obtidos são promissores, embora se registem ainda limitações

    Dyon Spectrum in CHL Models

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    We propose a formula for the degeneracy of quarter BPS dyons in a class of CHL models. The formula uses a modular form of a subgroup of the genus two modular group Sp(2,Z). Our proposal is S-duality invariant and reproduces correctly the entropy of a dyonic black hole to first non-leading order for large values of the charges.Comment: LaTeX file, 38 pages, minor changes in section 3.3(v2), minor changes in introduction, appendix A and C(v3

    On gravitational-wave spectroscopy of massive black holes with the space interferometer LISA

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    Newly formed black holes are expected to emit characteristic radiation in the form of quasi-normal modes, called ringdown waves, with discrete frequencies. LISA should be able to detect the ringdown waves emitted by oscillating supermassive black holes throughout the observable Universe. We develop a multi-mode formalism, applicable to any interferometric detectors, for detecting ringdown signals, for estimating black hole parameters from those signals, and for testing the no-hair theorem of general relativity. Focusing on LISA, we use current models of its sensitivity to compute the expected signal-to-noise ratio for ringdown events, the relative parameter estimation accuracy, and the resolvability of different modes. We also discuss the extent to which uncertainties on physical parameters, such as the black hole spin and the energy emitted in each mode, will affect our ability to do black hole spectroscopy.Comment: 44 pages, 21 figures, 10 tables. Minor changes to match version in press in Phys. Rev.

    BPS black holes, the Hesse potential, and the topological string

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    The Hesse potential is constructed for a class of four-dimensional N=2 supersymmetric effective actions with S- and T-duality by performing the relevant Legendre transform by iteration. It is a function of fields that transform under duality according to an arithmetic subgroup of the classical dualities reflecting the monodromies of the underlying string compactification. These transformations are not subject to corrections, unlike the transformations of the fields that appear in the effective action which are affected by the presence of higher-derivative couplings. The class of actions that are considered includes those of the FHSV and the STU model. We also consider heterotic N=4 supersymmetric compactifications. The Hesse potential, which is equal to the free energy function for BPS black holes, is manifestly duality invariant. Generically it can be expanded in terms of powers of the modulus that represents the inverse topological string coupling constant, gsg_s, and its complex conjugate. The terms depending holomorphically on gsg_s are expected to correspond to the topological string partition function and this expectation is explicitly verified in two cases. Terms proportional to mixed powers of gsg_s and gˉs\bar g_s are in principle present.Comment: 28 pages, LaTeX, added comment

    Radiocarbon and blue optically stimulated luminescence chronologies of the Oitavos consolidated dune (Western Portugal)

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    The dune of Oitavos, the underlying paleosol, and Helix sp. gastropod shells found within the paleosol were dated using a combination of radiocarbon and blue optically stimulated luminescence (OSL). The organic component of the paleosol produced a significantly older age (~20,000 cal BP) than the OSL age measurement (~15,000 yr), while 14C age measurements on the inorganic component and the gastropods produced ages of ~35,000 yr and ~34,000 yr, respectively. Rare-earth element analyses provide evidence that the gastropods incorporate geological carbonate, making them an unreliable indicator of the age of the paleosol. We propose that the 14C age of the small organic component of the paleosol is also likely to be unreliable due to incorporation of residual material. The OSL age measurement of the upper paleosol (~15,000 yr) is consistent with the age for the base of the dune (~14,500 yr). The younger OSL age for the top of the dune (~12,000 yr) suggests that it was built up by at least 2 sand pulses or that there was a remobilization of material at the top during its evolution, prior to consolidation

    Ocorrência e caracterização de bactérias isoladas de nódulos de amendoinzeiro (Arachis hypogaea L.) em solos paranaenses, Brasil.

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    RESUMO: O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a ocorrência e caracterizar morfofisiologicamente e geneticamente bactérias isoladas de nódulos de amendoinzeiro (Arachis hypogaea L.), em solos paranaenses, Brasil. Em amostras de 36 municípios representativos do estado Paraná foi observada nodulação do amendoim em 84,4%, independente se em áreas cultivadas, ou em florestas. Nos testes de caracterização morfofisiológica de 44 estirpes autenticadas, 75% das estirpes apresentaram taxa de crescimento rápido em meio de cultura com manitol; 25 acidificaram o meio, cinco alcalinizaram e 14 não resultaram em modificação do pH. A capacidade de produzir sideróforos foi observada em 43% das estirpes e 16% foram capazes de solubilizar fosfato de cálcio em meio de cultura. O sequenciamento do gene 16S rRNA mostrou a formação de três principais grupos, correspondentes a três filos: Alfaproteobacteria, Betaproteobacteria e Firmicutes. O gênero com maior ocorrência foi o Bacillus

    Elastic turbulence in shear banding wormlike micelles

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    We study the dynamics of the Taylor-Couette flow of shear banding wormlike micelles. We focus on the high shear rate branch of the flow curve and show that for sufficiently high Weissenberg numbers, this branch becomes unstable. This instability is strongly sub-critical and is associated with a shear stress jump. We find that this increase of the flow resistance is related to the nucleation of turbulence. The flow pattern shows similarities with the elastic turbulence, so far only observed for polymer solutions. The unstable character of this branch led us to propose a scenario that could account for the recent observations of Taylor-like vortices during the shear banding flow of wormlike micelles

    The alpha-prime stretched horizon in the Heterotic string

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    The linear alpha-prime corrections and the field redefinition ambiguities are studied for half-BPS singular backgrounds representing a wrapped fundamental string. It is showed that there exist schemes in which the inclusion of all the linear alpha-prime corrections converts these singular solutions to black holes with a regular horizon for which the modified Hawking-Bekenstein entropy is in agreement with the statistical entropy.Comment: 22 pages JHEP; new discussions and more details added to section