16 research outputs found

    Adequacy of the environment in patients with imperfect amelogenesis: psychological aspects / Adequação do ambiente em doentes com amelogénese imperfeita: aspectos psicológicos

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    Objective: This case report aimed to describe a 10-year-old child with amelogenesis imperfecta, focusing on the management and adequacy of the oral cavity to improve aspects that impact on quality of life. Case Presentation: The complaint was the appearance of their teeth and dentin sensitivity, being observed on clinical examination visible plaque and calculus. First, it was proposed the adequacy of the oral cavity, with gingival scraping, oral health education  and fluorid varnish. Acetate crowns with resin-modified glass ionomer were made to restore aesthetics and function, in order to postpone the permanent rehabilitation of permanent dentition. After treatment the patient reported improvement in self-esteem and motivation for social activities. Conclusion: By using this approach in this case report it was concluded that the use of glass ionomer with acetate crown technique is a rehabilitation resource with minimal intervention, function and self-esteem to the patient

    TiF4 and NaF varnishes as anti-erosive agents on enamel and dentin erosion progression in vitro

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    Objective This study assessed the effect of fluoride varnishes on the progression of tooth erosion in vitro. Material and Methods: Forty-eight enamel and 60 root dentin samples were previously demineralized (0.1% citric acid, pH 2.5, 30 min), leading to a baseline and erosive wear of 12.9 and 11.4 µm, respectively. The samples were randomly treated (6 h) with a 4% TiF4 varnish (2.45%F-, pH 1.0), a 5.42% NaF varnish (2.45%F-, pH 5.0), a placebo varnish and no varnish (control). The samples were then subjected to erosive pH cycles (4x90 s/day in 0.1% citric acid, intercalated with artificial saliva) for 5 days. The increment of the erosive tooth wear was calculated. In the case of dentin, this final measurement was done with and without the demineralized organic matrix (DOM). Enamel and dentin data were analyzed using ANOVA/Tukey’s and Kruskal-Wallis/Dunn tests, respectively (

    Preventive effect of toothpastes with MMP inhibitors on human dentine erosion and abrasion in vitro

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    The use of gels and mouthrinses with MMP inhibitors (chlorhexidine, and green tea extract) was shown to prevent erosive wear. The aim of this study was to analyze the protective effect of toothpastes containing MMP inhibitors on dentine loss induced by erosion in vitro. Material and Methods Five groups each containing 12 specimens of human root dentine were prepared. The specimens were subjected to 1 min erosion by immersion in a cola drink, 4 times a day, for 5 d. Each day, after the first and last erosive challenges, the specimens were brushed for 15 s with a slurry of dentifrice and water (1:3) containing placebo, 1,100 ppm fluoride, 0.61% green tea extract, 0.12% chlorhexidine or 0.004% chlorhexidine (commercial toothpaste). Between the acid challenges, the specimens were stored in artificial saliva with remineralizing potential until the next treatment. Dentine loss was determined using profilometry. Data were analyzed using one-way ANOVA after log transform (

    Effect of Xylitol Varnishes on the Inhibition of Demineralization in Vitro

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    Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of xylitol varnishes in the inhibition of enamel demineralization in vitro. Material and Methods: Bovine enamel blocks (n=120) were randomly allocated to four groups (n = 30), and the surface hardness (SH) was measured at baseline. The blocks were treated with the following varnishes: 20% xylitol, 20% xylitol plus F (5% NaF), Duraphat™ (5% NaF, positive control), and placebo (no-F/xylitol, negative control). The varnishes were applied and removed after 6 h of immersion in artificial saliva. The blocks were subjected to pH cycles (demineralization and remineralization for 2 and 22h/day, respectively, for 8 days). Surface and cross-sectional hardnesses were measured to calculate the percentage of SH loss (%SHL) and the integrated loss of the subsurface hardness (ΔKHN). Data were statistically analyzed using Kruskal-Wallis and Tukey’s tests (p<0.05). Results: %SHL was significantly decreased by 20% xylitol plus F, Duraphat™, and 20% xylitol varnishes compared to placebo. The use of 20% xylitol plus F varnish led to a significantly lower percentage of SH loss compared to the use of 20% xylitol varnish without F. However, the experimental and commercial varnishes led to significantly lower subsurface demineralization compared to placebo and did not differ from each other. Conclusion: Xylitol varnishes, especially when combined with F, effectively prevent enamel demineralization

    The effect of mouthwashes containing biguanides on the progression of erosion in dentin

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    Background\ud Dental erosion is caused by frequent exposure to acids without the involvement of microorganism. This study analyzed the effect of biguanides (polyhexamethylene biguanide – PHMB and chlorhexidine – CHX) on dentin erosion due to their possible influence on the enzymatic degradation of the demineralized organic matrix.\ud \ud \ud Method\ud Sixty bovine dentin specimens were prepared. On both sides of their surface, nail varnish was applied to maintain the reference surfaces for the determination of dentin loss. Samples were cyclically de- and remineralized for 6 days. Demineralization was performed with a 0.87 M citric acid solution (6×5 min daily). Thereafter, samples were treated with distilled water (negative control), 0.12% CHX (positive control), 0.07% PHMB, Sanifill Perio Premium™ (0.07% PHMB plus 0.05% NaF), or F solution (0.05% NaF) for 1 min and then subjected to enzymatic challenge for 10 min using a bacterial collagenase (Clostridium hystoliticum, 100 μg/ml). Dentin loss was assessed using profilometry (μm) daily. Data were analyzed using 2-way repeated measures-ANOVA and Bonferroni’s test (p < 0.05).\ud \ud \ud Results\ud Dentin loss progressed significantly for all groups during the 6 days. After the 3rd day, Sanifill Premium™, CHX, and PHMB significantly reduced dentin erosion compared to control. On the 6th day, the lowest mean (±SD) dentin loss was observed for Sanifill Perio Premium™ (94.4 ± 3.9 μm). PHMB and CHX led to intermediate dentin loss (129.9 ± 41.2 and 135.3 ± 33.5 μm, respectively) that was significantly lower than those found for negative control (168.2 ± 6.2 μm). F (157.4 ± 6.1 μm) did not significantly differ from negative control.\ud \ud \ud Conclusions\ud Sanifill Perio Premium™ mouthwash has a good potential to reduce dentin loss, which might be associated with the presence of PHMB.PIBIT/CNPq/USP-2010.1.6720.25.

    TiF4 and NaF varnishes as anti-erosive agents on enamel and dentin erosion progression in vitro

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    Objective This study assessed the effect of fluoride varnishes on the progression of tooth erosion in vitro. Material and Methods: Forty-eight enamel and 60 root dentin samples were previously demineralized (0.1% citric acid, pH 2.5, 30 min), leading to a baseline and erosive wear of 12.9 and 11.4 µm, respectively. The samples were randomly treated (6 h) with a 4% TiF4 varnish (2.45%F-, pH 1.0), a 5.42% NaF varnish (2.45%F-, pH 5.0), a placebo varnish and no varnish (control). The samples were then subjected to erosive pH cycles (4x90 s/day in 0.1% citric acid, intercalated with artificial saliva) for 5 days. The increment of the erosive tooth wear was calculated. In the case of dentin, this final measurement was done with and without the demineralized organic matrix (DOM). Enamel and dentin data were analyzed using ANOVA/Tukey’s and Kruskal-Wallis/Dunn tests, respectively (p<0.05). Results The TiF4 (mean±s.d: 1.5±1.1 µm) and NaF (2.1±1.7 µm) varnishes significantly reduced enamel wear progression compared to the placebo varnish (3.9±1.1 µm) and control (4.5±0.9 µm). The same differences were found for dentin in the presence and absence of the DOM, respectively: TiF4 (average: 0.97/1.87 µm), NaF (1.03/2.13 µm), placebo varnish (3.53/4.47 µm) and control (3.53/4.36 µm). Conclusion The TiF4 and NaF varnishes were equally effective in reducing the progression of tooth erosion in vitro

    Effect of liquid dentifrices pH and fluoride concentration on caries control in a region with fluoridated water: randomized clinical trial

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    Os dentifrícios de baixa concentração de fluoreto têm sido sugeridos como alternativa para reduzir o risco de fluorose dentária, embora não haja consenso quanto a sua eficácia clínica, a qual pode ser aumentada quando o pH é ácido. Este estudo clínico randomizado teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito anti-cárie do pH e da concentração de fluoreto presente em dentifrícios líquidos, em crianças com diferentes status de atividade cariosa. Crianças de 2-4 anos de idade residentes em uma área fluoretada (0,6-0,8 ppm F), com (A) e sem (I) lesões de cárie ativa foram distribuídas aleatoriamente em três grupos de acordo com o tipo de dentifrício utilizado: Grupo 1 (n=48-A/56-I): 550 ppm F pH 4,5, Grupo 2 (n=56-A/48-I) 1100 ppm F pH 7,0, Grupo 3 (n=52-A/55-I): 550 ppm F pH 7,0. O número de lesões tornando-se ativas/cavidades ou inativas, respectivamente, foi avaliado clinicamente após 12 meses, podendo-se determinar se as lesões progrediram ou regrediram. Além disso, as lesões de mancha branca foram avaliadas através da técnica de quantificação de fluorescência induzida por luz (Quantitative Light-Induced Fluorescence - QLF) em uma subamostra de 75 crianças. A concentração de fluoreto nas unhas dos pés e no biofilme dentário também foi avaliada após 6 meses de uso dos dentifrícios. A progressão de cárie seguiu um padrão decrescente de acordo com o dentifrício utilizado (G3>G2>G1), independentemente da atividade de cárie da criança, mas diferenças significativas foram detectadas apenas para a progressão e o incremento de cárie (G1 G2>G1) regardless caries activity, but significant differences were detected only for caries progression and net increment (G1 < G3) for the cariesactive group when evaluated through visual inspection. For the regression, the values found for the three groups were more similar, without significant differences. QLF analysis detected no significant difference between Groups 1 and 2, but they performed significantly better than Group 3. Toenail fluoride concentration significantly lower was observed when children used the low-fluoride dentifrices. Plaque F concentration was significantly higher for Group 2 compared to group 3, egardless the time, while Group 1 did not significantly differ Group 2, but was significantly higher when compared to Group 3, 60 minutes after plaque collection. The results reinforce previous data that showed a good potential of the low-fluoride acidic LD to prevent caries and reduce fluoride intake. Thus, it seems to be a good option for children at the age of risk for dental fluorosis, living in a fluoridated area, regardless the risk for dental caries

    In-depth analysis of the enamel maturation in teeth with different eruptive ages by the longitudinal microhardness

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    Estudos epidemiológicos e experimentos com animais têm demonstrado que a susceptibilidade à doença cárie é maior logo após o período pós-eruptivo dos dentes, decrescendo posteriormente. Na literatura, várias pesquisas ressaltam a importância do conhecimento das características do esmalte durante e após o processo de erupção, assim como dos mecanismos envolvidos na desmineralização dentária para o estabelecimento de medidas preventivas eficazes. Variações idade dependentes na susceptibilidade à doença cárie são de grande importância clínica. Entretanto, a literatura é escassa em estudos que avaliem as alterações no esmalte em dentes inclusos e após a erupção na cavidade bucal. O objetivo deste estudo in vitro foi avaliar a maturação do esmalte em profundidade, de dentes hígidos com diferentes idades eruptivas (antes da erupção na cavidade bucal; 2 a 3 anos após a erupção; 4 a 10 anos após a erupção; e com mais de 10 anos após a erupção) por meio da microdureza longitudinal. Foram utilizados 12 espécimes de esmalte de dentes hígidos de humano para cada idade eruptiva. A comparação entre a microdureza longitudinal das diferentes idades e entre as diferentes profundidades foi realizada por meio da Análise de Variância a dois critérios (ANOVA), adotando-se um nível de significância de 5%. De acordo com a metodologia adotada na presente pesquisa, foi possível concluir que houve diferença entre a microdureza longitudinal dos espécimes com diferentes idades eruptivas em todas as profundidades estudadas, evidenciando-se um comportamento crescente da mineralização quanto maior a idade eruptiva. Pôde-se observar ainda uma tendência crescente dos valores da microdureza quanto maior a profundidade do esmalte, em todos os grupos de idade.Epidemiologic studies and caries experiments with animals have suggested that caries susceptibility of teeth decreases with age. Many researches in literature, stands out the importance of the enamel characteristics knowledge during and after the eruption process, as well as of the involved mechanisms in dental demineralization in order to establish efficient methods of prevention. Age-dependent variations in the susceptibility to caries lesions are of great clinical importance. However, literature is scarce in studies that evaluate the alterations that occur in the unerupted teeth enamel and after its eruption in the oral cavity. The aim of this study was to evaluate, in vitro, the maturation in depth of sound teeth enamel with different eruptive ages (before the eruption in the mouth, 2 to 3 years after the eruption; 4 to10 years after the eruption; and over 10 years after the eruption) through the longitudinal microhardness. We used 12 specimens of sound teeth enamel for each eruptive age. The comparison between the longitudinal microhardness of the different eruptive ages and in different depths was performed by analysis of variance with two criteria (ANOVA), adopting a significance level of 5%. According to the methodology adopted in this research, it was possible to conclude that there was a difference between the longitudinal microhardness of specimens with different eruptive ages at all depths, revealing an increase of the mineralization with age. It was observed also an increasing trend of the values of microhardness as the enamel depth increased, in all age groups studied

    TiF4 and NaF varnishes as anti-erosive agents on enamel and dentin erosion progression in vitro

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    Objective This study assessed the effect of fluoride varnishes on the progression of tooth erosion in vitro. Material and Methods: Forty-eight enamel and 60 root dentin samples were previously demineralized (0.1% citric acid, pH 2.5, 30 min), leading to a baseline and erosive wear of 12.9 and 11.4 &#181;m, respectively. The samples were randomly treated (6 h) with a 4% TiF4 varnish (2.45%F-, pH 1.0), a 5.42% NaF varnish (2.45%F-, pH 5.0), a placebo varnish and no varnish (control). The samples were then subjected to erosive pH cycles (4x90 s/day in 0.1% citric acid, intercalated with artificial saliva) for 5 days. The increment of the erosive tooth wear was calculated. In the case of dentin, this final measurement was done with and without the demineralized organic matrix (DOM). Enamel and dentin data were analyzed using ANOVA/Tukey&#8217;s and Kruskal-Wallis/Dunn tests, respectively (p<0.05). Results The TiF4 (mean&#177;s.d: 1.5&#177;1.1 &#181;m) and NaF (2.1&#177;1.7 &#181;m) varnishes significantly reduced enamel wear progression compared to the placebo varnish (3.9&#177;1.1 &#181;m) and control (4.5&#177;0.9 &#181;m). The same differences were found for dentin in the presence and absence of the DOM, respectively: TiF4 (average: 0.97/1.87 &#181;m), NaF (1.03/2.13 &#181;m), placebo varnish (3.53/4.47 &#181;m) and control (3.53/4.36 &#181;m). Conclusion The TiF4 and NaF varnishes were equally effective in reducing the progression of tooth erosion in vitro