30 research outputs found


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    This paper, after showing that value theory should not be confounded with a simple theory of relative prices, presents a reinterpretation of the Smithian approach. The paper does not look for the supposed contradictions of the approach; it looks for its internal coherence. All difficulties in reading Smithian value theory is then attributed to the readers, as a consequence of their own viewpoint. Thus, it can be shown that very nearly all criticism originated in Ricardo and even in Marx are not satisfactory. Smith hence reacquires a greater relevance within the economic thought.Este artigo, depois de mostrar que a teoria do valor não pode ser confundida com uma simples teoria dos preços relativos, apresenta uma reinterpretação do enfoque smithiano. Busca-se não suas supostas contradições, mas sua coerência interna. Toda dificuldade ha leitura da teoria do valor de Smith foi atribuída a erro do observador, resultado da deformação de seu próprio ponto de vista. Dessa maneira, pode-se mostrar que as críticas que tiveram origem em Ricardo e no próprio Marx, não são satisfatórias em sua quase totalidade. Smith readquire, dessa maneira, maior relevância dentro do pensamento econômico

    O capital especulativo parasitário: uma precisão teórica sobre o capital financeiro, característico da globalização

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    The inaccurate idea of finance capital, widely used in the recent analysis on the process of globalization, leads us to an effort on the theoretical determination of the concept of speculative capital, from a strictly Marxist point of view. Thus, the analysis begins with a precision about the concepts of capital, industrial capital and its functional forms, interest-bearing capital and fictitious capital. Therefore, we come to the conclusion that, in the specific conditions of contemporary capitalism, the concept of industrial capital becomes, dialectically, speculative capital and that its major functional form is the parasitic speculative capital. The dominance of the speculative capital determines contradictions capable of explaining the current crisis of capitalism.The inaccurate idea of finance capital, widely used in the recent analysis on the process of globalization, leads us to an effort on the theoretical determination of the concept of speculative capital, from a strictly Marxist point of view. Thus, the analysis begins with a precision about the concepts of capital, industrial capital and its functional forms, interest-bearing capital and fictitious capital. Therefore, we come to the conclusion that, in the specific conditions of contemporary capitalism, the concept of industrial capital becomes, dialectically, speculative capital and that its major functional form is the parasitic speculative capital. The dominance of the speculative capital determines contradictions capable of explaining the current crisis of capitalism

    Sobre a leitura ricardiana de Marx

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    The way Marxist’s value theory, as the central piece of a specific economic theory, is today being studied, through a ricardian reading, transforms it into something methaphysical and unfruitful. The purpose of this paper is to show the deformities introduced by such an interpretation. In fact, for Marx, the value theory is much more than a simple theory of the determination of relative prices, and this passes almost unnoticed nowadays.The way Marxist’s value theory, as the central piece of a specific economic theory, is today being studied, through a ricardian reading, transforms it into something methaphysical and unfruitful. The purpose of this paper is to show the deformities introduced by such an interpretation. In fact, for Marx, the value theory is much more than a simple theory of the determination of relative prices, and this passes almost unnoticed nowadays

    Novo desenvolvimentismo e liberalismo enraizado

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    This paper, after showing that value theory should not be confounded with a simple theory of relative prices, presents a reinterpretation of the Smithian approach. The paper does not look for the supposed contradictions of the approach; it looks for its internal coherence. All difficulties in reading Smithian value theory is then attributed to the readers, as a consequence of their own viewpoint. Thus, it can be shown that very nearly all criticism originated in Ricardo and even in Marx are not satisfactory. Smith hence reacquires a greater relevance within the economic thought.Este artigo, depois de mostrar que a teoria do valor não pode ser confundida com uma simples teoria dos preços relativos, apresenta uma reinterpretação do enfoque smithiano. Busca-se não suas supostas contradições, mas sua coerência interna. Toda dificuldade ha leitura da teoria do valor de Smith foi atribuída a erro do observador, resultado da deformação de seu próprio ponto de vista. Dessa maneira, pode-se mostrar que as críticas que tiveram origem em Ricardo e no próprio Marx, não são satisfatórias em sua quase totalidade. Smith readquire, dessa maneira, maior relevância dentro do pensamento econômico

    Capitalismo contemporâneo e trabalho produtivo

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    Este trabalho apresenta resumidamente uma interpretação sobreo capitalismo contemporâneo e mostra a relevância do conceito de trabalhoprodutivo para seu funcionamento. Esse conceito marxista é discutido doponto de vista do ato individual e isolado (aparência) versus o da totalidade ereprodução (essência). Entre outras conclusões substitui-se a assertiva “trabalhoprodutivo é aquele que produz mais-valia” por outra: “é produtivo otrabalho que produz lucro para o capital”.This article briefly presents an interpretation about the contemporarycapitalism and shows de relevance of the productive labor concept for theoperation of the system. This Marxist concept is discussed presenting the individualand isolated act perspective (appearance) versus the entire perspective ofreproduction of the system (essence). Therefore, in other conclusion, replacesthe assertive “productive labor is the one that produces plus-value” by the other:“it is productive the labor that produces profit to the capital”