129 research outputs found

    Psychopathology, symptoms of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, and risk factors in juvenile offenders

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    Background: The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of potential environmental and psychopathological risk factors, with special focus on symptoms of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), in a sample of adolescent offenders in relation to the type of crime committed. Methods: The assessment included data collection and administration of clinical standardized scales such as the Youth Self-Report and Conners’ Adolescent Self-Report Scale. A total of 135 juvenile offenders participated in the study. In relation to the type of crime committed, we identified three groups matched for age and sex (crimes against people, property crimes, and alcohol-drug-related crimes). Results: Fifty-two percent of juvenile offenders reported educational achievement problems and 34% reported a family history of psychiatric disorders. We detected a statistically significant difference between the three groups with regard to ADHD (P=0.01) and conduct problems (P=0.034). Juvenile offenders who had committed crimes against people showed more ADHD symptoms (18%) and conduct problems (20%) than adolescents who had committed property crimes and alcohol-drug-related crimes. Sixty percent of the juvenile offenders who had committed property crimes and 54% of those who had committed alcohol-drug-related crimes showed problems in academic achievement. Conclusion: These findings suggest the need to implement specific interventions for prevention and treatment of specific criminal behavior

    ADHD and illegal conduct: a survey in Juvenile Justice Services in Puglia

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    Obiettivo. Obiettivo del nostro studio è stato quello di individuare possibili fattori psicopatologici correlati alla messa in atto di condotte antigiuridiche da parte di minori al loro primo reato, nonché eventuali altre variabili individuali, familiari, economiche e socioculturali correlate al fenomeno indagato. Materiali e metodi. È stato condotto uno studio longitudinale su minori della Regione Puglia (Distretto della Corte di Appello di Bari e Lecce) al loro primo reato. Lo studio ha comportato l’acquisizione di una serie di informazioni anagrafiche, familiari, scolastiche, comportamentali e cliniche dei minori arruolati lungo un arco di tempo di oltre un anno e seguiti in follow-up per 18 mesi. Per le sue finalità lo studio prevedeva l’utilizzo di due scale cliniche standardizzate (Youth Self-Report e Conners Adolescent Self Report Scale). Risultati. L’indagine ha fatto emergere alcune variabili psicologiche e psicopatologiche correlate alle condotte antisociali di minori al loro primo contatto con l’Autorità Giudiziaria, nonché altre familiari, sociali e scolastiche. Conclusioni. I risultati ottenuti confermano la necessità di una prevenzione primaria e secondaria su minori a rischio, attraverso interventi multidisciplinari, precoci, selettivi