27 research outputs found

    Capire il fruitore delle arti. L’errore di sottovalutazione della Customer Experience

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    L’argomento chiave affrontato in questo capitolo è l’importanza di gestire le attività artistiche e culturali al fine di favorire l’esperienza e l’immersione dei consumatori

    Approche empirique de l'immersion dans l'expérience de consommation: les opérations d'appropriation

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    International audienceSelon tout un courant de recherche, le consommateur cherche à s'immerger dans des expériences de consommation plutôt qu'à simplement rencontrer des produits finis. Cependant, ce phénomène d'immersion et le moyen d'y accéder ont fait l'objet de peu de recherches empiriques en marketing. À partir d'une revue de l'état de l'art en marketing, le cadre conceptuel de l'appropriation est introduit et développé pour rendre compte des opérations subjectives menées par le consommateur pour accéder à l'immersion. Une analyse empirique, fondée sur les récits introspectifs des consommateurs assistant à un concert de musique classique, permet de mettre en évidence les éléments de service qui ont un impact sur l'immersion du consommateur dans l'expérience

    Understanding the arts customer: the mistake of overlooking customer experience

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    Arts organizations have been traditionally focused on product orientation aimimg to offer a high quality programming. However, market orientation has been mostly neglected. In other words, consumers have been partially considered by some in their marketing strategies design. In general, organizations have undertaken basic segmentation, selection, positioining and differentiation strategies without focusing on consumer experience. Consumption of arts is mainly experiential. This experience, result of a consumer journey, is both multidimensional, as it refers to cognitive, affective, physical, sensory and social elements, and subjective, because of being personal. The final aim for people is escaping from daily routine while being immersed in the consumption of artistic product and services. This aspect has been considered in experiential marketing approaches with the aim to create contexts in which consumers immerse themselves. Literature in this context has presented models to stimulate the senses and imaginations of people. But the artistic experience requires being able to attract consumers thanks to innovative proposals, and then facilitating a progressive appropriation resulting in a process of co-creation in which the experiential context and activity of the consumer play together

    Two faces of the same coin: how the interplay between organizational and territorial culture builds the concept of service culture

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    The purpose of this paper is to investigate the interplay of organizational and territorial culture, considering the two constructs together, and understanding how they shape different typologies of service culture. A theory building logic is followed and a grounded theory approach based on qualitative inquiry is adopted, drawing from in-depth interviews and using case vignettes to identify different service culture typologies. Findings show that a firm’s organizational culture leverages on the territorial culture of origin (of the company itself) and of destination (where the company is going to provide its services) in three different ways, which represent different typologies of service culture: a roots-based, an integrative and an adaptive service culture. Results are also relevant for service managers, for better understanding and formalizing their own service culture, and to develop future strategies, for entering new countries or approaching different cultural context