77 research outputs found

    Topos quantum theory with short posets

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    Topos quantum mechanics, developed by Isham et. al., creates a topos of presheaves over the poset V(N) of abelian von Neumann subalgebras of the von Neumann algebra N of bounded operators associated to a physical system, and established several results, including: (a) a connection between the Kochen-Specker theorem and the non-existence of a global section of the spectral presheaf; (b) a version of the spectral theorem for self-adjoint operators; (c) a connection between states of N and measures on the spectral presheaf; and (d) a model of dynamics in terms of V(N). We consider a modification to this approach using not the whole of the poset V(N), but only its elements of height at most two. This produces a different topos with different internal logic. However, the core results (a)--(d) established using the full poset V(N) are also established for the topos over the smaller poset, and some aspects simplify considerably. Additionally, this smaller poset has appealing aspects reminiscent of projective geometry.Comment: 14 page

    Hotel Theming in China: A Qualitative Study of Practitioners’ Views

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    Facing increasing competition, many hotels have adopted “theming” as a marketing strategy. Although still in its fledgling stage, hotel theming has already gained popularity in the growing Chinese hotel market. This study conducted focus group discussions to understand the concepts behind hotel theming in China. Respondents were 41 practitioners from the Chinese hotel industry, who were enrolled in an executive graduate program. Data revealed that hotel theming has four analytical dimensions, namely, the current state, perceived facilitators, inhibitors, and future prospective for developing such strategy in China. Results showed that the specific traits of the Chinese hotel market are highly important for the success of hotel theming in the given context

    Marketing, art and voices of dissent: promotional methods of protest art by the 2014 Hong Kong’s Umbrella Movement

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    Limited research exists around the interrelationships between protest camps and marketing practices. In this paper, we focus on the 2014 Hong Kong protest camps as a context where artistic work was innovatively developed and imaginatively promoted to draw global attention. Collecting and analyzing empirical data from the Umbrella Movement, our findings explore the interrelationships between arts marketing technologies and the creativity and artistic expression of the protest camps so as to inform, update and rethink arts marketing theory itself. We discuss how protesters used public space to employ inventive methods of audience engagement, participation and co-creation of artwork, together with media art projects which aimed not only to promote their collective aims but also to educate and inform citizens. While some studies have already examined the function of arts marketing beyond traditional and established artistic institutions, our findings offer novel insights into the promotional techniques of protest art within the occupied space of a social movement. Finally, we suggest avenues for future research around the artwork of social movements that could highlight creative and political aspects of (arts) marketing theory

    Culinary communication practices:The role of retail spaces in producing field-specific cultural capital

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    Purpose: This chapter explores the practices underpinning the production of field-specific cultural capital at festivals, understood here as retail spaces that gather a plethora of distinct market actors. Methodology/Approach: This research presents evidence from an ethnographic study employing an interpretative paradigm and multiple data collection processes. The empirical research has been undertaken in the context of food festivals associated with the foodie taste regime. Findings: Three categories of practices that play a role in the production of field-specific cultural capital, namely representational, exchange, and experiential practices, are presented. Practical Implications: Our chapter provides recommendations for food festival organizers and participants who need to improve their practices when facing challenges such as increasing international competition and costs or declining sponsorship. Research Limitations/Implications: This chapter contributes to the growing body of field-level market analysis by showing how practices enabled by complex retail spaces contribute to the production of field-specific cultural capital. However, this chapter is limited by its focus on food festivals. Originality/Value of the Paper: This chapter theorizes how practices enable the acceleration and diversification of field-specific capital exchange, as well as its integration with other forms of capital

    Consumerisation in UK Higher Education Business Schools: Higher fees, greater stress and debatable outcomes

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    For many UK Higher Education Business Schools, the continued recruitment of UK, EU and International students is crucial for financial stability, viability and independence. Due to increasingly competitive funding models across the sector many institutional leaders and administrators are making decisions typical of highly marketised consumer environments. Thus, this paper explores, academics’ perceptions of the impact of consumerisation in UK Higher Education Business Schools. To achieve this 22 Business School academics were interviewed within three UK Higher Education institutions (HEIs) in the North of England. Participants had a minimum of three years teaching experience. Data was analysed using template analysis taking an interpretive approach. The findings indicate that academics perceived the introduction of tuition fees to have been the catalyst for students increasing demonstration of customer-like behaviour: viewing the education process as transactional, with the HEI providing a ‘paid for’ service. It is argued that these changes in UK Higher Education have created tensions between university leaders and academics, creating genuine dilemmas for those with decision-making responsibilities who must balance academic integrity and long term institutional financial viability

    “The Design of Consumer Experiences: Managerial Approaches for Services Companies", in Baglieri E. and Karmarkar U. (eds.), Managing Consumer Services: Factory or Theater?, pp. 91-108

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    This book presents latest research on the evolution of consumer services, as these services continue to become a larger part of the economy in the world. Four core focal points lead the central message of the book: first, the convergence of back and front offices; second, placing the client as a fundamental input of services production and delivery process, and 'industrializing' the customers' role to combine efficiency and experience; third, the constitution and role of inputs necessary for the configuration, production and delivery of the service, with the crucial role of 'operationalizing' the customers' experience; and fourth, the adoption of new technologies and the appropriate transfer of manufacturing managerial practices through service industrialization. This is a special volume of articles based on solid research and analysis, including conceptualization of the important issues, as well as recommendations for managers. It presents case histories and managerial practices in some key sectors, such as financial services, health care, tourism/hospitality, entertainment and media, online services and home and personal service

    Il marketing budget nel settore bancario e assicurativo

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    Il capitolo descrive i risultati della ricerca relativi alle modalità con cui le istituzioni bancarie e assicurative definiscono il budget e l'allocazione dei costi relativi alle attività di marketing; l'analisi evidenzia alcune differenze tra i comportamenti di assicurazioni e banche e, all'interno di queste ultime, tra diverse categorie di banche

    Le metriche per la valutazione delle performance nel settore bancario e assicurativo

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    Il capitolo descrive i risultati della ricerca che riguardano la parte relativa alle metriche utilizzate dalle imprese bancarie e assicurative per la misurazione dei risultati relativi all'attività marketin