325 research outputs found

    Reproductive disorders induced by Chlamydophila spp. infections in an italian mediterranean buffalo (bubalus bubalis) herd

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    The Italian Mediterranean Buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) has low fecundity and high incidence of abortion. Several studies have associated reproductive failure of water buffalo with viral infections but there is limited information on the role of chlamydial infections. To investigate the presence and the role of Chlamydiaceae in water buffalo a retrospective study was performed in a farm where, in the arch of 11 months, the pregnant heifers suffered an abortion rate of 36.8% in the 3rd and 5th month of pregnancy. Antibodies to Chlamydiaceae were detected in 57% of the aborted cows, while the rate of positivity was 0% in overtly healthy cows used as control. By a PCR assay 3 of 14 vaginal swabs from aborted animals tested positive for Chlamydophila agents and, additionally, 3 out of 7 aborted foetuses tested positive for Chlamydophila spp., with two being co-infections by Cp. abortus and Cp. pecorum and one being characterised as Cp. abortus. The presence of anti-Chlamydiaceae antibodies in 57% of the aborted animals and the detection of Chlamydophila agents in foetal organs and in vaginal swabs is consistent with the history of abortions (P<0.002) observed in the herd and may suggest a pathogenic role by Chlamydophila spp. in water buffalo

    Influence of days after calving and thermal stress on the efficacy of a progesterone-based treatment in acyclic italian mediterranean buffalo

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of a progesterone-based treatment on anoestrus in buffaloes. Primiparous acyclic buffaloes (n = 276), were divided into three classes according to their days in milk (DIM): from 50 to 90 (Class I; n = 86), from 91 to 150 (Class II; n = 102) and from 150 to 200 (Class III; n = 88). Animals were synchronized using P4 vaginal implants, followed by timed artificial insemination (TAI). They were then allowed to enter into a larger group of buffaloes for natural mating 15 days after AI was performed, and pregnancy status was monitored from then on at 15-day intervals. Finally, the temperature–humidity index (THI) was calculated. Statistical analysis was performed by ANOVA by means and both multiple and linear regression. The total pregnancy rate (PR) was 87.7%, with no differences among DIM classes (88.0, 92.4, and 80.0% in Classes I, II, and III, respectively). However, the PR at TAI tended to be higher (p = 0.07) in buffaloes in Class II. The follicle (FL) area in Class II buffaloes was larger (p < 0.01) than that of the other classes. No influence of the THI on the total PR was recorded. The pregnancy outcome at TAI was affected by the FL area (odds ratio = 2.237; p < 0.05) and body condition score (BCS) (odds ratio = 1.256; p < 0.05). In conclusion, treatment with vaginal P4 optimizes pregnancy rates in anoestrus buffaloes, particularly when the animals are in mid-lactation and show an optimal BCS. Furthermore, the THI does not seem to affect the efficiency of the progesterone treatment

    Strategies to reduce embryonic mortality in buffalo cows

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    The aim of the present study was to examine whether treatment with a GnRH agonist, hCG or P4 on Day 25 after AI increased P4 concentrations and reduced the incidence of embryonic mortality (EM) in pregnant buffaloes mated in mid-winter in a Mediterranean environment. The trial was carried out in two farms characterized, in previous years, by low (LEM Group), 153 buffaloes (DIM=150±7 days), and high (HEM Group), 284 buffaloes (DIM=163±5 days), incidence of embryo mortality. Animals were synchronized by Ovsynch-TAI Program and artificially inseminated. On day 25, pregnant buffaloes were randomly assigned to four groups: Control (no treatment), GnRH agonist (buserelin acetate, 12.6 μg), hCG (1500 IU) and P4 (341 mg of P4 i.m. every 4 days for three times). Progesterone (pg/ml) was determined in milk whey on Days 10, 20 and 25 after AI in all buffaloes and in Days 30 and 45 only in buffaloes pregnant on day 25 and assigned to four groups of treatment. Pregnancy diagnosis was undertaken on Day 45 by ultrasound. All treatments increased P4 milk whey and reduced embryonic mortality in buffalo cows bred in the farm characterized by high EM

    Different non-structural carbohydrates/crude proteins (NCS/CP) ratios in diet shape the gastrointestinal microbiota of water buffalo

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    The microbiota of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) are crucial for host health and production efficiency in ruminants. Its microbial composition can be influenced by several endogenous and exogenous factors. In the beef and dairy industry, the possibility to manipulate gut microbiota by diet and management can have important health and economic implications. The aims of this study were to characterize the different GIT site microbiota in water buffalo and evaluate the influence of diet on GIT microbiota in this animal species. We characterized and compared the microbiota of the rumen, large intestine and feces of water buffaloes fed two different diets with different non-structural carbohydrates/crude proteins (NSC/CP) ratios. Our results indicated that Bacteroidetes, Firmicutes and Proteobacteria were the most abundant phyla in all the GIT sites, with significant differences in microbiota composition between body sites both within and between groups. This result was particularly evident in the large intestine, where beta diversity analysis displayed clear clustering of samples depending on the diet. Moreover, we found a difference in diet digestibility linked to microbiota modification at the GIT level conditioned by NSC/CP levels. Diet strongly influences GIT microbiota and can therefore modulate specific GIT microorganisms able to affect the health status and performance efficiency of adult animals

    Relationship of body condition score and blood urea and ammonia to pregnancy in Italian Mediterranean buffaloes

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    The relationship of body condition score ( BCS) and blood urea and ammonia to pregnancy outcome was examined in Italian Mediterranean Buffalo cows mated by AI. The study was conducted on 150 buffaloes at 145 +/- 83 days in milk that were fed a diet comprising 14.8% crude protein, 0.9 milk forage units . kg(-1) dry matter and a non- structural carbohydrate/ crude protein ratio of 2.14. The stage of the oestrous cycle was synchronised by the Ovsynch- TAI programme and blood urea and ammonia levels were assessed on the day of AI. Energy corrected milk ( ECM) production and BCS were recorded bi- weekly. The pregnancy risk was 46.7% and was slightly lower in buffaloes with BCS 7.5. There were no significant differences in ECM, urea and ammonia between pregnant and non- pregnant buffaloes. However, pregnancy outcome was higher ( P = 0.02) in buffaloes with blood urea < 6.83 mmol . L-1. The likelihood of pregnancy for buffaloes with low urea blood level was 2.6 greater than for high urea level and exposure to a high urea level lowered the probability of pregnancy by about 0.25. The findings indicate that buffaloes are similar to cattle and increased blood levels of urea are associated with reduced fertility when animals are mated by AI

    Buffalo milk and rumen fluid metabolome are significantly affected by green feed

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    The use of green feed for livestock breeding is an important strategy to encounter both the increasing demand for animal derived products and the perceptions of the consumers regarding animal welfare and sustainability. The aim of this study was to compare different feeding strategies in lactating water buffaloes by using a metabolomic approach. The study was carried out on 32 milking buffaloes that were randomly divided into two groups for a total period of 90 days (3 sampling times). DD Group (dry diet) received a standard total mixed ratio (TMR) characterized by dry forages and concentrates; ZG Group (zero grazing) fed an isoenergetic and isoproteic diet obtained using 30% of sorghum as green forage. Samples of milk and rumen fluid were analyzed by liquid chromatography—mass spectrometry (LC–MS) techniques. Data analyses revealed the presence of several differentially accumulated metabolites and among these, ten compounds were putatively identified in milk samples (i.e. l-carnitine, acetylcarnitine, propionylcarnitine, butyrylcarnitine, 2-methylbutyroylcarnitine, 2-hexenoylcarnitine, hexanoylcarnitine, glycerophosphocholine, δ-valerobetaine and γ-butyrobetaine) and four in rumen fluid (3-(2-hydroxyphenyl) propanoate, Indole-3-acrylic acid, oleamide (cis-9,10-octadecenoamide) and 20-carboxy-leukotriene B4). The modulation of these molecules in buffalo milk is significantly related to the green/dry based feeding and some the natural compound detected could be considered as health-promoting nutrients

    embryonic mortality in buffalo naturally mated

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    The aim of this work was to evaluate the incidence of embryonic mortality in three different period of year in buffaloes naturally mated. The trial was carried out in a buffalo farm located in Caserta province between 2000-2006. In this period were registered natural insemination on 200 buffaloes. Pregnancy diagnosis was carried out on Day 30, confirmed on Day 45 and every 15th days until 90 days after natural mating. Buffaloes that were pregnant on Day 30 but not on Day 45 or Day 90 were considered to have undergone embryonic (EM) or fetal mortality (FM) respectively. EM and FM were 8.8% and 13.4% respectively throughout the experimental period. A high incidence (P<0.01) of FM was found in the transitional period (December-March) than in other months of the year. The incidence of embryonic mortality was significantly (P<0.01) higher between 28-60 days of gestation and lower after 71 day of gestation. The higher fetal mortality found in this study could be due the lower serum levels of progesterone normally found in transitional period in buffalo cows

    Effect of breeding techniques and prolonged post dry aging maturation process on biomolecule levels in raw buffalo meat

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    Recently, several concerns have been expressed on red meat quality and consumption. The aims of this study were to evaluate the influence of different breeding techniques and a prolonged post dry aging (PDA) maturation process on biomolecules level in raw buffalo meat. In the first experiment, two groups of animals were maintained with different space availability (15 vs. 10 m2/animal) for 90 days and biomolecules content was evaluated. In experiment 2, two diets (with or without ryegrass green forage) were used to assess the concentration of these biomolecules. Finally, in experiment 3, the meat of the animals that showed the highest content of biomolecules was chosen to assess the influence of the PDA maturation process. Buffaloes reared at 15 m2 showed a significantly (p < 0.05) higher content of the considered biomolecules compared with their counterparts. Similarly, buffaloes fed green forage showed higher content of biomolecules (p < 0.05) compared with the control group. The meat of the animals bred at 15 m2 and fed green forage showed a significant (p < 0.01) increase of biomolecules content during the PDA maturation process up to 60 days without influence microbiological profile in terms of total aerobic bacterial counts, yeasts, and molds. In conclusion, breeding techniques and PDA maturation system could enhance biomolecules levels in terms of quality, without affect health standards

    Colorimetric Test for Fast Detection of SARS-CoV-2 in Nasal and Throat Swabs

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    Mass testing is fundamental to face the pandemic caused by the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 discovered at the end of 2019. To this aim, it is necessary to establish reliable, fast, and cheap tools to detect viral particles in biological material so to identify the people capable of spreading the infection. We demonstrate that a colorimetric biosensor based on gold nanoparticle (AuNP) interaction induced by SARS-CoV-2 lends itself as an outstanding tool for detecting viral particles in nasal and throat swabs. The extinction spectrum of a colloidal solution of multiple viral-target gold nanoparticles-AuNPs functionalized with antibodies targeting three surface proteins of SARS-CoV-2 (spike, envelope, and membrane)-is red-shifted in few minutes when mixed with a solution containing the viral particle. The optical density of the mixed solution measured at 560 nm was compared to the threshold cycle (Ct) of a real-time PCR (gold standard for detecting the presence of viruses) finding that the colorimetric method is able to detect very low viral load with a detection limit approaching that of the real-time PCR. Since the method is sensitive to the infecting viral particle rather than to its RNA, the achievements reported here open a new perspective not only in the context of the current and possible future pandemics, but also in microbiology, as the biosensor proves itself to be a powerful though simple tool for measuring the viral particle concentration
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