1,829 research outputs found

    High genetic diversity but low population structure in the frog Pseudopaludicola falcipes (Hensel, 1867) (Amphibia, Anura) from the Pampas of South America

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    Relative to South America’s ecoregions, the temperate grasslands of the Pampas have been poorly studied from a phylogeographic perspective. Based on an intermediate biogeographic setting between subtropical forest (Atlantic Forest) and arid ecosystems (Chaco and Patagonia), Pampean species are expected to show unstable demographic histories due to the Quaternary climatic oscillations. Herein, we investigate the phylogenetic relatedness and phylogeographic history of Pseudopaludicola falcipes, a small and common frog that is widely distributed across the Pampean grasslands. First, we use molecular data to assess if P. falcipes represents a single or multiple, separately evolving cryptic lineages. Because P. falcipes is a small-size species (\u3c20 mm) with extensive coloration and morphological variation, we suspected that it might represent a complex of cryptic species. In addition, we expected strong genetic and geographic structuring within Pseudopaludicola falcipes due to its large geographic distribution, potentially short dis- persal distances, and multiple riverine barriers. We found that P. falcipes is a single evolutionary lineage with poor geographic structuring. Furthermore, current populations of P. falcipes have a large effective population size, maintain ancestral polymorphisms, and have a complex network of gene flow. We conclude that the demographic history of P. falcipes, combined with its ecological attributes and the landscape features of the Pampas, favored a unique combination among anurans of small body size, large population size, high genetic variability, but high cohesiveness of populations over a wide geographic distribution


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    The Leptodactylus fuscus species group consists of 25 currently recognized species; within this species group and distributed throughout the Amazon Basin, Atlantic Forests, Gran Chaco, and cerrados is the L. mystaceus species complex. This species complex consists of L. didymus, L. elenae, L. mystaceus, L. notoaktites, and L. spixi. Adult morphologies have been used to distinguish these species from each other except for L. didymus and L. mystaceus (Heyer, 1978; Heyer et al., 1996). Leptodactylus didymus and L. mystaceus are morphologically indistinguishable; the species are recognizable only by the characteristics of their advertisement calls: non-pulsed in L. didymus and pulsed in L. mystaceus (Heyer et al., 1996). Traditionally, L. mystaceus and L. didymus have been considered sibling species. The concept of sibling species was originally introduced by Mayr (1942: 151) to describe pairs or groups of morphologically identical or nearly identical species; however, in subsequent work Mayr (1976) interchangeably used the terms sibling and cryptic species to describe morphologically similar species. Mayr (1942: 151) considered sibling species to be important in understanding the full complexity of animal speciation. In order to differentiate these two terms, herein we take a narrow cladistic methodological approach (i.e., dichotomous speciation) by which we restrict the term sibling species to two taxa that share a most recent common ancestor; whereas, the term cryptic (derived from the Greek Kruptos, meaning \u27hidden\u27; Allaby, 1991) species refers to hidden diversity and does not necessarily imply close phylogenetic relationship. Thus, the sibling species pair of L. didymus and L. mystaceus assumes two postulates: (1) the taxa shared a most recent common ancestor not shared with other species in the L. mystaceus species complex and (2) the two taxa could represent a recent speciation event (i.e., not enough time has passed to reach morphological differentiation, although this is not a requisite). Herein, we analyze the genetic diversity among taxa in this species complex to determine if the sibling species L. didymus and L. mystaceus are sister taxa. If the assumptions about sibling species are correct, then we would expect that the two taxa involved would be genetically closer between themselves than with any other closely related species

    Variabilidade espacial e disponibilidade de zinco em solos de Vinhedos e adjacências da região vitícola de Jundiaí, SP.

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    In this paper we evaluate spatial distribution of zinc concentration in soils by DTPA in areas cultivated with vineyard and adjacencies. Kriging techniques were efficient to study spatial distribution of zinc in soils. The results shows a spatial correlation between zinc concentration in soils and vineyards. This results reflects a possible contamination in soils by agrochemicals application

    Eficiência Relativa de Agricultores Familiares na Produção de Leite.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a eficiência relativa na produção de leite de uma amostra de agricultores familiares do Estado do Paraná, que estão sob orientação técnica de extensionistas participantes do Projeto Balde Cheio. A avaliação foi feita utilizando-se o Método de Envelopamento de Dados ? DEA. A média da eficiência da amostra analisada foi de 92% evidenciando que o grupo de produtores foi muito eficiente na gestão da tecnologia empregada e a importância do extensionista como agente de transferência de tecnologia

    Adsorção e dessorção competitivas de Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb e Zn em amostras de um Latossolo vermelho amarelo distroférrico até 5 m de profundidade

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    As características químicas e mineralógicas do solo sofrem modificações nos diferentes horizontes do perfil e também dentro de um mesmo horizonte com o aumento da profundidade. Em Latossolos este fato muitas vezes talvez não seja muito intenso. A variação de diferentes atributos ao longo do perfil influencia a mobilidade de metais, uma vez que a interação dos íons com as superfícies reativas é decorrente destes atributos, influenciando assim na adsorção e dessorção dos metais no solo, podendo levar à contaminação da água subterrânea. Neste trabalho são apresentados os resultados de experimentos de adsorção competitiva, e dessorção, de Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb e Zn, em amostras de um Latossolo vermelho amarelo distroférrico, que recebeu lodo de esgoto em superfície, coletadas de 0 a 5 metros de profundidade, e das variações dos principais atributos destas amostras. As amostras foram coletadas nas profundidades 0 (topo); 1; 2; 3; 4 e 5 (base) metros no campo experimental da EMBRAPA Meio Ambiente (Jaguariúna-SP), num Latossolo vermelho amarelo distroférrico, onde está sendo aplicado lodo de esgoto. Todos os ensaios foram realizados com amostras da fração argila. As amostras tiveram suas características químicas (pH, capacidade de troca de cátions-CTC, matéria orgânica-MO, ponto de efeito salino nulo-PESN) e o teor de óxidos de Fe, determinados segundo Camargo et al. (1986). As determinações mineralógicas foram obtidas por difratometria de raios-x