13 research outputs found

    The inflationary bispectrum with curved field-space

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    We compute the covariant three-point function near horizon-crossing for a system of slowly-rolling scalar fields during an inflationary epoch, allowing for an arbitrary field-space metric. We show explicitly how to compute its subsequent evolution using a covariantized version of the separate universe or "delta-N" expansion, which must be augmented by terms measuring curvature of the field-space manifold, and give the nonlinear gauge transformation to the comoving curvature perturbation. Nonlinearities induced by the field-space curvature terms are a new and potentially significant source of non-Gaussianity. We show how inflationary models with non-minimal coupling to the spacetime Ricci scalar can be accommodated within this framework. This yields a simple toolkit allowing the bispectrum to be computed in models with non-negligible field-space curvature.Comment: 22 pages, plus appendix and reference

    Large slow-roll corrections to the bispectrum of noncanonical inflation

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    Nongaussian statistics are a powerful discriminant between inflationary models, particularly those with noncanonical kinetic terms. Focusing on theories where the Lagrangian is an arbitrary Lorentz-invariant function of a scalar field and its first derivatives, we review and extend the calculation of the observable three-point function. We compute the "next-order" slow-roll corrections to the bispectrum in closed form, and obtain quantitative estimates of their magnitude in DBI and power-law k-inflation. In the DBI case our results enable us to estimate corrections from the shape of the potential and the warp factor: these can be of order several tens of percent. We track the possible sources of large logarithms which can spoil ordinary perturbation theory, and use them to obtain a general formula for the scale dependence of the bispectrum. Our result satisfies the next-order version of Maldacena's consistency condition and an equivalent consistency condition for the scale dependence. We identify a new bispectrum shape available at next-order, which is similar to a shape encountered in Galileon models. If fNL is sufficiently large this shape may be independently detectable.Comment: v1: 37 pages, plus tables, figures and appendices. v2: supersedes version published in JCAP; some clarifications and more detailed comparison with earlier literature. All results unchanged. v3:improvements to some plots; text unchange

    Inflationary signatures of single-field models beyond slow-roll

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    If the expansion of the early Universe was not close to de Sitter, the statistical imprints of the primordial density perturbation on the cosmic microwave background can be quite different from those derived in slow-roll inflation. In this paper we study the inflationary signatures of all single-field models which are free of ghost-like instabilities. We allow for a rapid change of the Hubble parameter and the speed of sound of scalar fluctuations, in a way that is compatible with a nearly scale-invariant spectrum of perturbations, as supported by current cosmological observations. Our results rely on the scale-invariant approximation, which is different from the standard slow-roll approximation. We obtain the propagator of scalar fluctuations and compute the bispectrum, keeping next-order corrections proportional to the deviation of the spectral index from unity. These theories offer an explicit example where the shape and scale-dependences of the bispectrum are highly non-trivial whenever slow-roll is not a good approximation.Comment: v1: 36 pages, including tables, appendices and references. v2: abstract improved, references added, minor clarifications throughout the text; matches version published in JCA

    The hemispherical asymmetry from a scale-dependent inflationary bispectrum

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    If the primordial bispectrum is sufficiently large then the CMB hemispherical asymmetry may be explained by a large-scale mode of exceptional amplitude which perturbs the zeta two-point function. We extend previous calculations, which were restricted to one- or two-source scenarios, by providing a method to compute the response of the two-point function in any model yielding a 'local-like' bispectrum. In general, this shows that it is not the reduced bispectrum fNL which sources the amplitude and scale-dependence of the mode coupling but rather a combination of 'response functions'. We discuss why it is difficult to construct successful scenarios and enumerate the fine-tunings which seem to be required. Finally, we exhibit a concrete model which can be contrived to match the observational constraints and show that to a Planck-like experiment it would appear to have |fNL-local| ~ |fNL-equi| ~ |fNL-ortho| ~ 1. Therefore, contrary to previous analyses, we conclude that it is possible to generate the asymmetry while respecting observational constraints on the bispectrum and low-ell multipoles even without tuning our location on the long-wavelength mode

    Signatures of very high energy physics in the squeezed limit of the bispectrum (violation of Maldacena's condition)

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    We investigate the signatures in the squeezed limit of the primordial scalar bispectrum due to modifications of the standard theory at high energy. In particular, we consider the cases of modified dispersion relations and/or modified initial quantum state (both in the Boundary Effective Field Theory and in the New Physics Hyper-Surface formulations). Using the in-in formalism we study in details the squeezed limit of the contributions to the bispectrum from all possible cubic couplings in the effective theory of single-field inflation. We find general features such as enhancements and/or non-local shape of the non-Gaussianities, which are relevant, for example, for measurements of the halo bias and which distinguish these scenarios from the standard one (with Bunch-Davies vacuum as initial state and standard kinetic terms). We find that the signatures change according to the magnitude of the scale of new physics, and therefore several pieces of information regarding high energy physics could be obtained in case of detection of these signals, especially bounds on the scales of new physics.Comment: 37 pages plus bibliography, version matching the one accepted for publication by JCAP. Increased pedagogical comments, improved presentation and text, added reference

    Enhanced CMBR non-Gaussianities from Lorentz violation

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    We study the effects of Lorentz symmetry violation on the scalar CMBR bispectrum. Our quantitative results show that there can be enhancements in the bispectrum for specific configurations in momentum space, when the modified dispersion relations resulting from the symmetry breaking violate the adiabatic condition for a short period of time in the early Universe. The kind of configurations that are enhanced and the pattern of oscillations in wavenumbers that generically appear in the bispectrum strictly depend on the form of the modified dispersion relation, and therefore on the pattern of Lorentz violation. These effects are found to be distinct from those that appear when modelling very high-energy (transplanckian) physics via modified boundary conditions (modified vacuum). In fact, under certain conditions, the enhancements are even stronger, and possibly open a door to the experimental study of Lorentz violation through these phenomena.Comment: 26 pages plus bibliography, 3 figures, added bibliography, corrected typos, minor changes in the tex

    A Statistical Approach to Multifield Inflation: Many-field Perturbations Beyond Slow Roll

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    We study multifield contributions to the scalar power spectrum in an ensemble of six-field inflationary models obtained in string theory. We identify examples in which inflation occurs by chance, near an approximate inflection point, and we compute the primordial perturbations numerically, both exactly and using an array of truncated models. The scalar mass spectrum and the number of fluctuating fields are accurately described by a simple random matrix model. During the approach to the inflection point, bending trajectories and violations of slow roll are commonplace, and 'many-field' effects, in which three or more fields influence the perturbations, are often important. However, in a large fraction of models consistent with constraints on the tilt the signatures of multifield evolution occur on unobservably large scales. Our scenario is a concrete microphysical realization of quasi-single-field inflation, with scalar masses of order HH, but the cubic and quartic couplings are typically too small to produce detectable non-Gaussianity. We argue that our results are characteristic of a broader class of models arising from multifield potentials that are natural in the Wilsonian sense.Comment: 39 pages, 17 figures. References added. Matches version published in JCA

    Bispectra from two-field inflation using the long-wavelength formalism

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    We use the long-wavelength formalism to compute the bispectral non-Gaussianity produced in two-field inflation. We find an exact result that is used as the basis of numerical studies, and an explicit analytical slow-roll expression for several classes of potentials that gives insight into the origin and importance of the various contributions to fNL. We also discuss the momentum dependence of fNL. Based on these results we find a simple model that produces a relatively large non-Gaussianity. We show that the long-wavelength formalism is a viable alternative to the standard delta-N formalism, and can be preferable to it in certain situations.Comment: v3: Final version. Minor textual change