323 research outputs found

    Multistrange baryon production in relativistic heavy ion collisions

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    Using a multiphase transport model, we study the production of multistrange baryons from the hadronic matter formed in relativistic heavy ion collisions. The mechanism we introduce is the strangeness-exchange reactions between antikaons and hyperons. We find that these reactions contribute significantly to the production of multistrange baryons in heavy ion collisions at SPS energies, which has been found to be appreciably enhanced. We have also made predictions for multistrange baryon production in heavy ion collisions at RHIC and found a similar enhancement.Comment: 6 pages, RevTex, 8 figs include

    Testing Lorentz invariance of dark matter

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    We study the possibility to constrain deviations from Lorentz invariance in dark matter (DM) with cosmological observations. Breaking of Lorentz invariance generically introduces new light gravitational degrees of freedom, which we represent through a dynamical timelike vector field. If DM does not obey Lorentz invariance, it couples to this vector field. We find that this coupling affects the inertial mass of small DM halos which no longer satisfy the equivalence principle. For large enough lumps of DM we identify a (chameleon) mechanism that restores the inertial mass to its standard value. As a consequence, the dynamics of gravitational clustering are modified. Two prominent effects are a scale dependent enhancement in the growth of large scale structure and a scale dependent bias between DM and baryon density perturbations. The comparison with the measured linear matter power spectrum in principle allows to bound the departure from Lorentz invariance of DM at the per cent level.Comment: 42 pages, 9 figure

    Quasilinear hyperbolic Fuchsian systems and AVTD behavior in T2-symmetric vacuum spacetimes

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    We set up the singular initial value problem for quasilinear hyperbolic Fuchsian systems of first order and establish an existence and uniqueness theory for this problem with smooth data and smooth coefficients (and with even lower regularity). We apply this theory in order to show the existence of smooth (generally not analytic) T2-symmetric solutions to the vacuum Einstein equations, which exhibit AVTD (asymptotically velocity term dominated) behavior in the neighborhood of their singularities and are polarized or half-polarized.Comment: 78 page

    Baryon Number Fluctuation and the Quark-Gluon Plasma

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    We show that ωB\omega_B or ωBˉ\omega_{\bar B}, the squared baryon or antibaryon number fluctuation per baryon or antibaryon, is a possible signature for the quark-gluon plasma that is expected to be created in relativistic heavy ion collisions, as it is a factor of three smaller than in an equilibrated hadronic matter due to the fractional baryon number of quarks. Using kinetic equations with exact baryon number conservation, we find that their values in an equilibrated matter are half of those expected from a Poisson distribution. Effects due to finite acceptance and non-zero net baryon number are also studied.Comment: discussion and references added, version to appear in PR

    Dilepton production in proton-nucleus and nucleus-nucleus collisions at SPS energies

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    Dilepton production in proton- and nucleus-induced reactions is studied in relativistic transport model using initial conditions determined by the string dynamics from RQMD. It is found that both the CERES and HELIOS-3 data for dilepton spectra in proton-nucleus reactions can be well described by the `conventional' mechanism of Dalitz decay and direct vector meson decay. However, to provide a quantitative explanation of the observed dilepton spectra in central S+Au and S+W collisions requires contributions other than these direct decays. Introducing a decrease of vector meson masses in hot and dense medium, we find that these heavy-ion data can also be satisfactorily explained. This agrees with our earlier conclusions based on a fire cylinder model. We also give predictions for Pb+Au collisions at 160 GeV/nucleon using current CERES mass resolution and acceptance.Comment: RevTeX, 45 pages, including 21 postscript figures, to be published in Nuclear Physics

    Wave Propagation in Gravitational Systems: Late Time Behavior

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    It is well-known that the dominant late time behavior of waves propagating on a Schwarzschild spacetime is a power-law tail; tails for other spacetimes have also been studied. This paper presents a systematic treatment of the tail phenomenon for a broad class of models via a Green's function formalism and establishes the following. (i) The tail is governed by a cut of the frequency Green's function G~(ω)\tilde G(\omega) along the -~Im~ω\omega axis, generalizing the Schwarzschild result. (ii) The ω\omega dependence of the cut is determined by the asymptotic but not the local structure of space. In particular it is independent of the presence of a horizon, and has the same form for the case of a star as well. (iii) Depending on the spatial asymptotics, the late time decay is not necessarily a power law in time. The Schwarzschild case with a power-law tail is exceptional among the class of the potentials having a logarithmic spatial dependence. (iv) Both the amplitude and the time dependence of the tail for a broad class of models are obtained analytically. (v) The analytical results are in perfect agreement with numerical calculations

    Entanglement Dynamics in Two-Qubit Open System Interacting with a Squeezed Thermal Bath via Quantum Nondemolition interaction

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    We analyze the dynamics of entanglement in a two-qubit system interacting with an initially squeezed thermal environment via a quantum nondemolition system-reservoir interaction, with the system and reservoir assumed to be initially separable. We compare and contrast the decoherence of the two-qubit system in the case where the qubits are mutually close-by (`collective regime') or distant (`localized regime') with respect to the spatial variation of the environment. Sudden death of entanglement (as quantified by concurrence) is shown to occur in the localized case rather than in the collective case, where entanglement tends to `ring down'. A consequence of the QND character of the interaction is that the time-evolved fidelity of a Bell state never falls below 1/21/\sqrt{2}, a fact that is useful for quantum communication applications like a quantum repeater. Using a novel quantification of mixed state entanglement, we show that there are noise regimes where even though entanglement vanishes, the state is still available for applications like NMR quantum computation, because of the presence of a pseudo-pure component.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figures, REVTeX

    A Multi-Phase Transport model for nuclear collisions at RHIC

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    To study heavy ion collisions at energies available from the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider, we have developed a multi-phase transport model that includes both initial partonic and final hadronic interactions. Specifically, the parton cascade model ZPC, which uses as input the parton distribution from the HIJING model, is extended to include the quark-gluon to hadronic matter transition and also final-state hadronic interactions based on the ART model. Predictions of the model for central Au on Au collisions at RHIC are reported.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Dynamics of Brane-World Cosmological Models

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    We show that generically the initial singularity is isotropic in spatially homogeneous cosmological models in the brane-world scenario. We then argue that it is plausible that the initial singularity is isotropic in typical brane world cosmological models. Therefore, brane cosmology naturally gives rise to a set of initial data that provide the conditions for inflation to subsequently take place, thereby solving the initial conditions problem and leading to a self--consistent and viable cosmology.Comment: Final version. To appear in Physical Revie