452 research outputs found

    Fixed Scalars and Suppression of Hawking Evaporation

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    For an extreme charged black hole some scalars take on a fixed value at the horizon determined by the charges alone. We call them fixed scalars. We find the absorption cross section for a low frequency wave of a fixed scalar to be proportional to the square of the frequency. This implies a strong suppression of the Hawking radiation near extremality. We compute the coefficient of proportionality for a specific model.Comment: 10 pages, late

    Greybody Factors of Charged Dilaton Black Holes in 2 + 1 Dimensions

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    We have studied scalar perturbations of charged dilaton black holes in 2+1 dimensions. The black hole considered here is a solution to the low-energy string theory in 2+1 dimensions. The exact decay rates and the grey body factors for the massless minimally coupled scalar is computed for both the charged and the uncharged dilaton black holes. The charged and the uncharged black hole show similar behavior for grey body factors, reflection coefficients and decay rates.Comment: The equation for the potential and figure:1 are changed. The changes does not effect the result

    On a coordinate independent description of string worldsheet theory

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    We study worldsheet conformal invariance for bosonic string propagating in a curved background using the hamiltonian formalism. In order to formulate the problem in a background independent manner we first rewrite the worldsheet theory in a language where it describes a single particle moving in an infinite-dimensional curved spacetime. This language is developed at a formal level without regularizing the infinite-dimensional traces. Then we adopt DeWitt's (Phys.Rev.85:653-661,1952) coordinate independent formulation of quantum mechanics in the present context. Given the expressions for the classical Virasoro generators, this procedure enables us to define the coordinate invariant quantum analogues which we call DeWitt-Virasoro generators. This framework also enables us to calculate the invariant matrix elements of an arbitrary operator constructed out of the DeWitt-Virasoro generators between two arbitrary scalar states. Using these tools we further calculate the DeWitt-Virasoro algebra in spin-zero representation. The result is given by the Witt algebra with additional anomalous terms that vanish for Ricci-flat backgrounds. Further analysis need to be performed in order to precisely relate this with the beta function computation of Friedan and others. Finally, we explain how this analysis improves the understanding of showing conformal invariance for certain pp-wave that has been recently discussed using hamiltonian framework.Comment: 32 pages, some reorganization for more elaborate explanation, no change in conclusio

    Particle Production in Matrix Cosmology

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    We consider cosmological particle production in 1+1 dimensional string theory. The process is described most efficiently in terms of anomalies, but we also discuss the explicit mode expansions. In matrix cosmology the usual vacuum ambiguity of quantum fields in time-dependent backgrounds is resolved by the underlying matrix model. This leads to a finite energy density for the "in" state which cancels the effect of anomalous particle production.Comment: 24 pages, 1 figure; v2: references added, minor change

    Inelastic lifetimes of confined two-component electron systems in semiconductor quantum wire and quantum well structures

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    We calculate Coulomb scattering lifetimes of electrons in two-subband quantum wires and in double-layer quantum wells by obtaining the quasiparticle self-energy within the framework of the random-phase approximation for the dynamical dielectric function. We show that, in contrast to a single-subband quantum wire, the scattering rate in a two-subband quantum wire contains contributions from both particle-hole excitations and plasmon excitations. For double-layer quantum well structures, we examine individual contributions to the scattering rate from quasiparticle as well as acoustic and optical plasmon excitations at different electron densities and layer separations. We find that the acoustic plasmon contribution in the two-component electron system does not introduce any qualitatively new correction to the low energy inelastic lifetime, and, in particular, does not produce the linear energy dependence of carrier scattering rate as observed in the normal state of high-TcT_c superconductors.Comment: 16 pages, RevTeX, 7 figures. Also available at http://www-cmg.physics.umd.edu/~lzheng

    Geometric Entropy of Nonrelativistic Fermions and Two Dimensional Strings

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    We consider the geometric entropy of free nonrelativistic fermions in two dimensions and show that it is ultraviolet finite for finite fermi energies, but divergent in the infrared. In terms of the corresponding collective field theory this is a {\em nonperturbative} effect and is related to the soft behaviour of the usual thermodynamic entropy at high temperatures. We then show that thermodynamic entropy of the singlet sector of the one dimensional matrix model at high temperatures is governed by nonperturbative effects of the underlying string theory. In the high temperature limit the ``exact'' expression for the entropy is regular but leads to a negative specific heat, thus implying an instability. We speculate that in a properly defined two dimensional string theory, the thermodynamic entropy could approach a constant at high temperatures and lead to a geometric entropy which is finite in the ultraviolet.Comment: LaTex, 19 pages, no figures. Some references adde

    Thermal Partition Functions for S-branes

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    We calculate the thermal partition functions of open strings on the S-brane backgrounds (the bouncing or rolling tachyon backgrounds) both in the bosonic and superstring cases. According to hep-th/0302146, we consider the discretized temperatures compatible with the pure imaginary periodicity of tachyon profiles. The ``effective Hagedorn divergence'' is shown to appear no matter how low temperature is chosen (including zero-temperature). This feature is likely to be consistent with the large rate of open string pair production discussed in hep-th/0209090 and also emission of closed string massive modes hep-th/0303139. We also discuss the possibility to remove the divergence by considering the space-like linear dilaton backgrounds as in hep-th/0306132.Comment: 33 pages, no figure; v2 typos corrected, a reference adde

    Absorption of Fixed scalars and the D-brane Approach to Black Holes

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    We calculate the emission and absorption rates of fixed scalars by the near-extremal five-dimensional black holes that have recently been modeled using intersecting D-branes. We find agreement between the semi-classical and D-brane computations. At low energies the fixed scalar absorption cross-section is smaller than for ordinary scalars and depends on other properties of the black hole than just the horizon area. In the D-brane description, fixed scalar absorption is suppressed because these scalars must split into at least four, rather than two, open strings running along the D-brane. Consequently, this comparison provides a more sensitive test of the effective string picture of the D-brane bound state than does the cross-section for ordinary scalars. In particular, it allows us to read off the value of the effective string tension. That value is precisely what is needed to reproduce the near-extremal 5-brane entropy.Comment: 33 pages, harvmac, version to appear in Nucl. Phys.

    The Study of Goldstone Modes in ν\nu=2 Bilayer Quantum Hall Systems

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    At the filling factor ν\nu=2, the bilayer quantum Hall system has three phases, the spin-ferromagnet phase, the spin singlet phase and the canted antiferromagnet (CAF) phase, depending on the relative strength between the Zeeman energy and interlayer tunneling energy. We present a systematic method to derive the effective Hamiltonian for the Goldstone modes in these three phases. We then investigate the dispersion relations and the coherence lengths of the Goldstone modes. To explore a possible emergence of the interlayer phase coherence, we analyze the dispersion relations in the zero tunneling energy limit. We find one gapless mode with the linear dispersion relation in the CAF phase.Comment: 13 pages, no figures. One reference is added. Typos correcte

    Polysulfide-triggered fluorescent indicator suitable for super-resolution microscopy and application in imaging

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    A new physiologically benign and cell membrane permeable BODIPY based molecular probe, MB-Sn, specifically senses intracellular hydrogen polysulfides (H2Sn, n > 1) localized in the endoplasmic reticulum. This reagent is suitable for mapping the intracellular distribution of H2Sn by wide-field as well as super-resolution Structured Illumination Microscopy (SIM)
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