14 research outputs found


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    In fattened steers of Holstein breed correlation coefficients between factors of the carcass, and between roast grade and size of selected body parts were studied. Study of correlation between roast grade and levels of serumal components of blood taken at slaughter was carried out in the steer above mentioned. Roast grade had minus significant correlation to fat cover depth and daily gain, and plus significant correlation to hips width and thurls width. Correlations between roast grade and concentration of blood serum magnesium or cholesterol were shown, but not significant. There were significant minus correlations between roast grade and concentrations of TP, Al, Gl, Ca, Ca/Mg in the serum. Ratio of Mg/ (Ca+P+Mg) had a significant positive correlation to roast grade. When grouped by sire, steers group with low daily gain had generally a high quality of roast

    Electrical inhibition of lens epithelial cell proliferation:An additional factor in secondary cataract?

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    Cataract is the most common cause of blindness but is at least curable by surgery. Unfortunately, many patients gradually develop the complication of posterior capsule opacification (PCO) or secondary cataract. This arises from stimulated cell growth within the lens capsule and can greatly impair vision. It is not fully understood why residual lens epithelial cell growth occurs after surgery. We propose and show that cataract surgery might remove an important inhibitory factor for lens cell growth, namely electric fields. The lens generates a unique pattern of electric currents constantly flowing out from the equator and entering the anterior and posterior poles. We show here that cutting and removing part of the anterior capsule as in cataract surgery significantly decreases the equatorial outward electric currents. Application of electric fields in culture inhibits proliferation of human lens epithelial cells. This inhibitory effect is likely to be mediated through a cell cycle control mechanism that decreases entry of cells into S phase from G1 phase by decreasing the G1-specific cell cycle protein cyclin E and increasing the cyclin-Cdk complex inhibitor p27(kip1). Capsulorrhexis in vivo, which reduced endogenous lens electric fields, significantly increased LEC growth. This, together with our previous findings that electric fields have significant effects on the direction of lens cell migration, points to a controlling mechanism for the aberrant cell growth in posterior capsule opacification. A novel approach to control growth of lens epithelial cells using electric fields combined with other controlling mechanisms may be more effective in the prevention and treatment of this common complication of cataract surgery

    Polarization of hippocampal neurons with competitive surface stimuli: contact guidance cues are preferred over chemical ligands

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    Neuronal behaviour is profoundly influenced by extracellular stimuli in many developmental and regeneration processes. Understanding neuron responses and integration of environmental signals could impact the design of successful therapies for neurodegenerative diseases and nerve injuries. Here, we have investigated the influence of localized extracellular cues on polarization (i.e. axon formation) of hippocampal neurons. Electron-beam lithography, microfabrication techniques and protein immobilization were used to create a unique system that provided simultaneous and independent chemical and physical cues to individual neurons. In particular, we analysed competitive responses between simultaneous stimulation with chemical ligands, including immobilized nerve growth factor and laminin, and contact guidance cues mediated by surface topography (i.e. microchannels). Contact guidance cues were preferred 70% of the time over chemical ligands by neurons extending axons, which suggests a stronger stimulation mechanism triggered by topography. This investigation contributes to the understanding of neuronal behaviour on artificial substrates, which is applicable to the creation of artificial environments for neural engineering applications