63,868 research outputs found

    Impurity scattering and Friedel oscillations in mono-layer black phosphorus

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    We study the effect of impurity scattering effect in black phosphorurene (BP) in this work. For single impurity, we calculate impurity induced local density of states (LDOS) in momentum space numerically based on tight-binding Hamiltonian. In real space, we calculate LDOS and Friedel oscillation analytically. LDOS shows strong anisotropy in BP. Many impurities in BP are investigated using TT-matrix approximation when the density is low. Midgap states appear in band gap with peaks in DOS. The peaks of midgap states are dependent on impurity potential. For finite positive potential, the impurity tends to bind negative charge carriers and vise versa. The infinite impurity potential problem is related to chiral symmetry in BP

    Liquid-liquid phase separation and morphology of internally mixed dicarboxylic acids/ammonium sulfate/water particles

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    Knowledge of the physical state and morphology of internally mixed organic/inorganic aerosol particles is still largely uncertain. To obtain more detailed information on liquid-liquid phase separation (LLPS) and morphology of the particles, we investigated complex mixtures of atmospherically relevant dicarboxylic acids containing 5, 6, and 7 carbon atoms (C5, C6 and C7) having oxygen-to-carbon atomic ratios (O:C) of 0.80, 0.67, and 0.57, respectively, mixed with ammonium sulfate (AS). With micrometer-sized particles of C5/AS/H_2O, C6/AS/H_2O and C7/AS/H_2O as model systems deposited on a hydrophobically coated substrate, laboratory experiments were conducted for various organic-to-inorganic dry mass ratios (OIR) using optical microscopy and Raman spectroscopy. When exposed to cycles of relative humidity (RH), each system showed significantly different phase transitions. While the C5/AS/H_2O particles showed no LLPS with OIR = 2:1, 1:1 and 1:4 down to 20% RH, the C6/AS/H_2O and C7/AS/H_2O particles exhibit LLPS upon drying at RH 50 to 85% and ~90%, respectively, via spinodal decomposition, growth of a second phase from the particle surface or nucleation-and-growth mechanisms depending on the OIR. This suggests that LLPS commonly occurs within the range of O:C < 0.7 in tropospheric organic/inorganic aerosols. To support the comparison and interpretation of the experimentally observed phase transitions, thermodynamic equilibrium calculations were performed with the AIOMFAC model. For the C7/AS/H_2O and C6/AS/H_2O systems, the calculated phase diagrams agree well with the observations while for the C5/AS/H_2O system LLPS is predicted by the model at RH below 60% and higher AS concentration, but was not observed in the experiments. Both core-shell structures and partially engulfed structures were observed for the investigated particles, suggesting that such morphologies might also exist in tropospheric aerosols

    Scalable Mining of Common Routes in Mobile Communication Network Traffic Data

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    A probabilistic method for inferring common routes from mobile communication network traffic data is presented. Besides providing mobility information, valuable in a multitude of application areas, the method has the dual purpose of enabling efficient coarse-graining as well as anonymisation by mapping individual sequences onto common routes. The approach is to represent spatial trajectories by Cell ID sequences that are grouped into routes using locality-sensitive hashing and graph clustering. The method is demonstrated to be scalable, and to accurately group sequences using an evaluation set of GPS tagged data

    Moving boundary and photoelastic coupling in GaAs optomechanical resonators

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    Chip-based cavity optomechanical systems are being considered for applications in sensing, metrology, and quantum information science. Critical to their development is an understanding of how the optical and mechanical modes interact, quantified by the coupling rate g0g_{0}. Here, we develop GaAs optomechanical resonators and investigate the moving dielectric boundary and photoelastic contributions to g0g_{0}. First, we consider coupling between the fundamental radial breathing mechanical mode and a 1550 nm band optical whispering gallery mode in microdisks. For decreasing disk radius from R=5R=5 μ\mum to R=1R=1 μ\mum, simulations and measurements show that g0g_{0} changes from being dominated by the moving boundary contribution to having an equal photoelastic contribution. Next, we design and demonstrate nanobeam optomechanical crystals in which a 2.52.5 GHz mechanical breathing mode couples to a 1550 nm optical mode predominantly through the photoelastic effect. We show a significant (30 %\%) dependence of g0g_{0} on the device's in-plane orientation, resulting from the difference in GaAs photoelastic coefficients along different crystalline axes, with fabricated devices exhibiting g0/2πg_{\text{0}}/2\pi as high as 1.1 MHz for orientation along the [110] axis. GaAs nanobeam optomechanical crystals are a promising system which can combine the demonstrated large optomechanical coupling strength with additional functionality, such as piezoelectric actuation and incorporation of optical gain media

    Scanning optical homodyne detection of high-frequency picoscale resonances in cantilever and tuning fork sensors

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    Higher harmonic modes in nanoscale silicon cantilevers and microscale quartz tuning forks are detected and characterized using a custom scanning optical homodyne interferometer. Capable of both mass and force sensing, these resonators exhibit high-frequency harmonic motion content with picometer-scale amplitudes detected in a 2.5 MHz bandwidth, driven by ambient thermal radiation. Quartz tuning forks additionally display both in-plane and out-of-plane harmonics. The first six electronically detected resonances are matched to optically detected and mapped fork eigenmodes. Mass sensing experiments utilizing higher tuning fork modes indicate >6x sensitivity enhancement over fundamental mode operation.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Applied Physics Letter

    B ->\eta_c K(\eta_c^\prime K) decays in QCD factorization

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    We study the exclusive decays of BB meson into pseudoscalar charmonium states ηc\eta_c and ηc\eta_c^\prime within the QCD factorization approach and find that the nonfactorizable corrections to naive factorization are infrared safe at leading-twist order. The spectator interactions arising from the kaon twist-3 effects are formally power-suppressed but chirally and logarithmically enhanced. The theoretical decay rates are too small to accommodate the experimental data. On the other hand, we compare the theoretical calculations for J/ψ,ψJ/\psi, \psi^\prime, and ηc,ηc\eta_c, \eta_c^\prime, and find that the predicted relative decay rates of these four states are approximately compatible with experimental data.Comment: 8 pages, LaTex, 1 figure, one footnote and two references adde

    Suppression of dephasing by qubit motion in superconducting circuits

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    We suggest and demonstrate a protocol which suppresses dephasing due to the low-frequency noise by qubit motion, i.e., transfer of the logical qubit of information in a system of n2n \geq 2 physical qubits. The protocol requires only the nearest-neighbor coupling and is applicable to different qubit structures. We further analyze its effectiveness against noises with arbitrary correlations. Our analysis, together with experiments using up to three superconducting qubits, shows that for the realistic uncorrelated noises, qubit motion increases the dephasing time of the logical qubit as n\sqrt{n}. In general, the protocol provides a diagnostic tool to measure the noise correlations.Comment: 5 pages with 3 embedded figures, plus supplementary informatio