366 research outputs found

    SPAD array camera for localization based super resolution microscopy

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    Super resolution microscopy by localization is a stochastic based approach, where the resolution is determined by the localization accuracy [1] [2] [3]. The accuracy of localization heavily depends on the statistics of the data obtained with a camera during imaging. Current state of the art EMCCD (electron multiplying charge coupled device) cameras have frame rates up to 200 fps and hence a limited temporal resolution between frames. This can lead to ambiguities in localization. For example, a single fluorescent spot appearing at the same location in two successive frames is not considered for localization, because it is not clear, whether the spot arises from a single fluorophore in ON state for a long time or from two adjacent fluorophores, which switches ON and OFF. In this work, we explore for the first time the use of a single-photon counting SPAD (single photon avalanche diodes) array camera for super resolution microscopy. These cameras can provide high frame rates (up to 375000 fps), with improved temporal resolution between the frames, enabling a more accurate view of events that can be precisely tracked over time. The rich information obtained from such large number of frames leads to more accurate statistical estimations for overcoming the current ambiguities in localization. Also, SPAD array cameras are capable of reading frames having pixels depth of 1-bit. [4]. Such, a fine granularity enables the user to add any number of frames for identifying and localizing individual events with a very high accuracy. SPADs have been success fully used in performing time-resolved imaging measurements like FLIM (fluorescence life time imaging measurements). This allows us to extend the possibility of performing FLIM and super resolution imaging simultaneously. As a result, two different fluorophores can be separated based on their unique life times, enabling multi-channel operations using a single camera. An example of a preliminary image captured using a SPAD array camera is depicted in Figure

    River research and applications across borders

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    Rivers flow across national borders, unfettered by political distinctions, and the ecological health of rivers is closely linked to their degree of connectivity. River research today is more global than it has ever been, but we show that river research, engineering, and management still operate within homegrown local paradigms. As a basis for this discussion, we studied the citation networks surrounding the most widely cited papers in our field, assessing the degree to which researchers have collaborated across geographical boundaries and fully drawn from the international literature. Despite gains over time, our field remains surprisingly and pervasively provincial. The likely explanation for provincial bias is that researchers are generally more familiar and comfortable with their own research methods, sites, and agendas. However, local focus has tangible consequences. For example, contrasting paradigms and differing approaches to river restoration and to flood-risk management show that opportunities are lost when we fail to learn from the successes and failures of other regions. As Sharp and Leshner (2014; p. 579) have argued, "the search for solutions needs to draw upon the talents and innovative ideas of scientists, engineers, and societal leaders worldwide to overcome traditional and nationalistic paradigms that have so far been inadequate to meeting these challenges.

    The establishment of the GENEQOL consortium to investigate the genetic disposition of patient-reported quality-of-life outcomes

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    To our knowledge, no comprehensive, interdisciplinary initiatives have been taken to examine the role of genetic variants on patient-reported quality-of-life outcomes. The overall objective of this paper is to describe the establishment of an international and interdisciplinary consortium, the GENEQOL Consortium, which intends to investigate the genetic disposition of patient-reported quality-of-life outcomes. We have identified five primary patient-reported quality-of-life outcomes as initial targets: negative psychological affect, positive psychological affect, self-rated physical health, pain, and fatigue. The first tangible objective of the GENEQOL Consortium is to develop a list of potential biological pathways, genes and genetic variants involved in these quality-of-life outcomes, by reviewing current genetic knowledge. The second objective is to design a research agenda to investigate and validate those genes and genetic variants of patient-reported quality-of-life outcomes, by creating large datasets. During its first meeting, the Consortium has discussed draft summary documents addressing these questions for each patient-reported quality-of-life outcome. A summary of the primary pathways and robust findings of the genetic variants involved is presented here. The research agenda outlines possible research objectives and approaches to examine these and new quality-of-life domains. Intriguing questions arising from this endeavor are discussed. Insight into the genetic versus environmental components of patient-reported quality-of-life outcomes will ultimately allow us to explore new pathways for improving patient care. If we can identify patients who are susceptible to poor quality of life, we will be able to better target specific clinical interventions to enhance their quality of life and treatment outcome

    Expression analysis of Clavata1-like and Nodulin21-like genes from Pinus sylvestris during ectomycorrhiza formation

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    The ecology and physiology of ectomycorrhizal (EcM) symbiosis with conifer trees are well documented. In comparison, however, very little is known about the molecular regulation of these associations. In an earlier study, we identified three EcM-regulated Pinus expressed sequence tags (EST), two of which were identified as homologous to the Medicago truncatula nodulin MtN21. The third EST was a homologue to the receptor-like kinase Clavata1. We have characterized the expression patterns of these genes and of auxin- and mycorrhiza-regulated genes after induction with indole-3-butyric acid in Pinus sylvestris and in a time course experiment during ectomycorrhizal initiation with the co-inoculation of 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid, an auxin transport inhibitor. Our results suggest that different P. sylvestris nodulin homologues are associated with diverse processes in the root. The results also suggest a potential role of the Clv1-like gene in lateral root initiation by the ectomycorrhizal fungus

    CVD-Enabled Graphene Manufacture and Technology.

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    Integrated manufacturing is arguably the most challenging task in the development of technology based on graphene and other 2D materials, particularly with regard to the industrial demand for “electronic-grade” large-area films. In order to control the structure and properties of these materials at the monolayer level, their nucleation, growth and interfacing needs to be understood to a level of unprecedented detail compared to existing thin film or bulk materials. Chemical vapor deposition (CVD) has emerged as the most versatile and promising technique to develop graphene and 2D material films into industrial device materials and this Perspective outlines recent progress, trends, and emerging CVD processing pathways. A key focus is the emerging understanding of the underlying growth mechanisms, in particular on the role of the required catalytic growth substrate, which brings together the latest progress in the fields of heterogeneous catalysis and classic crystal/thin-film growth.Funding from the ERC (Grant No. 279342, InSituNANO) and EPSRC (Grant No. EP/K016636/1, GRAPHTED) is acknowledged. R.S.W. acknowledges a research fellowship from St. John’s College, Cambridge.This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from ACS via http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acs.jpclett.5b0105

    Perceived Parenting and Adolescent Cyber-Bullying: Examining the Intervening Role of Autonomy and Relatedness Need Satisfaction, Empathic Concern and Recognition of Humanness

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    Due to the progress in information technology, cyber-bullying is becoming one of the most common forms of interpersonal harm, especially among teenagers. The present study (N = 548) aimed to investigate the relation between perceived parenting style (in terms of autonomy support and psychological control) and cyber-bullying in adolescence. Thereby, the study tested for the intervening role of adolescent need satisfaction (i.e., autonomy and relatedness), empathic concern towards others, and adolescents' recognition of full humanness to cyber-bullying offenders and victims. Findings revealed both a direct and an indirect relation between parenting and cyber-bullying. More specifically, parental psychological control directly predicted cyber-bullying, whereas parental autonomy support related to less cyber-bullying indirectly, as it was associated with the satisfaction of adolescents' need for autonomy, which predicted more empathic concern towards others, which in turn differentially related to recognition of humanness to victims and bullies. The discussion focuses on the implications of the current findings

    Cholesterol Crystals Activate the NLRP3 Inflammasome in Human Macrophages: A Novel Link between Cholesterol Metabolism and Inflammation

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    Chronic inflammation of the arterial wall is a key element in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis, yet the factors that trigger and sustain the inflammation remain elusive. Inflammasomes are cytoplasmic caspase-1-activating protein complexes that promote maturation and secretion of the proinflammatory cytokines interleukin(IL)-1beta and IL-18. The most intensively studied inflammasome, NLRP3 inflammasome, is activated by diverse substances, including crystalline and particulate materials. As cholesterol crystals are abundant in atherosclerotic lesions, and IL-1beta has been linked to atherogenesis, we explored the possibility that cholesterol crystals promote inflammation by activating the inflammasome pathway.Here we show that human macrophages avidly phagocytose cholesterol crystals and store the ingested cholesterol as cholesteryl esters. Importantly, cholesterol crystals induced dose-dependent secretion of mature IL-1beta from human monocytes and macrophages. The cholesterol crystal-induced secretion of IL-1beta was caspase-1-dependent, suggesting the involvement of an inflammasome-mediated pathway. Silencing of the NLRP3 receptor, the crucial component in NLRP3 inflammasome, completely abolished crystal-induced IL-1beta secretion, thus identifying NLRP3 inflammasome as the cholesterol crystal-responsive element in macrophages. The crystals were shown to induce leakage of the lysosomal protease cathepsin B into the cytoplasm and inhibition of this enzyme reduced cholesterol crystal-induced IL-1beta secretion, suggesting that NLRP3 inflammasome activation occurred via lysosomal destabilization.The cholesterol crystal-induced inflammasome activation in macrophages may represent an important link between cholesterol metabolism and inflammation in atherosclerotic lesions

    Advanced glycation end products cause increased CCN family and extracellular matrix gene expression in the diabetic rodent retina

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    Aims/hypothesis Referred to as CCN, the family of growth factors consisting of cystein-rich protein 61 (CYR61, also known as CCN1), connective tissue growth factor (CTGF, also known as CCN2), nephroblastoma overexpressed gene (NOV, also known as CCN3) and WNT1-inducible signalling pathway proteins 1, 2 and 3 (WISP1, -2 and -3; also known as CCN4, -5 and -6) affects cellular growth, differentiation, adhesion and locomotion in wound repair, fibrotic disorders, inflammation and angiogenesis. AGEs formed in the diabetic milieu affect the same processes, leading to diabetic complications including diabetic retinopathy. We hypothesised that pathological effects of AGEs in the diabetic retina are a consequence of AGE-induced alterations in CCN family expression. Materials and methods CCN gene expression levels were studied at the mRNA and protein level in retinas of control and diabetic rats using real-time quantitative PCR, western blotting and immunohistochemistry at 6 and 12 weeks of streptozotocin-induced diabetes in the presence or absence of aminoguanidine, an AGE inhibitor. In addition, C57BL/6 mice were repeatedly injected with exogenously formed AGE to establish whether AGE modulate retinal CCN growth factors in vivo. Results After 6 weeks of diabetes, Cyr61 expression levels were increased more than threefold. At 12 weeks of diabetes, Ctgf expression levels were increased twofold. Treatment with aminoguanidine inhibited Cyr61 and Ctgf expression in diabetic rats, with reductions of 31 and 36%, respectively, compared with untreated animals. Western blotting showed a twofold increase in CTGF production, which was prevented by aminoguanidine treatment. In mice infused with exogenous AGE, Cyr61 expression increased fourfold and Ctgf expression increased twofold in the retina. Conclusion/interpretation CTGF and CYR61 are downstream effectors of AGE in the diabetic retina, implicating them as possible targets for future intervention strategies against the development of diabetic retinopath