1,313 research outputs found

    Who Shares and Comments on News?: A Cross-National Comparative Analysis of Online and Social Media Participation

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    In this article, we present a cross-national comparative analysis of which online news users in practice engage with the participatory potential for sharing and commenting on news afforded by interactive features in news websites and social media technologies across a strategic sample of six different countries. Based on data from the 2016 Reuters Institute Digital News Report, and controlling for a range of factors, we find that (1) people who use social media for news and a high number of different social media platforms are more likely to also engage more actively with news outside social media by commenting on news sites and sharing news via email, (2) political partisans on both sides are more likely to engage in sharing and commenting particularly on news stories in social media, and (3) people with high interest in hard news are more likely to comment on news on both news sites and social media and share stores via social media (and people with high interest in any kind of news [hard or soft] are more likely to share stories via email). Our analysis suggests that the online environment reinforces some long-standing inequalities in participation while countering other long-standing inequalities. The findings indicate a self-reinforcing positive spiral where the already motivated are more likely in practice to engage with the potential for participation offered by digital media, and a negative spiral where those who are less engaged participate less

    Using the ‘Think Aloud’ Method to Inform Skinfold Instruction in Exercise Science

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    Incorporating forecasting and peer-to-peer negotiation frameworks into a distributed model-predictive control approach for meshed electric networks

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    The continuous integration of renewable energy sources into power networks is causing a paradigm shift in energy generation and distribution with regard to trading and control. The intermittent nature of renewable sources affects the pricing of energy sold or purchased. The networks are subject to operational constraints, voltage limits at each node, rated capacities for the power electronic devices, and current bounds for distribution lines. These economic and technical constraints, coupled with intermittent renewable injection, may pose a threat to system stability and performance. In this article, we propose a novel holistic approach to energy trading composed of a distributed predictive control framework to handle physical interactions, i.e., voltage constraints and power dispatch, together with a negotiation framework to determine pricing policies for energy transactions. We study the effect of forecasting generation and consumption on the overall network's performance and market behaviors. We provide a rigorous convergence analysis for both the negotiation framework and the distributed control. Finally, we assess the impact of forecasting in the proposed system with the aid of testing scenarios

    Incorporating forecasting and peer-to-peer negotiation frameworks into a distributed model predictive control approach for meshed electric networks

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    The continuous integration of renewable energy sources into a power network has caused a paradigm shift in energy generation and distribution. The intermittent nature of renewable sources affects the prices at which energy can be sold or purchased. In addition, the network is subject to operational constraints, voltage limits at each node, rated capacities for the power electronic devices, current bounds for distribution lines; these constraints coupled with intermittent renewable injections may pose a threat to system stability and performance. We propose a distributed predictive controller to handle operational constraints while minimising generation costs, and an agent based market negotiation framework to obtain suitable pricing policies, agreed among participating agents, that explicitly considers availability of energy storage in its formulation. The controller handles the problem of coupled constraints using information exchanges with its neighbours to guarantee their satisfaction. We study the effect of different forecast accuracy have on the overall performance and market behaviours. We provide a convergence analysis for both the negotiation iterations, and its interaction with the predictive controller. Lastly, We assess the impact of the information availability with the aid of testing scenarios

    Turnout and voting behaviour in constitutional referendums: a regional analysis of the Italian case

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    This paper investigates regional disparities of both turnout and voting behaviour in constitutional referendums. The analysis is undertaken at the NUTS-3 level and it considers the three constitutional referendums held in Italy in the period 2001–2016. It finds that turnout was lower in provinces with higher unemployment rates and where citizens had a stronger affiliation to opposition parties. These factors, along with level of government popularity, were important drivers of referendum results, especially in 2006 and 2016 when the referendums were rejected. In addition, while the three referendums implied different effects for rich and poor regions, mainly due to decentralization of powers, the local voting patterns did not reflect this. Overall, these findings suggest that the merit of the constitutional reforms played little part in explaining the outcome of the referendums

    Accidental exposure to politics on social media as online participation equalizer in Germany, Italy, and the United Kingdom

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    We assess whether and how accidental exposure to political information on social media contributes to citizens\u2019 online political participation in comparative perspective. Based on three online surveys of samples representative of German, Italian, and British Internet users in the aftermath of the 2014 European Parliament elections, we find that accidental exposure to political information on social media is positively and significantly correlated with online participation in all three countries, particularly so in Germany where overall levels of participation were lower. We also find that interest in politics moderates this relationship so that the correlation is stronger among the less interested than among the highly interested. These findings suggest that inadvertent encounters with political content on social media are likely to reduce the gap in online engagement between citizens with high and low interest in politics, potentially broadening the range of voices that make themselves heard

    Collective Power to Create Political Change: Increasing the Political Efficacy and Engagement of Social Workers

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    Because social workers are called to challenge social injustices and create systemic change to support the well-being of individuals and communities, it is essential that social workers develop political efficacy: belief that the political system can work and they can influence the system. This study explored the impact of an intensive political social work curriculum on political efficacy and planned political engagement among social work students and practitioners. The findings suggest this model of delivering a political social work curriculum effectively increases internal, external, and overall political efficacy, and that increasing political efficacy has promise for increasing future political engagement
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