54,805 research outputs found

    Stable isotopic studies of H,C,N,O and S in samples of Martian origin

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    The present day geochemical cycles of volatile elements through the various reservoirs on Earth are largely understood within the context of the planet's standing as a geologically and biologically evolved body. In terrestrial studies stable isotope measurements of light elements (H, C, N, O and S) can be utilized to obtain insight into the conditions prevailing during formation of rocks of various types. Perhaps the most important problem which could be addressed by light element studies of the sorts of specimen likely to be available from remote automatic sampling, would be the role of volatiles during evolution. Of fundamental importance here is the question of whether Mars was volatile rich or volatile poor. The only way to fully comprehend the effects of volatile cycling through the mantle crust and regolith atmosphere polar cap system of Mars, is by analyses of appropriate returned samples. In order to interpret the record of geological activity in Martian samples it will be necessary to understand how the past, or present, surface environment may have acted to disturb the primary characteristics of the rocks

    Survey of international experts to build consensus about optimum care standards, educational programmes, care environments & technological developments for people living with dementia

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    This report describes the results and implications of D3.1.4, CASCADE Delphi study. The original Delphi study approach proved to be less successful than expected, with recruitment of participants the most challenging aspect. As a result of the low participation rate the Delphi study was proportionately modified to one round of an electronic survey. Twenty three experts shared their views about optimum care standards, care environments, educational standards and technological innovations they would provide the best future support for people living with dementia (PLWD) but many of their recommendations are applicable to any person requiring support for their health and wellbeing so are potentially transferable across contexts

    Primary care strategic workforce planning programme

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    The project comprised 4 work packages conducted over 12 months to review and scope the workforce model required to deliver new and innovative health care services for the future. It included a literature review and policy analysis, stakeholder workshops, a live Delphi survey using systems dynamics methodology to model workforce requirements and education and training needs

    Lunar nitrogen: Secular variation or mixing?

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    The two current models to explain the nearly 40% variation of the lunar nitrogen isotopic composition are: (1) secular variation of solar wind nitrogen; and (2) a two component mixing model having a constant, heavy solar wind admixed with varying amounts of indigenous light lunar N (LLN). Both models are needed to explain the step pyrolysis extraction profile. The secular variation model proposes that the low temperature release is modern day solar wind implanted into grain surfaces, the 900 C to 1100 C release is from grain surfaces which were once exposed to the ancient solar wind but which are now trapped inside agglutinates, and the >1100 C release as spallogenic N produced by cosmic rays. The mixing model ascribes the components to solar wind, indigenous lunar N and spallogenic N respectively. An extension of either interpretation is that the light N seen in lunar breccias or deep drill cores represent conditions when more N-14 was available to the lunar surface