1,926 research outputs found

    Astronomical Site Ranking Based on Tropospheric Wind Statistics

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    We present comprehensive and reliable statistics of high altitude wind speeds and the tropospheric flows at the location of five important astronomical observatories. Statistical analysis exclusively of high altitude winds point to La Palma as the most suitable site for adaptive optics, with a mean value of 22.13 m/s at the 200 mbar pressure level. La Silla is at the bottom of the ranking, with the largest average value 200 mbar wind speed(33.35 m/s). We have found a clear annual periodicity of high altitude winds for the five sites in study. We have also explored the connection of high to low altitude atmospheric winds as a first approach of the linear relationship between the average velocity of the turbulence and high altitude winds (Sarazin & Tokovinin 2001). We may conclude that high and low altitude winds show good linear relationships at the five selected sites. The highest correlation coefficients correspond to Paranal and San Pedro Martir, while La Palma and La Silla show similar high to low altitude wind connection. Mauna Kea shows the smallest degree of correlation, which suggests a weaker linear relationship. Our results support the idea of high altitude winds as a parameter for rank astronomical sites in terms of their suitability for adaptive optics, although we have no evidence for adopting the same linear coefficient at different sites. The final value of this linear coefficient at a particular site could drastically change the interpretation of high altitude wind speeds as a direct parameter for site characterization.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figures. Accepted in MNRA

    Chandra Observation of Abell 2065: An Unequal Mass Merger?

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    We present an analysis of a 41 ks Chandra observation of the merging cluster Abell 2065 with the ACIS-I detector. Previous observations with ROSAT and ASCA provided evidence for an ongoing merger, but also suggested that there were two surviving cooling cores, which were associated with the two cD galaxies in the center of the cluster. The Chandra observation reveals only one X-ray surface brightness peak, which is associated with the more luminous, southern cD galaxy. The gas related with that peak is cool and displaced slightly from the position of the cD. The data suggest that this cool material has formed a cold front. On the other hand, in the higher spatial resolution Chandra image, the second feature to the north is not associated with the northern cD; rather, it appears to be a trail of gas behind the main cD. We argue that only one of the two cooling cores has survived the merger, although it is possible that the northern cD may not have possessed a cool core prior to the merger. We use the cool core survival to constrain the kinematics of the merger and we find an upper limit of ~< 1900 km/s for the merger relative velocity. A surface brightness discontinuity is found at ~140 kpc from the southern cD; the Mach number for this feature is M=1.66−0.32+0.24{\cal M} = 1.66^{+0.24}_{-0.32}, although its nature (shock or cold front) is not clear from the data. We argue that Abell 2065 is an example of an unequal mass merger. The more massive southern cluster has driven a shock into the ICM of the infalling northern cluster, which has disrupted the cool core of the latter, if one existed originally. We estimate that core crossing occurred a few hundred Myr ago, probably for the first time.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figures, ApJ in pres

    The mystery of the 'Kite' radio source in Abell 2626: insights from new Chandra observations

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    We present the results of a new Chandra study of the galaxy cluster A2626. The radio emission of the cluster shows a complex system of four symmetric arcs without known correlations with the X-ray emission. The mirror symmetry of the radio arcs toward the center and the presence of two optical cores in the central galaxy suggested that they may be created by pairs of precessing radio jets powered by dual AGNs inside the cD galaxy. However, previous observations failed to observe the second jetted AGN and the spectral trend due to radiative age along the radio arcs, thus challenging this interpretation. The new Chandra observation had several scientific objectives, including the search for the second AGN that would support the jet precession model. We focus here on the detailed study of the local properties of the thermal and non-thermal emission in the proximity of the radio arcs, in order to get more insights into their origin. We performed a standard data reduction of the Chandra dataset deriving the radial profiles of temperature, density, pressure and cooling time of the intra-cluster medium. We further analyzed the 2D distribution of the gas temperature, discovering that the south-western junction of the radio arcs surrounds the cool core of the cluster. We studied the X-ray SB and spectral profiles across the junction, finding a cold front spatially coincident with the radio arcs. This may suggest a connection between the sloshing of the thermal gas and the nature of the radio filaments, raising new scenarios for their origin. A possibility is that the radio arcs trace the projection of a complex surface connecting the sites where electrons are most efficiently reaccelerated by the turbulence that is generated by the gas sloshing. In this case, diffuse emission embedded by the arcs and with extremely steep spectrum should be most visible at very low radio frequencies.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures. Accepted for publication on A&

    XMM-Newton Observation of the Northwest Radio Relic Region in Abell 3667

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    Abell 3667 is the archetype of a merging cluster with radio relics. The NW radio relic is the brightest cluster relic or halo known, and is believed to be due to a strong merger shock. We have observed the NW relic for 40 ksec of net XMM time. We observe a global decline of temperature across the relic from 6 to 1 keV, similar to the Suzaku results. Our new observations reveal a sharp change of both temperature and surface brightness near the position of the relic. The increased X-ray emission on the relic can be equivalently well described by either a thermal or nonthermal spectral model. The parameters of the thermal model are consistent with a Mach number M~2 shock and a shock speed of ~1200 km s^-1. The energy content of the relativistic particles in the radio relic can be explained if they are (re)-accelerated by the shock with an efficiency of ~0.2%. Comparing the limit on the inverse Compton X-ray emission with the measured radio synchrotron emission, we set a lower limit to the magnetic field in the relic of 3 muG. If the emission from the relic is non-thermal, this lower limit is in fact the required magnetic field.Comment: 11 pages, ApJ in pres

    WQ 2059-247: An unusual high redshift X-ray cluster

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    X-ray, optical, and radio observations of a high redshift, Bautz-Morgan type I cluster of galaxies are reported. The cD galaxy contains a powerful, flat spectrum radio source coincident with the possibly stellar nucleus. The cluster is an extremely luminous X-ray source; however, unlike nearby luminous X-ray clusters the X-ray spectrum appears to be rather soft. Two possible interpretations of the soruces are suggested: either the intracluster gas is much cooler in high redshift clusters because they are less relaxed, or the X-ray and radio emissions from WQ 2059-247 are the result of a non thermal QSO/BL Lac type object in the nucleus of the cD
