107 research outputs found

    Distribution of the invasive bryozoan Schizoporella japonica in Great Britain and Ireland and a review of its European distribution

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    The bryozoan Schizoporella japonica Ortmann (1890) was first recorded in European waters in 2010 and has since been reported from further locations in Great Britain (GB) and Norway. This paper provides a new earliest European record for the species from 2009, a first record from Ireland and presence and absence records from a total of 231 marinas and harbours across GB, Ireland, the Isle of Man, France and Portugal. This species is typically associated with human activity, including commercial and recreational vessels, aquaculture equipment, and both wave and tidal energy devices. It has also been observed in the natural environment, fouling rocks and boulders. The species has an extensive but widely discontinuous distribution in GB and Ireland. Although found frequently in marinas and harbours in Scotland, it inhabits only a few sites in England, Wales and Ireland, interspersed with wide gaps that are well documented as genuine absences. This appears to be a rare example of a southward-spreading invasion in GB and Ireland. The species has been reported from the Isle of Man and Norway but has not been found in France or Portugal. In the future we expect S. japonica to spread into suitable sections of the English, Welsh and Irish coasts, and further within Europe. The species’ capability for long-distance saltatory spread and potential for negative impact on native ecosystems and economic activity suggests that S. japonica should now be considered invasive in GB and Ireland. As such, it is recommended that biosecurity procedures alongside effective surveillance and monitoring should be prioritised for regions outside the species’ current distribution

    Relativistic K shell decay rates and fluorescence yields for Zn, Cd and Hg

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    In this work we use the multiconfiguration Dirac-Fock method to calculate the transition probabilities for all possible decay channels, radiative and radiationless, of a K shell vacancy in Zn, Cd and Hg atoms. The obtained transition probabilities are then used to calculate the corresponding fluorescence yields which are compared to existing theoretical, semi-empirical and experimental results

    Identifying the physical features of marina infrastructure associated with the presence of non-native species in the UK

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    Marine invasive non-native species (NNS) are one of the greatest threats to global marine biodiversity, causing significant economic and social impacts. Marinas are increasingly recognised as key reservoirs for invasive NNS. They provide submersed artificial habitat that unintentionally supports the establishment of NNS introduced from visiting recreational vessels. While ballast water and shipping vectors have been well documented, the role of recreational vessels in spreading NNS has been relatively poorly studied. Identification of the main physical features found within marinas, which relate to the presence of NNS, is important to inform the development of effective biosecurity measures and prevent further spread. Towards this aim, physical features that could influence the presence of NNS were assessed for marinas throughout the UK in July 2013. Thirty-three marine and brackish NNS have been recorded in UK marinas, and of the 88 marinas studied in detail, 83 contained between 1 and 13 NNS. Significant differences in freshwater input, marina entrance width and seawall length were associated with the presence of NNS. Additionally, questionnaires were distributed to marina managers and recreational vessel owners to understand current biosecurity practices and attitudes to recreational vessel biosecurity. The main barriers to biosecurity compliance were cited as cost and time. Further work identifying easily distinguished features of marinas could be used as a proxy to assess risk of invasion. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s00227-016-2941-8) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    Computational Modeling of Space Physiology for Informing Spaceflight Countermeasure Design and Predictions of Efficacy

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    MOTIVATION: Spaceflight countermeasures mitigate the harmful effects of the space environment on astronaut health and performance. Exercise has historically been used as a countermeasure to physical deconditioning, and additional countermeasures including lower body negative pressure, blood flow occlusion and artificial gravity are being researched as countermeasures to spaceflight-induced fluid shifts. The NASA Digital Astronaut Project uses computational models of physiological systems to inform countermeasure design and to predict countermeasure efficacy.OVERVIEW: Computational modeling supports the development of the exercise devices that will be flown on NASAs new exploration crew vehicles. Biomechanical modeling is used to inform design requirements to ensure that exercises can be properly performed within the volume allocated for exercise and to determine whether the limited mass, volume and power requirements of the devices will affect biomechanical outcomes. Models of muscle atrophy and bone remodeling can predict device efficacy for protecting musculoskeletal health during long-duration missions. A lumped-parameter whole-body model of the fluids within the body, which includes the blood within the cardiovascular system, the cerebral spinal fluid, interstitial fluid and lymphatic system fluid, estimates compartmental changes in pressure and volume due to gravitational changes. These models simulate fluid shift countermeasure effects and predict the associated changes in tissue strain in areas of physiological interest to aid in predicting countermeasure effectiveness. SIGNIFICANCE: Development and testing of spaceflight countermeasure prototypes are resource-intensive efforts. Computational modeling can supplement this process by performing simulations that reduce the amount of necessary experimental testing. Outcomes of the simulations are often important for the definition of design requirements and the identification of factors essential in ensuring countermeasure efficacy

    An authoring tool for web-based adaptive and classic tests

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    In this paper we describe Test Editor, an authoring tool for building adaptive and classic web-based test. This tool facilitates the development and maintenance of different types of multiple-choice tests for use in web-based education systems. Test Editor is a modular tool which lets you configure several parameters about items and tests. It also provides statistical information about tests usage that can be used in test maintenance. We have integrated the Test Editor with the AHA! system, but it can be used in other web-based systems as well

    Setting an agenda for biofouling research for the marine renewable energy industry

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    Extensive marine growth on man-made structures in the ocean is commonplace, yet there has been limited discussion about the potential implications of marine growth for the wave and tidal energy industry. In response, the Environmental Interactions of Marine Renewables (EIMR) Biofouling Expert Workshop was convened. Discussions involved participants from the marine renewable energy (MRE) industry, anti-fouling industry, academic institutions and regulatory bodies. The workshop aimed to consider both the benefits and negative effects of biofouling from engineering and ecological perspectives. In order to form an agenda for future research in the area of biofouling and the marine renewable energy industry, 119 topics were generated, categorised and prioritised. Identified areas for future focus fell within four overarching categories: operation and maintenance; structured design and engineering; ecology; and knowledge exchange. It is clear that understanding and minimising biofouling impacts on MRE infrastructure will be vital to the successful development of a reliable and cost effective MRE industry
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