29 research outputs found

    Stable patterns of membrane domains at corrugated substrates

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    Multi-component membranes such as ternary mixtures of lipids and cholesterol can exhibit coexistence regions between two liquid phases. When such membranes adhere to a corrugated substrate, the phase separation process strongly depends on the interplay between substrate topography, bending rigidities, and line tension of the membrane domains as we show theoretically via energy minimization and Monte Carlo simulations. For sufficiently large bending rigidity contrast between the two membrane phases, the corrugated substrate truncates the phase separation process and leads to a stable pattern of membrane domains. Our theory is consistent with recent experimental observations and provides a possible control mechanism for domain patterns in biological membranes.Comment: to appear in Physical Review Letter

    Effective surface interactions mediated by adhesive particles

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    In biomimetic and biological systems, interactions between surfaces are often mediated by adhesive molecules, nanoparticles, or colloids dispersed in the surrounding solution. We present here a general, statistical-mechanical model for two surfaces that interact via adhesive particles. The effective, particle-mediated interaction potential of the surfaces is obtained by integrating over the particles' degrees of freedom in the partition function. Interestingly, the effective adhesion energy of the surfaces exhibits a maximum at intermediate particle concentrations, and is considerably smaller both at low and high concentrations. The effective adhesion energy corresponds to a minimum in the interaction potential at surface separations slightly larger than the particle diameter, while a secondary minimum at surface contact reflects depletion interactions. Our results can be generalized to surfaces with specific receptors for solute particles, and have direct implications for the adhesion of biomembranes and for phase transitions in colloidal systems.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures; to appear in Europhys. Let

    Atomistic modelling of scattering data in the Collaborative Computational Project for Small Angle Scattering (CCP-SAS)

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    The capabilities of current computer simulations provide a unique opportunity to model small-angle scattering (SAS) data at the atomistic level, and to include other structural constraints ranging from molecular and atomistic energetics to crystallography, electron microscopy and NMR. This extends the capabilities of solution scattering and provides deeper insights into the physics and chemistry of the systems studied. Realizing this potential, however, requires integrating the experimental data with a new generation of modelling software. To achieve this, the CCP-SAS collaboration (http://www.ccpsas.org/) is developing open-source, high-throughput and user-friendly software for the atomistic and coarse-grained molecular modelling of scattering data. Robust state-of-the-art molecular simulation engines and molecular dynamics and Monte Carlo force fields provide constraints to the solution structure inferred from the small-angle scattering data, which incorporates the known physical chemistry of the system. The implementation of this software suite involves a tiered approach in which GenApp provides the deployment infrastructure for running applications on both standard and high-performance computing hardware, and SASSIE provides a workflow framework into which modules can be plugged to prepare structures, carry out simulations, calculate theoretical scattering data and compare results with experimental data. GenApp produces the accessible web-based front end termed SASSIE-web, and GenApp and SASSIE also make community SAS codes available. Applications are illustrated by case studies: (i) inter-domain flexibility in two- to six-domain proteins as exemplified by HIV-1 Gag, MASP and ubiquitin; (ii) the hinge conformation in human IgG2 and IgA1 antibodies; (iii) the complex formed between a hexameric protein Hfq and mRNA; and (iv) synthetic 'bottlebrush' polymers

    On the expressiveness of Büchi arithmetic

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    We show that the existential fragment of B¨uchi arithmetic is strictly less expressive than full B¨uchi arithmetic of any base, and moreover establish that its Σ2-fragment is already expressively complete. Furthermore, we show that regular languages of polynomial growth are definable in the existential fragment of B¨uchi arithmetic

    Membrane fluctuations and acidosis regulate cooperative binding of “marker of self” CD47 with macrophage checkpoint receptor SIRPα

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    Cell-cell interactions that result from membrane proteins binding weakly in trans can cause accumulations in cis that suggest cooperativity and thereby an acute sensitivity to environmental factors. The ubiquitous “marker of self” protein CD47 binds weakly to SIRPα on a macrophage, which leads to accumulation of SIRPα at a phagocytic synapse and ultimately to inhibition of engulfment of ‘self’ cell