1,577 research outputs found

    Delay Tolerant Networking over the Metropolitan Public Transportation

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    We discuss MDTN: a delay tolerant application platform built on top of the Public Transportation System (PTS) and able to provide service access while exploiting opportunistic connectivity. Our solution adopts a carrier-based approach where buses act as data collectors for user requests requiring Internet access. Simulations based on real maps and PTS routes with state-of-the-art routing protocols demonstrate that MDTN represents a viable solution for elastic nonreal-time service delivery. Nevertheless, performance indexes of the considered routing policies show that there is no golden rule for optimal performance and a tailored routing strategy is required for each specific case

    Alargamiento en agenesia de tibia y peroné

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    Las displasias o defectos congénitos (parciales o totales) de la pierna pueden a fin didáctico subdividirse en deficiencia congénita de la tibia y en deficiencia congénita del peroné. Los miembros inferiores se originan de la llamada "yema de extremidades" provenientes del mesenquima y apareciendo al final de la cuarta semana, y están opuestas a los segmentos lumbares extendiéndose ventralmente. Los centros primarios de osificación de las diafisis de los huesos aparecen entre las 7 y 12 semanas. Las epífisis aparecen por centros secundarios, siendo los primeros en aparecer aquellos alrededor de la rodilla -distal de fémur y proximal de tibia- al noveno mes. Los músculos se desarrrollan in situ alrededor de los huesos en formación. A la séptima semana existe una rotación de los brazos y piernas, que en las extremidades inferiores rotan medialmente 90° (rodilla hacia adelante) de forma que los músculos externos se colocan hacia adelante. De alli que al haber una interrupción del proceso normal de evolución y rotación la patología congénita de miembros inferiores afecte mayormente las estructuras externas

    Lämmermast mit verschiedenen Rassen auf extensivem Grünland: erste Ergebnisse

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    Ziel dieser Studie ist es, die mögliche Nutzung von extensivem Grünland für die Mast von Merino-Lämmern und reinrassigen Waldschaf-Lämmern unter verschiedenen Besatzraten zu untersuchen. Während der ersten Weidemonate im Jahr 2017 wurden Merino-Lämmer unter Ausnutzung der hohen Graswachstumsintensität geweidet. Die Waldschaf-Lämmer wurden in der zweiten Hälfte der Vegetationsperiode im Jahr 2017 mit geringerer Wachstumsintensität der Weide bis zum Ende dieser Weidezeit geweidet. Beide Rassen wurden in zwei getrennten Paddocks mit unterschiedlichen Besatzraten und Graswachstumshöhen beweidet. Das gleiche Verfahren wird im Jahr 2018 wiederholt. Ergebnisse des ersten Jahres 2017 werden vorgestellt

    Tratamiento de la luxación congénita de cadera inveterada según la técnica de klisic

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    En este trabajo se valoran retrospectivamente un grupo de 15 pacientes, con edades superiores a los 6 años, afectos de luxación congenita inveterada y que fueron intervenidos (16 caderas) mediante la técnica de Klisic. El tiempo medio de seguimiento fue de 4 años. En 12 caderas se habían realizado previamente distintas técnicas quirúrgicas sin obtener resultados satisfactorios. Tras efectuar la técnica de Klisic, 11 caderas presentaban un centraje coxofemoral satisfactorio. Se objetivos necrosis epifisaria en 6 casos, aunque en 5 de ellos ya existía antes de la intervención. Valorando los resultados con una escala clínico-radiológica (Trevor y cols. 1975), se obtuvieron resultados excelentes o buenos en el 50% de los casos. En el 3 1% de los pacientes el resultado fue pobre desde el punto de vista radiológico y clínico. En conclusión, la técnica de Klisic supone una alternativa recomendable para el tratamiento de la luxación inveterada de cadera. Su indicación más adecuada sería la luxación alta con acetábulo hipoplásico.A group of 15 patients, over 6 years of age, with neglected congenital hip dislocation (16 hips) were operated on using the Klisic''''s technique. The mean follow-up was 4 years. Prior this surgery, 12 hips had undergone different surgical treatments without satisfactory results. At the end of follow-up 11 hips were satisfactory reduced. In 6 cases necrosis of the femoral head was detected, but necrotic signs were seem in the preoperative radiographs of 5 of these cases. According to a clinico-radiographic score (Trevor et al. 1975), either excellent or good results were obtained in 50% of cases. In 3 1% the outcome was poor from both clinical and radiographic point of view. In conclusion, Klisic''''s technique seems to be a suitable alternative for the treatment of reglected congenital dislocation of the hip. The more proper indication would be a high dislocation of the hip with hypoplasic acetabulum

    Smart-RED: A novel congestion control mechanism for high throughput and low queuing delay

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    We consider the scenario in which several TCP connections share the same access point (AP) and a congestion avoidance/control mechanism is adopted with the aim of assigning the available bandwidth to the clients with a certain fairness. When UDP traffic with real-time requirements is present, the problem becomes even more challenging. Very well-known congestion avoidance mechanisms are the Random Early Detection (RED) and the Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN). More recently, the Smart Access Point with Limited Advertised Window (SAP-LAW) has been proposed. Its main idea is that of computing the maximum TCP rate for each connection at the bottleneck, taking into account the UDP traffic to keep a low queue size combined with a reasonable bandwidth utilization. In this paper, we propose a new congestion control mechanism, namely, Smart-RED, inspired by SAP-LAW heuristic formula. We study its performance by using mean field models and compare the behaviours of ECN/RED, SAP-LAW, and Smart-RED under different scenarios. We show that while Smart-RED maintains some of the desirable properties of the SAP-LAW, it solves the problems it may have in case of bursty UDP traffic or TCP connections with very different needs of bandwidth


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    The purpose of this study was to quantify the accuracy and precision of measuring counter movement jump (CMJ) performance kinetically (i.e. measuring impulse using a force plate). A 14-camera 3D motion analysis system and a force plate were used simultaneously to obtain vertical trajectories of centre of mass (CM) for comparison. Fifty-eight CMJs were analyzed from eleven physically active males. Jump height differences were trivial, and small bias was obtained thereby showing good accuracy as well as small typical errors for performance. Our study indicates that force plates can be used confidently for CMJ analysis

    Wearable sensor networks: A measurement study

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    Abstract Wearable technology is no longer science fiction. Thanks to the growing capability in the production chain to miniaturize complex electronics, a wide variety of gadgets that can be worn or included in dresses and accessories have emerged. These smart gadgets can collect data about the physical condition of the user and/or the environment providing the basis for innovative and valuable services. The main goal of this paper is to assess this context through field experiments undertaken in a testbed comprised of sensing hardware deployed on open source boards such as Arduino. Moreover, coupled with the sensing tier, we propose a proof-of-concept deployment architecture enabling a wide range of wearable sensors to collect and transmit data to a logically centralized unit

    Diagnostics of the tropical tropopause layer from in-situ observations and CCM data

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    A suite of diagnostics is applied to in-situ aircraft measurements and one Chemistry-Climate Model (CCM) data to characterize the vertical structure of the Tropical Tropopause Layer (TTL). The diagnostics are based on vertical tracer profiles and relative vertical tracer gradients, using tropopause-referenced coordinates, and tracer-tracer relationships in the tropical Upper Troposphere/Lower Stratosphere (UT/LS). Observations were obtained during four tropical campaigns performed from 1999 to 2006 with the research aircraft Geophysica and have been compared to the output of the ECHAM5/MESSy CCM. The model vertical resolution in the TTL (~500 m) allows for appropriate comparison with high-resolution aircraft observations and the diagnostics used highlight common TTL features between the model and the observational data. The analysis of the vertical profiles of water vapour, ozone, and nitrous oxide, in both the observations and the model, shows that concentration mixing ratios exhibit a strong gradient change across the tropical tropopause, due to the role of this latter as a transport barrier and that transition between the tropospheric and stratospheric regimes occurs within a finite layer. The use of relative vertical ozone and carbon monoxide gradients, in addition to the vertical profiles, helps to highlight the region where this transition occurs and allows to give an estimate of its thickness. The analysis of the CO-O3 and H2O-O3 scatter plots and of the Probability Distribution Function (PDF) of the H2O-O3 pair completes this picture as it allows to better distinguish tropospheric and stratospheric regimes that can be identified by their different chemical composition. The joint analysis and comparison of observed and modelled data allows to state that the model can represent the background TTL structure and its seasonal variability rather accurately. The model estimate of the thickness of the interface region between tropospheric and stratospheric regimes agrees well with average values inferred from observations. On the other hand, the measurements can be influenced by regional scale variability, local transport processes as well as deep convection, that can not be captured by the model