163 research outputs found

    Tracking a big anticyclonic eddy in the western Mediterranean Sea

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    12 pages, 10 figures, 1 table[EN] In May 1998 a big and deep open ocean anticyclonic eddy (AE 98-1) was sampled in the Algerian basin (western Mediterranean sea) in a region south of the Balearic islands. Fifteen surface Lagrangian buoys, tracked by satellite, were released across the eddy and were used for a few months to observe the continuity of the anticyclonic motion and the westward drift of the eddy. This kind of big and intense eddies in the Mediterranean can be detected by satellite altimeter radars. Using a new method, based on the Okubo-Weiss criterion, to identify mesoscale eddies in Sea Level Anomaly maps derived from measurements of the ERS and TOPEX/POSEIDON altimeters, an independent tracking of the same eddy was performed. There is a remarkable agreement between the two results despite the different nature of the information, mainly due to the fact that SLA maps contain interpolated and smoothed measurements while the drifter? trajectories are in situ data obtained from individual drifter fixes. The location of the eddy centre during two months with the two methods agrees within an average distance lower than the spatial resolution of the altimetric maps (0.2º). The size of the eddy, when it is possible to determine it, is also highly coincident in both cases (96.5% in diameter), and its average westwards translation speed is reasonably similar (24% lower from drifters). These results can be considered a good validation of the new tracking method in SLA maps in this specific case[ES] En mayo de 1998 un gran remolino anticiclónico de mar abierto fue observado al sur de las islas Baleares, en la cuenca Argelina (mar Mediterráneo occidental). Quince boyas superficiales de deriva fueron lanzadas a través del remolino, y su localización por satélite durante varios meses permitió seguir la continuidad del movimiento anticiclónico y el desplazamiento del remolino hacia el oeste. Este tipo de remolinos intensos puede ser detectado mediante radares altimétricos desde satélite. Un nuevo método, basado en el criterio de Okubo-Weiss, ha permitido seguir este mismo remolino en una serie de mapas de anomalías del nivel del mar obtenidos a partir de observaciones de los satélites ERS y TOPEX/POSEIDON. A pesar de que la información de los mapas altimétricos está interpolada y suavizada, y en cambio las trayectorias de los flotadores se han determinado a partir de localizaciones puntuales, se ha encontrado una concordancia notable entre ambos tipos de resultados. La posición del centro del remolino determinada con ambos métodos durante dos meses presenta unas diferencias que en promedio son menores que la resolución espacial de los mapas altimétricos (0.2º). El tamaño del remolino, cuando es posible calcularlo, es altamente coincidente (96.5% del diámetro), mientras que su velocidad de desplazamiento hacia el oeste es razonablemente parecida (24% inferior cuando se calcula a partir de los flotadores). Estos resultados pueden considerarse como una buena validación del nuevo método de seguimiento de remolinos de mesoescala en mapas altimétricos en el caso particular estudiadoThe ALGERS98 cruise on board the R/V Hespérides was part of the INTERMESO project funded by the Spanish National Programme on Environment and Natural Resources (AMB95-0901), and a contribution to the European research projects MATER (funded under contract MAS3-CT96-0051) and ALGERS (European Space Agency ERS AO E102/0)Peer reviewe

    Адаптация персонала организации на примере сети кафе «Пельмени Project»

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    Объектом исследования является–система адаптации персонала в кафе «Пельмени Project» и разработка путей ее совершенствования. Предметом исследования является – система адаптации персонала. Цель работы– оценка системы адаптации и разработка методов ее совершенствования в кафе «Пельмени Project». В процессе исследования проводился комплексный опрос. В результате исследования были разработаны рекомендации по улучшению системы адаптации персоналом в кафе «Пельмени Project». Степень внедрения:система адаптации молодых сотрудников в кафе «Пельмени Project» находится на хорошем уровне, проводятся различные мероприятия для благоприятной адаптации на работе, несмотря на это, все равно существует ряд недоработок в этой области, подтверждением тому является текучка кадров и неудовлетворенность новых сотрудников.The object of this study is to adapt the system-staff in the cafe "Dumplings Project» and to develop ways to improve it. The subject issledovaniyayavlyaetsya - personnel system adaptation. The purpose work- evaluation system to adapt and develop methods to improve it in the cafe "Dumplings Project». The study conducted a comprehensive survey. The study developed recommendations to improve the personnel system to adapt to the cafe "Dumplings Project». Degree of implementation: adapting the system of young staff in the cafe "Dumplings Project» is at a good level, hosts a variety of supportive measures for adaptation to work, in spite of this, all still there are some shortcomings in this area, confirming that is staff turnover and dissatisfaction with the new employees

    Влияние облучения импульсным электронным пучком на структуру и свойства сплава Ti-6AI-4V

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    Объектом исследования являются образцы титанового сплава Ti-6Al-4V. Цель работы: Экспериментальное исследование влияния радиационного воздействия на структурно-фазовое состояние и механические свойства титанового сплава Ti-6Al-4V. Сплав Ti-6Al-4V представляет собой ?-? титановый сплав с высокой прочностью, низким весовым отношением и отличной коррозионной стойкостью. Это один из наиболее часто используемых титановых сплавов, который подходит для широкого спектра применений, требующих низкой плотности и отличной коррозионной стойкости, таких как аэрокосмические и биомеханические применения.The object of the study are samples of titanium alloy Ti-6Al-4V. Objective: An experimental study of the effect of radiation on the structural phase state and mechanical properties of the titanium alloy Ti-6Al-4V. Ti-6Al-4V is an ?-? titanium alloy with high strength, low weight ratio and excellent corrosion resistance. It is one of the most commonly used titanium alloys, which is suitable for a wide range of applications requiring low density and excellent corrosion resistance, such as aerospace and biomechanical applications

    An Analysis of Tropical Transport: Influence of the Quasi-biennial Oscillation

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    An analysis of over 4 years of Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite (UARS) measurements of CH4, HF, O3, and zonal wind are used to study the influence of the quasi-biennial oscillation (QBO) on constituent transport in the tropics. At the equator, spectral analysis of the Halogen Occultation Experiment (HALOE) and Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS) observations reveals QBO signals in constituent and temperature fields at altitudes between 20 and 45 km. Between these altitudes, the location of the maximum QBO amplitude roughly corresponds with the location of the largest vertical gradient in the constituent field. Thus, at 40 km where CH4 and HF have strong vertical gradients, QBO signals are correspondingly large, while at lower altitudes where the vertical gradients are weak, so are the QBO variations. Similarly, ozone, which is largely under dynamical control below 30 km in the tropics, has a strong QBO signal in the region of sharp vertical gradients (∼28 km) below the ozone peak. Above 35 km, annual and semi-annual variations are also found to be important components of the variability of long-lived tracers. Therefore, above 30 km, the variability in CH4 and HF at the equator is represented by a combination of semiannual, annual, and QBO timescales. A one-dimensional vertical transport model is used to further investigate the influence of annual and QBO variations on tropical constituent fields. QBO-induced vertical motions are calculated from observed high resolution Doppler imager (HRDI) zonal winds at the equator, while the mean annually varying tropical ascent rate is obtained from the Goddard two-dimensional model. Model simulations of tropical CH4 confirm the importance of both the annual cycle and the QBO in describing the HALOE CH4 observations above 30 km. Estimates of the tropical ascent rate and the variation due to the annual cycle and QBO are also discussed

    Proteasome Inhibitor Bortezomib Ameliorates Intestinal Injury in Mice

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    Background: Bortezomib is a proteasome inhibitor that has shown impressive efficacy in the treatment of multiple myeloma. In mice, the addition of dextran sulfate sodium (DSS) to drinking water leads to acute colitis that can serve as an experimental animal model for human ulcerative colitis. Methodology/Principal Findings: Bortezomib treatment was shown to potently inhibit murine DSS-induced colitis. The attenuation of DSS-induced colitis was associated with decreased inflammatory cell infiltration in the colon. Specifically, bortezomib-treated mice showed significantly decreased numbers of CD4 + and CD8 + T cells in the colon and mesenteric lymph nodes. Bortezomib treatment significantly diminished interferon (IFN)-c expression in the colon and mesenteric lymph nodes. Furthermore, cytoplasmic IFN-c production by CD4 + and CD8 + T cells in mesenteric lymph nodes was substantially decreased by bortezomib treatment. Notably, bortezomib enhanced T cell apoptosis by inhibiting nuclear factor-kB activation during DSS-induced colitis. Conclusions/Significance: Bortezomib treatment is likely to induce T cell death, thereby suppressing DSS-induced colitis by reducing IFN-c production

    Balloon-borne stratospheric BrO measurements: comparison with Envisat/SCIAMACHY BrO limb profiles

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    International audienceFor the first time, results of four stratospheric BrO profiling instruments, are presented and compared with reference to the SLIMCAT 3-dimensional chemical transport model (3-D CTM). Model calculations are used to infer a BrO profile validation set, measured by 3 different balloon sensors, for the new Envisat/SCIAMACHY (ENVIronment SATellite/SCanning Imaging Absorption spectroMeter for Atmospheric CHartographY) satellite instrument. The balloon observations include (a) balloon-borne in situ resonance fluorescence detection of BrO (Triple), (b) balloon-borne solar occultation DOAS measurements (Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy) of BrO in the UV, and (c) BrO profiling from the solar occultation SAOZ (Systeme d'Analyse par Observation Zenithale) balloon instrument. Since stratospheric BrO is subject to considerable diurnal variation and none of the measurements are performed close enough in time and space for a direct comparison, all balloon observations are considered with reference to outputs from the 3-D CTM. The referencing is performed by forward and backward air mass trajectory calculations to match the balloon with the satellite observations. The diurnal variation of BrO is considered by 1-D photochemical model calculation along the trajectories. The 1-D photochemical model is initialised with output data of the 3-D model with additional constraints on the vertical transport, the total amount and photochemistry of stratospheric bromine as given by the various balloon observations. Total [Bry]=(20.1±2.5) pptv obtained from DOAS BrO observations at mid-latitudes in 2003, serves as an upper limit of the comparison. Most of the balloon observations agree with the photochemical model predictions within their given error estimates. First retrieval exercises of BrO limb profiling from the SCIAMACHY satellite instrument on average agree to around 20% with the photochemically-corrected balloon observations of the remote sensing instruments (SAOZ and DOAS). An exception is the in situ Triple profile, in which the balloon and satellite data mostly does not agree within the given errors. In general, the satellite measurements show systematically higher values below 25 km than the balloon data and a change in profile shape above about 25 km

    Atmospheric temperature responses to solar irradiance and geomagnetic activity

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    The relative effects of solar irradiance and geomagnetic activity on the atmospheric temperature anomalies (Ta) are examined from the monthly to interdecadal timescales. Geomagnetic Ap (Ap) signals are found primarily in the stratosphere, while the solar F10.7-cm radio flux (Fs) signals are found in both the stratosphere and troposphere. In the troposphere, 0.1–0.4 K increases in Ta are associated with Fs. Enhanced Fs signals are found when the stratospheric quasi-biennial oscillation (QBO) is westerly. In the extrapolar region of the stratosphere, 0.1–0.6 and 0.1–0.7 K increases in Ta are associated with solar irradiance and with geomagnetic activity, respectively. In this region, Fs signals are strengthened when either the QBO is easterly, or geomagnetic activity is high, while Ap signals are strengthened when either the QBO is westerly, or solar irradiance is high. High solar irradiance and geomagnetic activity tend to enhance each other's signatures either making the signals stronger and symmetric about the equator or extending the signals to broader areas, or both. Positive Ap signals dominate the middle Arctic stratosphere and are two to five times larger than those of Fs. When solar irradiance is low, the signature of Ap in Ta is asymmetric about the equator, with positive signals in the Arctic stratosphere and negative signals at midlatitudes of the NH stratosphere. Weaker stratospheric QBO signals are associated with high Ap and Fs, suggesting possible disturbances on the QBO. The signals of Ap and Fs are distinct from the positive temperature anomalies resulting from volcanic eruptions

    Circadian Desynchrony Promotes Metabolic Disruption in a Mouse Model of Shiftwork

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    Shiftwork is associated with adverse metabolic pathophysiology, and the rising incidence of shiftwork in modern societies is thought to contribute to the worldwide increase in obesity and metabolic syndrome. The underlying mechanisms are largely unknown, but may involve direct physiological effects of nocturnal light exposure, or indirect consequences of perturbed endogenous circadian clocks. This study employs a two-week paradigm in mice to model the early molecular and physiological effects of shiftwork. Two weeks of timed sleep restriction has moderate effects on diurnal activity patterns, feeding behavior, and clock gene regulation in the circadian pacemaker of the suprachiasmatic nucleus. In contrast, microarray analyses reveal global disruption of diurnal liver transcriptome rhythms, enriched for pathways involved in glucose and lipid metabolism and correlating with first indications of altered metabolism. Although altered food timing itself is not sufficient to provoke these effects, stabilizing peripheral clocks by timed food access can restore molecular rhythms and metabolic function under sleep restriction conditions. This study suggests that peripheral circadian desynchrony marks an early event in the metabolic disruption associated with chronic shiftwork. Thus, strengthening the peripheral circadian system by minimizing food intake during night shifts may counteract the adverse physiological consequences frequently observed in human shift workers

    Early-Age-Related Changes in Proteostasis Augment Immunopathogenesis of Sepsis and Acute Lung Injury

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    adult) mechanisms that augment immunopathogenesis of sepsis and acute lung injury. model to standardize the efficacy of salubrinal (inhibitor of eIF2α de-phosphorylation) in controlling the accumulation of ubiquitinated proteins and the NFκB levels. Finally, we evaluated the therapeutic efficacy of salubrinal to correct proteostasis-imbalance in the adult mice based on its ability to control CLP induced IL-6 secretion or recruitment of pro-inflammatory cells.Our data demonstrate the critical role of early-age-related proteostasis-imbalance as a novel mechanism that augments the NFκB mediated inflammation in sepsis and ALI. Moreover, our data suggest the therapeutic efficacy of salubrinal in restraining NFκB mediated inflammation in the adult or older subjects