442 research outputs found
Intermittency and universality in a Lagrangian model of velocity gradients in three-dimensional turbulence
The universality of intermittency in hydrodynamic turbulence is considered based on a recent model for the velocity gradient tensor evolution. Three possible versions of the model are investigated differing in the assumed correlation time-scale and forcing strength. Numerical tests show that the same (universal) anomalous relative scaling exponents are obtained for the three model variants. It is also found that transverse velocity gradients are more intermittent than longitudinal ones, whereas dissipation and enstrophy scale with the same exponents. The results are consistent with the universality of intermittency and relative scaling exponents, and suggest that these are dictated by the self-stretching terms that are the same in each variant of the model
Direct Numerical Simulations of Turbulence Subjected to a Straining and De-Straining Cycle
In many turbulent flows, significant interactions between fluctuations and mean velocity gradients occur in nonequilibrium conditions, i.e., the turbulence does not have sufficient time to adjust to changes in the velocity gradients applied by the large scales. The simplest flow that retains such physics is the time dependent homogeneous strain flow. A detailed experimental study of initially isotropic turbulence subjected to a straining and destraining cycle was reported by Chen et al. [“Scale interactions of turbulence subjected to a straining-relaxation-destraining cycle,” J. Fluid Mech. 562, 123 (2006)] . Direct numerical simulation (DNS) of the experiment of Chen et al. [“Scale interactions of turbulence subjected to a straining-relaxation-destraining cycle,” J. Fluid Mech. 562, 123 (2006)] is undertaken, applying the measured straining and destraining cycle in the DNS. By necessity, the Reynolds number in the DNS is lower. The DNS study provides a complement to the experimental one including time evolution of small-scale gradients and pressure terms that could not be measured in the experiments. The turbulence response is characterized in terms of velocity variances, and similarities and differences between the experimental data and the DNS results are discussed. Most of the differences can be attributed to the response of the largest eddies, which, even if are subjected to the same straining cycle, evolve under different conditions in the simulations and experiment. To explore this issue, the time evolution of different initial conditions parametrized in terms of the integral scale is analyzed in computational domains with different aspect ratios. This systematic analysis is necessary to minimize artifacts due to unphysical confinement effects of the flow. The evolution of turbulent kinetic energy production predicted by DNS, in agreement with experimental data, provides a significant backscatter of kinetic energy during the destraining phase. This behavior is explained in terms of Reynolds stress anisotropy and nonequilibrium conditions. From the DNS, a substantial persistency of anisotropy is observed up to small scales, i.e., at the level of velocity gradients. Due to the time dependent deformation, we find that the major contribution in the Reynolds stresses budget is provided by the production term and by the pressure/strain correlation, resulting in large time variation of velocity intensities. The DNS data are compared with predictions from the classical Launder–Reece–Rodi isoptropic production [ B. E. Launder et al., “Progress in the development of a Reynolds stress turbulence closure,” J. Fluid Mech. 68, 537 (1975) ] Reynolds stress model, showing good agreement with some differences for the redistribution term
Wavelet transform modulus maxima based fractal correlation analysis
The wavelet transform modulus maxima (WTMM) used in the singularity analysis
of one fractal function is extended to study the fractal correlation of two
multifractal functions. The technique is developed in the framework of joint
partition function analysis (JPFA) proposed by Meneveau et al. [1] and is shown
to be equally effective. In addition, we show that another leading approach
developed for the same purpose, namely, relative multifractal analysis, can be
considered as a special case of JPFA at a particular parameter setting.Comment: 18 pgs, 5 fig
Dynamic Smagorinsky model on anisotropic grids
Large Eddy Simulation (LES) of complex-geometry flows often involves highly anisotropic meshes. To examine the performance of the dynamic Smagorinsky model in a controlled fashion on such grids, simulations of forced isotropic turbulence are performed using highly anisotropic discretizations. The resulting model coefficients are compared with a theoretical prediction (Scotti et al., 1993). Two extreme cases are considered: pancake-like grids, for which two directions are poorly resolved compared to the third, and pencil-like grids, where one direction is poorly resolved when compared to the other two. For pancake-like grids the dynamic model yields the results expected from the theory (increasing coefficient with increasing aspect ratio), whereas for pencil-like grids the dynamic model does not agree with the theoretical prediction (with detrimental effects only on smallest resolved scales). A possible explanation of the departure is attempted, and it is shown that the problem may be circumvented by using an isotropic test-filter at larger scales. Overall, all models considered give good large-scale results, confirming the general robustness of the dynamic and eddy-viscosity models. But in all cases, the predictions were poor for scales smaller than that of the worst resolved direction
Translationally invariant cumulants in energy cascade models of turbulence
In the context of random multiplicative energy cascade processes, we derive
analytical expressions for translationally invariant one- and two-point
cumulants in logarithmic field amplitudes. Such cumulants make it possible to
distinguish between hitherto equally successful cascade generator models and
hence supplement lowest-order multifractal scaling exponents and multiplier
distributions.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figs, elsart.cls include
Dynamic model with scale-dependent coefficients in the viscous range
The standard dynamic procedure is based on the scale-invariance assumption that the model coefficient C is the same at the grid and test-filter levels. In many applications this condition is not met, e.g. when the filter-length, delta, approaches the Kolmogorov scale, and C(delta approaches eta) approaches O. Using a priori tests, we show that the standard dynamic model yields the coefficient corresponding to the test-filter scale (alpha delta) instead of the grid-scale (delta). Several approaches to account for scale dependence are examined and/or tested in large eddy simulation of isotropic turbulence: (a) take the limit alpha approaches 1; (b) solve for two unknown coefficients C(Delta) and C(alpha delta) in the least-square-error formulation; (c) the 'bi-dynamic model', in which two test-filters (e.g. at scales 2(delta) and 4(delta) are employed to gain additional information on possible scale-dependence of the coefficient, and an improved estimate for the grid-level coefficient is obtained by extrapolation, (d) use theoretical predictions for the ratio C(alpha delta)/C(delta) and dynamically solve for C(delta). None of these options is found to be entirely satisfactory, although the last approach appears applicable to the viscous range
Entropy and fluctuation relations in isotropic turbulence
Based on a generalized local Kolmogorov-Hill equation expressing the
evolution of kinetic energy integrated over spheres of size in the
inertial range of fluid turbulence, we examine a possible definition of entropy
and entropy generation for turbulence. Its measurement from direct numerical
simulations in isotropic turbulence leads to confirmation of the validity of
the fluctuation relation (FR) from non-equilibrium thermodynamics in the
inertial range of turbulent flows. Specifically, the ratio of probability
densities of forward and inverse cascade at scale is shown to follow
exponential behavior with the entropy generation rate if the latter is defined
by including an appropriately defined notion of ``temperature of turbulence''
proportional to the kinetic energy at scale
A Lagrangian dynamic subgrid-scale model turbulence
A new formulation of the dynamic subgrid-scale model is tested in which the error associated with the Germano identity is minimized over flow pathlines rather than over directions of statistical homogeneity. This procedure allows the application of the dynamic model with averaging to flows in complex geometries that do not possess homogeneous directions. The characteristic Lagrangian time scale over which the averaging is performed is chosen such that the model is purely dissipative, guaranteeing numerical stability when coupled with the Smagorinsky model. The formulation is tested successfully in forced and decaying isotropic turbulence and in fully developed and transitional channel flow. In homogeneous flows, the results are similar to those of the volume-averaged dynamic model, while in channel flow, the predictions are superior to those of the plane-averaged dynamic model. The relationship between the averaged terms in the model and vortical structures (worms) that appear in the LES is investigated. Computational overhead is kept small (about 10 percent above the CPU requirements of the volume or plane-averaged dynamic model) by using an approximate scheme to advance the Lagrangian tracking through first-order Euler time integration and linear interpolation in space
Vortices within vortices: hierarchical nature of vortex tubes in turbulence
The JHU turbulence database [1] can be used with a state of the art
visualisation tool [2] to generate high quality fluid dynamics videos. In this
work we investigate the classical idea that smaller structures in turbulent
flows, while engaged in their own internal dynamics, are advected by the larger
structures. They are not advected undistorted, however. We see instead that the
small scale structures are sheared and twisted by the larger scales. This
illuminates the basic mechanisms of the turbulent cascade.Comment: 2 pages, 1 low quality video, 1 high quality vide
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