87 research outputs found

    An Integrated Framework for the Detection of Lung Nodules from Multimodal Images Using Segmentation Network and Generative Adversarial Network Techniques

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    Medical imaging techniques are providing promising results in identifying abnormalities in tissues. The presence of such tissues leads to further investigation on these cells in particular. Lung cancer is seen widely and is deadliest in nature if not detected and treated at an early stage. Medical imaging techniques help to identify the presence of suspicious tissues like lung nodules effectively. But it is very difficult to know the presence of the nodule at an early stage with the help of a single imaging modality. The proposed system increases the efficiency of the system and helps to identify the presence of lung nodules at an early stage. This is achieved by combining different methods for reaching a common outcome. Multiple schemes are combined and the extracted features are used for obtaining a conclusion. The accuracy of the system and the results depend on the quality and quantity of the authentic training data. But the availability of the data from an authentic source for the study is a challenging task. Here the generative adversarial network (GAN), is used as a data source generator. It helps to generate a huge amount of reliable data by using a minimum number of real time and authentic data set. Images generated by the GAN are of resolution 1024 x 1024.Fine tuning of the images by using the real images increases the quality of the generated images and thereby improving the efficiency.   Luna 16 is the primary data source and these images are used for the generation of 1000000 images. Training process with the huge dataset improves the capability of the proposed system. Various parameters are considered for evaluating the performance of the proposed system. Comparative analysis with existing systems highlights the strengths of the proposed system

    Study on the role of mitomycin C in the Management of ocular surface squamous neoplasia

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    AIM OF THE STUDY: 1. To evaluate the role of Mitomycin C as an adjuvant therapy intraoperatively and post operatively in the management of Ocular Surface Squamous Neoplasia. 2. To determine the role of Mitomycin C in the prevention of recurrence of Ocular Surface Squamous Neoplasia. METHOD: The proposed study is a prospective Study conducted in 20 patients. After surgical excision intraoperatively 0.4mg/ml of Mitomycin c applied over the excised site for 3-4 minutes. Postoperatively 2 cycles of 0.04% Mitomycin c eye drops 4 times per day was given approximately 2 weeks after the surgical excision, each cycle lasting for 1 week with off period of 1 week in between.Antibiotic steroid eyedrops given throughout the postoperative period. RESULTS: Among the 20 patients studied 19 showed good outcome and no Recurrence over the period of 12 months observation. 1 patient developed Recurrence. only 2 patients had short limiting complications. No long term and systemic complications. CONCLUSION: Intraoperative and postoperative use of mitomycin c is effective in the management of OSSN and is quite effective in preventing the recurrence

    Antioxidant and free radical scavenging activity of Sida rhomboidea. Roxb methanolic extract determined using different in vitro models [Actividades antioxidante y neutralizante de radicales libres del extracto metanólico de Sida rhomboidea. Roxb determin

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    El potencial antioxidante del extracto metanólico de Sida rhomboidea.Roxb (MESR) fue evaluada por modelos in vitro tales como peroxidaciónlipídica, quelación de metales y potencial reductor. Su capacidad de neutralizar radicales libres fue determinada in vitro en ensayos de DPPH, superóxido (.O2),peróxido de hidrógeno (H2O2), óxido nítrico (NO.) and el radical hidroxil (HO.). MESR mostró una inhibición dosis dependiente de la peroxidación lipídica,(IC50= 92.15±1.21 μg/ml), una quelación efectiva de metales (IC50=65.69±1.22 μg/ml) y un alto potencial reductor (ODmax=1.20±0.27). MESR neutralizóeficientemente el DPPH (IC50=63.23±1.59 μg/ml), .O2 (IC50=142.36±2.59 μg/ml), H2O2 (IC50=125.96±3.00 μg/ml), NO. (IC50=85.36±2.01 μg/ml) y HO.(IC50=90.45±1.88 μg/ml) de una manera dosis dependiente. Los resultados pueden ser atriuidos a la presencia en el MESR de polifenoles (35.60±1.20 mg/mlpolifenoles equivalentes al ácido gálico), flavanoides (26.94±0.94 mg/ml flavanoides equivalentes a la quercetina) y ácido ascórbico (28.71±1.14 mg/ml).Estas observaciones sugieren actividades antioxidante y neutralizante de radicales libres en MESR que añaden una nueva dimensión a sus conocidasaplicaciones terapéuticas

    Interleukin-1β orchestrates underlying inflammatory responses in microglia via Kruppel-like factor 4

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    Microglia are the resident macrophages of the CNS, which secrete several pro‐ and anti‐inflammatory cyto‐chemokines including interleukin‐1β (IL‐1β), in response to pathogenic stimuli. Once secreted, IL‐1β binds to IL‐1 receptor present on microglia and initiates the production of inflammatory cytokines in microglia. However, the detailed information regarding the molecular mechanisms of IL‐1β triggered inflammatory pathways in microglia is lacking. Our studies focused on the role of Krüppel‐like factor 4 (Klf4) in mediating the regulation of pro‐inflammatory gene expression upon IL‐1β stimulation in microglia. Our studies show that stimulation of microglia with IL‐1β robustly induces Klf4 via PI3K/Akt pathway which positively regulates the production of endogenous IL‐1β as well as other pro‐inflammatory markers, cyclooxygenase‐2, monocyte chemoattractant protein‐1 and interleukin‐6 (IL‐6). In addition, we report that Klf4 negatively regulates the expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase, thereby playing a key role in regulating the immunomodulatory activities of microglia. IL‐1β is a potent pro‐inflammatory cytokine which regulates inflammation in brain via activation of microglia. In this regard, we unravelled mechanisms for IL‐1β mediated regulation of downstream Cox‐2, iNOS (inducible nitric oxide synthase) as well as other cyto‐chemokines in microglia and have established a role for Klf4 in mediating microglial activation. We further report that Klf4 mediates the production of endogenous IL‐1β in response to exogenous IL‐1β stimulation. We hereby propose a novel transcription factor underlying IL‐1β mediated modulation of inflammation in the CNS

    Natural Products for the Treatment of Obesity, Metabolic Syndrome, and Type 2 Diabetes 2014

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    Editorial. In the modern and contemporary world, the incidence of obesity, metabolic syndrome, and type II diabetes is rising continuously due to modernization in life style and dietary habits. Herbal medicines have been shown to be beneficial against coexistence of these ailments. In 2013, we published a special issue on “Natural products for the treatment of obesity, metabolic syndrome, and type 2 diabetes” in EvidenceBased Complementary and Alternative Medicine (eCAM). After receiving an overwhelming number of submissions and successful compilation of research/review articles in the first season, the decision to publish annual special issue on this subject has been made by eCAM. Herein we present the 2014 issue in this series. This special issue consists of 5 original research papers and 4 review articles

    Amelioration of carbon tetrachloride induced hepatotoxicity in rats by standardized Feronia limonia. Linn leaf extracts

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    The hepatoprotective potential of standardized Feronia limonia (Family, Rutaceae) methanolic extract (FL-7) and chloroform soluble fraction (FL-9) were assessed against carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) induced oxidative stress and hepatotoxicity in rats. Rats treated with CCl4 recorded significant elevation in plasma markers of hepatic injury, alteration in hepatic antioxidant status and histopathological damages. However, rats pretreated with FL-7 (200 or 400 mg/kg, p.o.) and FL-9 (100 or 200 mg/kg, p.o.) for 7 days and later administered CCl4 (0.5 ml/kg, i.p.) recorded lowered indices of the above mentioned parameters and minimal histological damage in a dose dependent manner. These results were comparable to that of CCl4+silymarin treated rats. The results obtained with FL-7 and FL-9 are attributable to their free radical scavenging potential due to high contents of polyphenols and flavonols recorded herein. Overall, this study establishes the efficacy of FL-7 and FL-9 as hepatoprotective agents against CCl4 induced hepatotoxicity in rats

    Natural Products for the Treatment of Obesity, Metabolic Syndrome, and Type 2 Diabetes 2016

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    Editorial: The prevalence of obesity, metabolic syndrome, and type 2 diabetes is continuously on rise due to modernization of life style and changing dietary habits. Use of herbal medicines for the treatment of metabolic diseases is a viable option and list of potential candidates is ever expanding. This 2016 edition of this special issue regarding natural products for the treatment of obesity, metabolic syndrome, and type 2 diabetes contains 8 articles accepted from a total of 21 submissions consisting of 6 research articles and 2 clinical studies

    Designing a Renewable Energy System for Industrial IoT with Artificial Intelligence

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    This paper reviews the integration of renewable energy systems with Industrial IoT (IIoT) through Artificial Intelligence (AI). It examines various studies focusing on the design and monitoring of solar-powered wireless sensor nodes in diverse IIoT settings, particularly outdoors. A proposed distributed network architecture, underpinned by open-source technologies, aims for efficient solar power harvesting and data acquisition on solar radiation and ambient parameters. This data aids in devising estimation techniques to predict solar panel voltage outputs, optimizing energy utilisation of solar-powered sensor nodes. The discourse extends to photovoltaic plants, emphasising continuous monitoring and fault detection for operational safety and reliability. Reviewed works advocate embedding AI and IoT for remote sensing, fault detection, and diagnosis, addressing challenges posed by undetectable faults. Furthermore, the paper explores AI’s transformative potential in the broader energy sector, impacting electricity production, distribution, energy storage, and efficiency. The synergy of AI, IIoT, and renewable energy systems is underscored as a conduit for enhancing energy management, operational transparency, and deploying cost-effective solutions for complex industrial challenges, significantly bolstering the efficiency and intelligence of industrial production and services

    Recurrence Quantification Analysis of EEG signals for Children with ASD

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    438-448The present study aims at identifying the brain response for auditory/visual stimuli in typically developing (TD) and children with autism through electroencephalography (EEG). Early diagnoses do help in customized training and progressing the children in regular stream. To reveal the underlying brain dynamics, non-linear analysis was employed. In the current study, Recurrent Quantification Analysis (RQA) with varying parameters was analyzed. For better information retrieval, cosine distance metric is additionally considered for analysis and compared with other distance metrics in RQA. Each computational combination of RQA is measured and the responding channels were analyzed and discussed. It was observed that the FAN neighborhood with cosine distance parameters was able to discriminate between ASD and TD prominently