263 research outputs found

    Ketogenic diet effects on inflammatory allodynia and ongoing pain in rodents

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    © 2021, The Author(s). Ketogenic diets are very low carbohydrate, high fat, moderate protein diets used to treat medication-resistant epilepsy. Growing evidence suggests that one of the ketogenic diet’s main mechanisms of action is reducing inflammation. Here, we examined the diet’s effects on experimental inflammatory pain in rodent models. Young adult rats and mice were placed on the ketogenic diet or maintained on control diet. After 3–4 weeks on their respective diets, complete Freund’s adjuvant (CFA) was injected in one hindpaw to induce inflammation; the contralateral paw was used as the control. Tactile sensitivity (von Frey) and indicators of spontaneous pain were quantified before and after CFA injection. Ketogenic diet treatment significantly reduced tactile allodynia in both rats and mice, though with a species-specific time course. There was a strong trend to reduced spontaneous pain in rats but not mice. These data suggest that ketogenic diets or other ketogenic treatments might be useful treatments for conditions involving inflammatory pain

    El efecto preventivo de la sanción pecuniaria disuasiva

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    La concepción moderna que limitaba la función de la responsabilidad civil a la resarcitoria reinó en los ordenamientos jurídicos inspirados en el Código Francés de 1804, que acotaba la intervención del Derecho Privado a la etapa posterior al daño antijurídicamente causado. No obstante, ya en el siglo pasado se abrió un debate en la dogmática jurídica sobre la posibilidad de que aquel sistema cumpliera funciones distintas a las resarcitorias. En este camino, lentamente fueron ganando terreno aquellas concepciones doctrinarias que ampliaban las objetivos del denominado Derecho de Daños y ello se convirtió en una cuestión de intenso debate. Se comenzó así a hablar de la polifuncionalidad de esta rama del Derecho para hacer referencia a la idea del reconocimiento, a la par de la clásica función de reparación del daño, de otras finalidades, como la preventiva y la punitiva.Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociale

    Direct evidence of overdamped Peierls-coupled modes in TTF-CA temperature-induced phase transition

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    In this paper we elucidate the optical response resulting from the interplay of charge distribution (ionicity) and Peierls instability (dimerization) in the neutral-ionic, ferroelectric phase transition of tetrathiafulvalene-chloranil (TTF-CA), a mixed-stack quasi-one-dimensional charge-transfer crystal. We present far-infrared reflectivity measurements down to 5 cm-1 as a function of temperature above the phase transition (300 - 82 K). The coupling between electrons and lattice phonons in the pre-transitional regime is analyzed on the basis of phonon eigenvectors and polarizability calculations of the one-dimensional Peierls-Hubbard model. We find a multi-phonon Peierls coupling, but on approaching the transition the spectral weight and the coupling shift progressively towards the phonons at lower frequencies, resulting in a soft-mode behavior only for the lowest frequency phonon near the transition temperature. Moreover, in the proximity of the phase transition, the lowest-frequency phonon becomes overdamped, due to anharmonicity induced by its coupling to electrons. The implications of these findings for the neutral-ionic transition mechanism is shortly discussed.Comment: 11 pages, 13 figure

    Structure and dynamics of pentacene on SiO2: From monolayer to bulk structure

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    We have used confocal micro Raman spectroscopy, atomic force microscopy (AFM), and x-ray diffraction (XRD) to investigate pentacene films obtained by vacuum deposition on SiO2 substrates. These methods allow us to follow the evolution of lattice structure, vibrational dynamics, and crystal morphology during the growth from monolayer, to TF, and, finally, to bulk crystal. The Raman measurements, supported by the AFM and XRD data, indicate that the film morphology depends on the deposition rate. High deposition rates yield two-dimensional nucleation and quasi-layer-by-layer growth of the T-F form only. Low rates yield three-dimensional nucleation and growth, with phase mixing occurring in sufficiently thick films, where the T-F form is accompanied by the "high-temperature" bulk phase. Our general findings are consistent with those of previous work. However, the Raman measurements, supported by lattice dynamics calculations, provide additional insight into the nature of the TFs, showing that their characteristic spectra originate from a loss of dynamical correlation between adjacent layers

    The Interplay between PolyQ and Protein Context Delays Aggregation by Forming a Reservoir of Protofibrils

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    Polyglutamine (polyQ) diseases are inherited neurodegenerative disorders caused by the expansion of CAG codon repeats, which code for polyQ in the corresponding gene products. These diseases are associated with the presence of amyloid-like protein aggregates, induced by polyQ expansion. It has been suggested that the soluble aggregates rather than the mature fibrillar aggregates are the toxic species, and that the aggregation properties of polyQ can be strongly modulated by the surrounding protein context. To assess the importance of the protein carrier in polyQ aggregation, we have studied the misfolding pathway and the kinetics of aggregation of polyQ of lengths above (Q41) and below (Q22) the pathological threshold fused to the well-characterized protein carrier glutathione S-transferase (GST). This protein, chosen as a model system, is per se able to misfold and aggregate irreversibly, thus mimicking the behaviour of domains of naturally occurring polyQ proteins. We prove that, while it is generally accepted that the aggregation kinetics of polyQ depend on its length and are faster for longer polyQ tracts, the presence of GST alters the polyQ aggregation pathway and reverses this trend. Aggregation occurs through formation of a reservoir of soluble intermediates whose populations and kinetic stabilities increase with polyQ length. Our results provide a new model that explains the toxicity of expanded polyQ proteins, in which the interplay between polyQ regions and other aggregation-prone domains plays a key role in determining the aggregation pathway

    Giant infrared intensity of the Peierls mode at the neutral-ionic phase transition

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    We present exact diagonalization results on a modified Peierls-Hubbard model for the neutral-ionic phase transition. The ground state potential energy surface and the infrared intensity of the Peierls mode point to a strong, non-linear electron-phonon coupling, with effects that are dominated by the proximity to the electronic instability rather than by electronic correlations. The huge infrared intensity of the Peierls mode at the ferroelectric transition is related to the temperature dependence of the dielectric constant of mixed-stack organic crystals.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Ordering phenomena in quasi one-dimensional organic conductors

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    Low-dimensional organic conductors could establish themselves as model systems for the investigation of the physics in reduced dimensions. In the metallic state of a one-dimensional solid, Fermi-liquid theory breaks down and spin and charge degrees of freedom become separated. But the metallic phase is not stable in one dimension: as the temperature is reduced, the electronic charge and spin tend to arrange themselves in an ordered fashion due to strong correlations. The competition of the different interactions is responsible for which broken-symmetry ground state is eventually realized in a specific compound and which drives the system towards an insulating state. Here we review the various ordering phenomena and how they can be identified by optic and magnetic measurements. While the final results might look very similar in the case of a charge density wave and a charge-ordered metal, for instance, the physical cause is completely different. When density waves form, a gap opens in the density of states at the Fermi energy due to nesting of the one-dimension Fermi surface sheets. When a one-dimensional metal becomes a charge-ordered Mott insulator, on the other hand, the short-range Coulomb repulsion localizes the charge on the lattice sites and even causes certain charge patterns. We try to point out the similarities and conceptional differences of these phenomena and give an example for each of them. Particular emphasis will be put on collective phenomena which are inherently present as soon as ordering breaks the symmetry of the system.Comment: Review article Naturwissenschaften 200

    Structural Properties of Polyglutamine Aggregates Investigated via Molecular Dynamics Simulations

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    Polyglutamine (polyQ) beta-stranded aggregates constitute the hallmark of Huntington disease. The disease is fully penetrant when Q residues are more than 36-40 ("disease threshold"). Here, based on a molecular dynamics study on polyQ helical structures of different shapes and oligomeric states, we suggest that the stability of the aggregates increases with the number of monomers, while it is rather insensitive to the number of Qs in each monomer. However, the stability of the single monomer does depend on the number of side-chain intramolecular H-bonds, and therefore oil the number of Qs. If such number is lower than that of the disease threshold, the beta-stranded monomers are unstable and hence may aggregate with lower probability, consistently with experimental findings. Our results provide a possible interpretation of the apparent polyQ length dependent-toxicity, and they do not support the so-called "structural threshold hypothesis", which supposes a transition from random coil to a beta-sheet structure only above the disease threshold
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