288 research outputs found

    Self-propulsion against a moving membrane: enhanced accumulation and drag force

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    Self-propulsion (SP) is a main feature of active particles (AP), such as bacteria or biological micromotors, distinguishing them from passive colloids. A renowned consequence of SP is accumulation at static interfaces, even in the absence of hydrodynamic interactions. Here we address the role of SP in the interaction between AP and a moving semipermeable membrane. In particular, we implement a model of noninteracting AP in a channel crossed by a partially penetrable wall, moving at a constant velocity cc. With respect to both the cases of passive colloids with c>0c>0 and AP with c=0c=0, the AP with finite cc show enhancement of accumulation in front of the obstacle and experience a largely increased drag force. This effect is understood in terms of an effective potential localised at the interface between particles and membrane, of height proportional to cτ/ξc\tau/\xi, where τ\tau is the AP's re-orientation time and ξ\xi the width characterising the surface's smoothness (ξ→0\xi\to 0 for hard core obstacles). An approximate analytical scheme is able to reproduce the observed density profiles and the measured drag force, in very good agreement with numerical simulations. The effects discussed here can be exploited for automatic selection and filtering of AP with desired parameters.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figure

    Driven low density granular mixtures

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    We study the steady state properties of a 2D granular mixture in the presence of energy driving by employing simple analytical estimates and Direct Simulation Monte Carlo. We adopt two different driving mechanisms: a) a homogeneous heat bath with friction and b) a vibrating boundary (thermal or harmonic) in the presence of gravity. The main findings are: the appearance of two different granular temperatures, one for each species; the existence of overpopulated tails in the velocity distribution functions and of non trivial spatial correlations indicating the spontaneous formation of cluster aggregates. In the case of a fluid subject to gravity and to a vibrating boundary, both densities and temperatures display non uniform profiles along the direction normal to the wall, in particular the temperature profiles are different for the two species while the temperature ratio is almost constant with the height. Finally, we obtained the velocity distributions at different heights and verified the non gaussianity of the resulting distributions.Comment: 19 pages, 12 figures, submitted for publicatio

    Which is the temperature of granular systems? A mean field model of free cooling inelastic mixtures

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    We consider a mean field model describing the free cooling process of a two component granular mixture, a generalization of so called Maxwell model. The cooling is viewed as an ordering process and the scaling behavior is attributed to the presence of an attractive fixed point at v=0v=0 for the dynamics. By means of asymptotic analysis of the Boltzmann equation and of numerical simulations we get the following results: 1)we establish the existence of two different partial granular temperatures, one for each component, which violates the Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics; 2) we obtain the scaling form of the two distribution functions; 3) we prove the existence of a continuous spectrum of exponents characterizing the inverse-power law decay of the tails of the velocity, which generalizes the previously reported value 4 for the pure model; 4) we find that the exponents depend on the composition, masses and restitution coefficients of the mixture; 5) we also remark that the reported distributions represent a dynamical realization of those predicted by the Non Extensive Statistical Mechanics, in spite of the fact that ours stem from a purely dynamical approach.Comment: 23 pages, 9 figures. submitted for publicatio

    Effective equilibrium states in the colored-noise model for active matter II. A unified framework for phase equilibria, structure and mechanical properties

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    Active particles driven by colored noise can be approximately mapped onto a system that obeys detailed balance. The effective interactions which can be derived for such a system allow the description of the structure and phase behavior of the active fluid by means of an effective free energy. In this paper we explain why the related thermodynamic results for pressure and interfacial tension do not represent the results one would measure mechanically. We derive a dynamical density functional theory, which in the steady state simultaneously validates the use of effective interactions and provides access to mechanical quantities. Our calculations suggest that in the colored-noise model the mechanical pressure in the coexisting phases might be unequal and the interfacial tension can become negative

    Dynamics in inhomogeneous liquids and glasses via the test particle limit

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    We show that one may view the self and the distinct part of the van Hove dynamic correlation function of a simple fluid as the one-body density distributions of a binary mixture that evolve in time according to dynamical density functional theory. For a test case of soft core Brownian particles the theory yields results for the van Hove function that agree quantitatively with those of our Brownian dynamics computer simulations. At sufficiently high densities the free energy landscape underlying the dynamics exhibits a barrier as a function of the mean particle displacement, shedding new light on the nature of glass formation. For hard spheres confined between parallel planar walls the barrier height oscillates in-phase with the local density, implying that the mobility is maximal between layers, which should be experimentally observable in confined colloidal dispersions.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Steady state properties of a mean field model of driven inelastic mixtures

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    We investigate a Maxwell model of inelastic granular mixture under the influence of a stochastic driving and obtain its steady state properties in the context of classical kinetic theory. The model is studied analytically by computing the moments up to the eighth order and approximating the distributions by means of a Sonine polynomial expansion method. The main findings concern the existence of two different granular temperatures, one for each species, and the characterization of the distribution functions, whose tails are in general more populated than those of an elastic system. These analytical results are tested against Monte Carlo numerical simulations of the model and are in general in good agreement. The simulations, however, reveal the presence of pronounced non-gaussian tails in the case of an infinite temperature bath, which are not well reproduced by the Sonine method.Comment: 23 pages, 10 figures, submitted for publicatio

    Fluctuation-Induced Casimir Forces in Granular Fluids

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    We have numerically investigated the behavior of driven non-cohesive granular media and found that two fixed large intruder particles, immersed in a sea of small particles, experience, in addition to a short range depletion force, a long range repulsive force. The observed long range interaction is fluctuation-induced and we propose a mechanism similar to the Casimir effect that generates it: the hydrodynamic fluctuations are geometrically confined between the intruders, producing an unbalanced renormalized pressure. An estimation based on computing the possible Fourier modes explains the repulsive force and is in qualitative agreement with the simulations.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. Accepted in Phys. Rev. Letter

    Multiple time-scale approach for a system of Brownian particles in a non-uniform temperature field

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    The Smoluchowsky equation for a system of interacting Brownian particles in a temperature gradient is derived from the Kramers equation by means of a multiple time-scale method. The interparticle interactions are assumed to be represented by a mean-field description. We present numerical results that compare well with the theoretical prediction together with an extensive discussion on the prescription of the Langevin equation in overdamped systems.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figure

    Phase separation in systems with absorbing states

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    We study the problem of phase separation in systems with a positive definite order parameter, and in particular, in systems with absorbing states. Owing to the presence of a single minimum in the free energy driving the relaxation kinetics, there are some basic properties differing from standard phase separation. We study analytically and numerically this class of systems; in particular we determine the phase diagram, the growth laws in one and two dimensions and the presence of scale invariance. Some applications are also discussed.Comment: Submitted to Europhysics Let
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